Swiftcurrent Creek One day fly over me
Swiftcurrent Creek
415 Posts
Ooc — Jess
All Welcome 
@Caliste @Leonore @Shark @Saturin

"'Eeeeeeere fishy fishy fishy fishyyyyyyy," Suzu sang out as she began to approach the densite, her belly swinging with each step. She'd begun singing the little chant even though she was out of earshot- so that it might eventually rise from nothing when she repeated it closely enough that the kids could hear. "'Eeeeeeeere fishy fishy fishy fishieeees!" She called out again, when she came in view of the den- a hold in the ground beneath arching roots. She stomped her feet on the ground, and called out again. 

"Meat is back on de menu," She sung out, before she lowered her head an unceremoniously vomited a pile of half-digested fish onto the ground, thinking fish are food, not friend to herself. "Chum for your tums!" She called out, licking her lips as she stepped aside, and waited for a stampede of hungry children.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
995 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Just a cameo unless needed

Etienne's ears perked forward at the newest call of his sister. And he chuckled to himself. Golden eyes looking out over the ground as she walked towards the densite. He was never far from her or the babies if he could manage it. He went on solo trips to try and find Anselm. To keep track of the babies of Heda/Druid. Because Heda in true bitter fashion had abandoned them the minute she didn't get what she wanted. Etienne hated her and loved her and felt bad all at once. he tried not to look at those emotions to closely. He had told Suzu all that had transpired and he waited and he watched over her little ones. To be sure no harm befell them.

He watched the den's opening to see if those little ones would come barreling out or if they'd stay all wrapped up and comfortable sleeping. A soft brush of his tail against the dirt. A gentle glance to his sister. Motherhood looked good on her and she did well. Swordfish came around. So it was all working out.
8 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Shark came like his namesake - tail wagging so firmly behind him that his young body swayed from side to side. The sound of his mother's voice was something he had become quite fond of. And the promise of food? That was even greater. He shoved past his brother and wiggled his way out to where she had retched up some delightfully fishy food. And he made no pause before he began to gorge himself on it in hungry chomps. The rear of him still waved.
never be so clever, you forget to be kind
12 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Saturin had been toddling towards their mother when Shark pushed past him. 

[Image: giphy.gif]

Dramatically, the child crumbled under his brother's shove, falling to the ground with a shrill wail. He remained there, crying, calling out to the adults for some assistance as he thrashed around helplessly like a turtle who'd landed on its back. 

Help me—I've fallen, and I can't get back up again!
Swiftcurrent Creek
17 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Having learned to be quick if she wanted the chance to eat all, the pup rushed past her fallen brother with little sympathy - she had been given the opportunity to beat him there, so she would. More for her!

Approaching the mess of a meal she used a small paw to attempt at pushing Shark's head away as if to decide that he'd had enough. Pushing her snout down she began to eat - far from neatly due to her attempt at multitasking putting her off balance.
Swiftcurrent Creek
415 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Suzu had been born, a barely breathing runt alongside three brothers. And with two other litters that year, she had learned quickly that if she wanted to eat, she must do so quickly- and take as much as she could fit in her stomach. Thus, it was to her delight to see two of her children pushing and shoving at each other to eat- though she did have to put in an effort to stifle a little giggle at poor Saturin's misfortune. 

"Alright, alright, I come," She said, moving forward to walk to her flailing, wailing son and use the tip of her nose to help right him. She wrinkled her nose and wiggled her belly slightly, before she put out a paw to halt Saturin in his tracks, before promptly spilling the very last of what she had left in her belly onto the ground beside him. She licked her lips. "You get to eat dessert first," She said as she drew back to allow him to eat his own personal meal- which she had originally intended to keep for herself. 

She could fish again- the priority right now was making sure her children feasted without feeling as if there was a limit.