Dawnlark Plains LXXIII
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
optional pack hunt! @New Snow @Mulherin @Carrion @Moon Runner @Tuesdays Dawn @Ruckus @Tuesday Afternoon @Box (twilight, wont let me tag smh)

wealda was gone. 

the rise needed to hunt.

both of these things occupied the same urgency within mountain boulder for now. they could not search if they were not fed. if wealda had grown sicker and withdrawn, the rise must be tended while she recovered,

since moon runner was also still recovering, he wished his daughter to stay with chipmunk and the other pups. that left them enough hunters to target the sparse herd of caribou moving slowly across the plains.

watchful, mountain boulder at last called a single note.
Redtail Rise
336 Posts
Ooc — April
he too had not seen redd.

and so he spent his days on the borders. quiet, vigilant, idly searching for traces of her. making up for time lost in effort spent to defend their claim. 

he is relieved when ulfhedinn calls—their caches were lower than usual, and his stomach constantly gnawed at him for food. slowly, the bulk of his weight would return.

he joins the huntlead with a woof, and surveys the gathering of caribou ahead.
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
Redtail Rise
329 Posts
Ooc — ???
It would be good to stretch her legs, to run. With all the sickness about New Snow had taken special care to be nearest to her youngest at most moments, ranging only with her man—he, like her, was like to avoid the sickly scents. 

And now they returned here. To a different degree—not within, but around. It was a relief, but still unnerving. New Snow patrolled some days to make sure its source had never followed.

Wealda was absent—New Snow fret. But perhaps she traveled again to find more wayward cubs… or perhaps it was the sickness. New Snow could not wait to give herself to the hunt, to let the stress fade in the same way their quarries life soon would. 

She moved to greet her man with nuzzles and licks, before looking to the returned one. He looked tired, but still smelled alright—she worried for him, too. This hunt would do him good. She approached and nosed him in relieved greeting, licking her chops.
Redtail Rise
191 Posts
Ooc — ‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅
Wealda’s absence was noticed by every wolf.

Wise Father called and Moon Runner answered.

She met the hunting party on the fringes of the plains in a sociable way when they all came together. Her white tail swept in circles as she mingled between Wise Father, Mother, and Faraway Shadow with happy vocalizations, muzzle bumps, and friendly smiles. It felt good to be together again, though without Wealda and Vulture Moon Runner did not feel whole.

The weather was fair, and Moon Runner thought this might bode well. Though she was an adept hunter, Wise Father’s signal was clear. She would gather up Chipmunk, Pebble, Little Paw, and Clover to watch the hunt from a safe place upon one of the Rise’s many hills.

Moon Runner remembered when she had once observed a pack hunt with Blood Spot and Faraway Shadow. Things had come full circle, it seemed. Soon, the pack’s children would be asked what path they intended to take.

Moon Runner kept an eye out for the inconsolible Vulture, especially. She had not interacted with her den sister in a long time.

We stay here, Moon Runner’s spirit instructed the youngsters.

Then, her gaze settled on the Ulfhedinn’s silhouette.
Redtail Rise
64 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Please let me know if I need to edit any of the assumptions here! :)

His pale brow furrowed as Cambria stared across the sprawling plain. He saw the herd moving in the distance, though it wasn’t the caribou which preoccupied him. The yearling couldn’t stop thinking about the little red pup sprawled in the dirt.

A howl cut into his thoughts and he stood at attention, head snapping to his left where he saw Ulfhedinn rallying hunters. Cambria hesitated as if uncertain of his welcome, then broke into a steady lope. He minded his posture as he approached the group.

His attention drifted from one familiar face to the next before landing on one he didn’t know. Cambria licked his lips and nodded to her, curious about her name and whether she was among those who spoke. Inquisitive though he was, something else captured his attention: Treow, moving away with the pups, the red runt in tow.
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
next round, still up for anyone to join! <3 no posting order!

as moon runner led the pups to safer vantage, mountain boulder watched her for a moment. it would be good to have another hunter, but he did not want the young ones to compromise the hunt. 

yellow eyes assured she would join them another time before he greeted new snow with loving enthusiasm and night eye with a hearty flag of his tail.

snow rain came last, but was no less welcomed by a brush from the huntlead. only assurance among their ranks would see them through another dangerous hunt.

two of the caribou suffered botflies. but the second had the white lines of an additional fungal infection setting along one forehoof. mountain boulder watched them each for several moments. the second would be more easily captured, but they risked sickness in their meat. 

for that reason, he chose the first. 

there was an unspoken expectation inside the great grey man that the newer hunters simply watch, participate, and understand. 

readied, adrenaline rushing, mountain boulder's lope turned into a powerful charge that sent him directly at the heart of the herd, as he had done so many times before. 

the caribou's group held, but only just, ears flicking in terror and the frightened snorts signalling their unsurety as he hurtled toward them, focused only on the redtail quarry.
Redtail Rise
329 Posts
Ooc — ???
She had hunted with her man many times. Her eyes lingered upon her young daughter and even younger cubs that followed after her, tail swaying between her hocks and cheeks still wet from Mountain Boulders greeting. No doubt his own whiskers were as well for the way in which she matched him, and it was with this thought she looked back to him with bright eyes.

This hunt would be good. She greeted her pack mates with happy whuffs and a swaying tail. New Snow sniffed at them all, and allowed them the space to do the same. All among them smelled hearty and hale, which reinforced her earlier thought.

She observed with the hunt lead. She licked her chops as New Snow watched as he made his choice. And as he broke into a run, she was quick to follow. It would be numbers that would force the herd to motion, and New Snow watched the group become further unsettled. One younger than the rest was the first to bolt, and New Snow could smell the panic among its fellows as others then followed. 

