Hushed Willows Selectively after The Rain
Everything lies within Emotion
483 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
Pack Activity 
"Most fungi grow best when there is abundant moisture available, so it is typical to see increased fungal activity during and after wet weather."

Little 'shrooms are popping out of the ground like weeds, some in mysterious circles around willows and near the Sacred Place. Could this be a sign that things will get better for the faerie folk? Only time will tell! (Everyone welcome) @Eleuthera @Caw @Sundance @Bridget @Deidra @Dante @Rafferty @Teya @Izumi (@Fionn @Cassidy )

The scent in the air was thick with moisture, clammy and uncomfortable. A mist rolled through the forest in the early hours of the day, the grass painted with dewdrops and the queen was tired. Her head was pounding to the beat of her heart, probably a result of the nightmare she'd had. Still, the girl rose and stretched to start the day. Loinnir awoke because of her yawn, hooting softly in greeting but staying where he was. She didn't blame him; if she was capable of resting for even a second she'd do it, but there was work to be done.

Confusing feelings raced through her being, flashes of memories - of the enemy - popping up whenever she closed her eyes. It was like she'd been poisoned, hypnotised, but she'd suck it up for however long she could take it. It was not her place to go to others for help, she was a Queen for Fate's sake.

She pushed through the curtains and foliage to discover something peculiar. A single, blueish mushroom. It was so tiny, like a newborn. Her vision cleared, and when she passed it, eyes never leaving the mushroom, she bumped into a tree. Apparently she wasn't fully awake yet - perhaps she was even still sleeping, for what she saw next was a picture taken straight from her dreams.

Surrounding herself and the tree were at least a dozen little mushrooms, lined up in a neat and perfect circle. Her brows lifted in surprise. Soon, a little smile crept onto her face and, as she looked around further, she discovered the mushrooms were everywhere. She believed this could only be a sign from some higher power, to tell the fae folk things would get better. She grinned, tipping her head to let out a call to wake up the others - it told of a surprise, but not of what it would be. They'd discover it for themselves.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
seelie court had come through the flood. teya found herself intrigued by the way the grass grew after, thrusting her face toward various tendrils and sedges, noting their flowers. and every night, the stars held her vision. 
for now she was asleep; teya had not truly ever moved into the once-overwatered densite, preferring to slumber out beneath the trees when possible. lumiya's call woke the shy girl from where she had curled into a bed of violets.
muzzy, aware of the stilldark hours of the morning, the soul neverthless passed through the wisped curtains to find her pretty leader glowing. smiling. delighted, and her gaze on a ring of tiny mushrooms in the sacred place of the court.
cooing gently beneath her breath, teya bent toward them, nosing one as lightly as she dared for the sake of research and worship alone.
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102 Posts
Ooc — Florian
Dante wasn't much of a restful spirit. He wasn't the type to take naps or sleep for long hours, nor one to hibernate when the weather was poor or stay in and have lazy mornings. Perhaps it was something to do with his mind, always full of new ideas, rambling and sputtering thought after thought in a way that hardly allowed for quiet peaceful moments or uninterrupted slumber. All this to say, sleep had never been something that came particularly easy for Dante. At least, until Lumiya. When he was alongside the silver wisp, something gentled in him. It was as though all the world slowed down for a moment, all the running thoughts and loud, demanding curiosity would just...quiet. He slept deep and dreamed deeper when he was beside her. 

Such a rest had gripped the young man that morning, leaving his dozing form unstirring when the argent woman first arose. When his eyes finally did blink open to find the spot beside him empty and his side bare of her warmth, it took the boy far too long for his mind to finally catch up to the fact that what had arisen him was the dulcet voice of exactly who he was missing. The mouse was on his feet quick as he could be, stumbling slightly from his resting place and picking his step up to a light trot. When he finally did emerge through the fog to see one familiar figure and one lesser-known face, a wide yawn escaped his lips. Dante's gaze flitted then to what he'd been called to witness- brilliant little rings of fungi blooming from the soil, all dressed up in lovely colors. Woah... he breathed out softly, eyes not straying from the sight for more than a moment or two to glance up at his packmates.
75 Posts
Ooc — markab
it is still very wet. the floods have not yet fully receded, and everything still squishes under his feet. some of this is fine for him, because he does not like to sleep in tiny spaces underground where he cannot see the sky, but mostly it is inconvenient. it makes digging holes for his herbs very hard, and gets his paws all sticky with mud.

but it has stopped raining! and it is also not very cold still, even though the willows are beginning to turn pretty colors already, so he can curl up and sleep on the flat tops of the rocks, and it is not too much of a problem. except this morning lumiya's call wakes him from his slumber and when he leaps to his feet he forgets exactly where he has put himself the previous night, trips off the edge, and finds himself with a faceful of mud.

when he arrives to the faerie queen he is not in too good a mood. he has pawed most of the dirt from his face and it is not so visible on his black fur, but the taste lingers on the back of his tongue no matter how much water he finds on the way. he squelches through the willow curtains with chin dripping wet and feathers askew – her call has not suggested any danger – and finds a ring of tiny mushrooms blossoming from the soil just before he treads on one.

caw hops backwards, suddenly very alert. his tail sweeps behind him as he crouches to the grass to peer at them, fascinated though he knows exactly what is going on. he has only seen one faerie ring before, back home. they are good luck! but only as long as you do not disturb them, or you will disturb the faeries who have made them.

now he is a faerie! so it is safer than it was back in the valley. but he knows he certainly has not put this here, and the stories do not fade so easily, so he is appropriately careful as he circles the mushrooms and looks from them, curious, up to the faerie queen, tail still swaying gently at his back.
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