Once they closed in, New Snow would begin the long and enduring work of the chase. This, though, was another thing she was made for! New Snow watched with sharp eyes the movements of the fleeing herd, knowing as they closed in she would need to be cognizant of heavier bodies and sharp hooves.
Redtail Rise
336 Posts
Ooc — April
others are soon to join. moon runner does not hunt today, but rather keeps a watchful eye over the young ones.

he reciprocates the warm greetings of both mountain boulder and new snow with sniffs and wagging tail.

another figure approaches—he gives an approving nod to the newcomer, cambria, pleased to see he intends to make himself useful.

luckily for them, the ulfhedinn's assessments were sure-fire.

he too assesses the herd, and follow's the huntlead's eyes to find the caribou he decided they would pursue.

finally, the pair rush into action. he is quick to follow, dodging and weaving through the now frightened herd.

a caribou swerves ahead of him and he snaps at its heels to drive it away from the tail of new snow.
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
Redtail Rise
64 Posts
Ooc — Kat
His attention lingered on the red pup too long. By the time Cambria’s focus returned to his fellow adults, they were already on the move. His lips parted as he watched Ulfhedinn take point, the pale she-wolf—surely his mate and Treow’s mother—trailing in his wake. Mulherin hastened after the pair, his gait as confident as it was swift.

I’ve never hunted in a group before, Cambria said to the clouds of dust they left behind to swirl in the summer air.

Loath to disappoint his new pack mates, he loped after them. His two-toned eyes cut from one figure to another, trying to discern their target. But as the wolves closed upon the herd, the caribou scattered. Cambria didn’t know where to focus his attention.

Then a memory popped into his head: Berserkr saying, “The guy you met earlier is Ulfhedinn, our hunt leader.” His gaze found the white male in the chaos. Breathing hard, Cambria picked up the pace and decided his best bet was to follow his lead.
Redtail Rise
191 Posts
Ooc — ‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅
When Moon Runner reached a safe place with the children, the pack began the hunt.

The Trēow was elated, but quiet, while she watched – sharp claws dug into the loam, her spirit brimming with excitment. Her paws tap-danced as her spirit ran in time with the rest, and she imagined persuing caribou down in the valley besides her clan.

Wise Father led the charge. Mother gave chase. Yet Moon Runner’s attention fell upon the Beserkr and the Blod - dark and light chiaroscuro - as the two young men flanked the beasts.

Her ears sat high upon her head in attention, wanting to know what Faraway Shadow and Icemelt would do.
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
no posting order!

the caribou scattered, new snow's apt teeth cutting them from one another. joined by night eye's powerful backing, their efforts left the huntlead free to focus on their chosen quarry.

snow rain was with him. mountain boulder ran nimbly alongside the younger male for a time, driving the single caribou further from the protection of the group. he fell back, giving a rough sound to signal that snow rain do the same.

the panicked animal, assuming that the wolves were flagging, took the opportunity to open the full pace of its terrified speed. it was the opportunity for which mountain boulder was waiting, and he jerked his wide muzzle. go, to snow rain.

new snow and night eye would join them for this run. mountain boulder, assured of their ability to catch the caribou as it exhausted itself in a flat gallop, sped after it now. pride in his lengthening gait, he chose whatever side snow rain had not taken.

first blood beamed in a welter along the lunging haunch.
Redtail Rise
64 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He was so caught up in trying to shadow Ulfhedinn, he didn’t even realize what exactly they were trying to do. At some point, it clicked: they were driving a single target away from the main herd. Almost as soon as he comprehended the task at hand, the more experienced hunter barked and fell back.

Cambria didn’t slow at first, looking backward in confusion. Why had Ulfhedinn slowed? He finally did the same, his confusion mounting as his pace slackened. He breathed hard, glancing between the hunt leader and the caribou as it galloped ahead.

Now Ulfhedinn jerked his head. Cambria ground to a halt. Ulfhedinn bolted past him and, once more, the yearling found himself in the others’ dust. He clenched his teeth and raced after them, swallowing his frustration. There wasn’t time for that right now.

Instead of looking to the white male for guidance, Cambria decided to lean into his untapped instincts. He peeled off to the left side of the caribou, simply keeping an eye on it as they ran. He had never chased anything so large. He supposed they needed to slow it down by injuring it, though the yearling wasn’t sure how to do that without getting himself killed.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ulfhedinn lunge at the caribou’s other side. The scent of blood hit Cambria’s nose. His chest rumbled, though he still didn’t know just how to land his own blow without getting kicked. He snapped his teeth on thin air.
Redtail Rise
329 Posts
Ooc — ???
New Snow surged ahead, even as another’s step faltered. This could be the way of the hunt. She looses a rallying series of barks that also served to inspire more anxiety within the herd. 

Snow Rain recovered quickly. New Snow harried from the rear, smelling the blood. As Rain snapped at air, New Snow joined to catch a striding leg. She did, but only for a moment—it was able to tear away. More blood, a mess of fur on her lips that she released. 

As she moved to reestablish some sort of grip, she could see in its shifting gait that it intended to kick—New Snow, unable to avoid the blow entirely, surged ahead and took a glancing blow upon her shoulder. 

She stumbled, and yelped from the brief and startling pain of it. But she did not quit, and she had avoided the worst of what could have happened in her maneuver. The pain was gone, for now, but she did not doubt that she would be hurting later. A problem for another hour; New Snow maintained her focus, and was able to catch up easier this time despite the new injury. The great creature was tiring.