Lion Head Mesa and the rights that they abused
burying them there while we carry on.
428 Posts
Ooc —

the hemet had not forgotten germanicus' message. it was some delightful twist of fate that ramesses requested qiao seek out crowfeather upon her return.

fate or coincidence had its frolic today as qiao lingered outside of the princeling's door. she cleared her throat once, a long ear turned to the sounds within.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
An unfamiliar voice was cleared at his doorway. Crowfeather thought that the Pharaoh’s friend Maegi must have grown impatient with him. Truthfully, he had not wanted to seek her out just yet. The dark wolf’s mind was still festering on ways to escape the mesa.

Rounding the corner, the seer caught glimpse of an older woman. Her coat was dark and russet in color, but she looked as though she fit Ramesses tastes. There was a sharpness to her gaze that made him shift uncomfortably.

Hello, the dark figure croaked. Did you- Do you need my assistance?
burying them there while we carry on.
428 Posts
Ooc —
what qiao envisioned crowfeather was, and the creature that met her at the door were two very different things. he was large -- larger then most in akashingo -- and cowled a dark and commanding black.

she had been told he was noble; and while he was not her noble, he was noble nonetheless. qiao bowed, averting her gaze. greetings, my lord. my name is qiao -- akashingo's hemet. i have come to you on ramesses' behest, but also that of the imperator.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The woman spoke to him in a way that reminded him of the Pharaoh. He didn’t like the fuss; he’d said it over and over. She spoke like she belonged at the head of the table, beside the ruler with her sharp eyes. The words she shared suggested that she had been sent by two different people.

Imperator? the shadow echoed back to the woman. I’m- I’m- Sorry. Please come in and, uh… be comfortable. Crowfeather motioned with a single swing of his muzzle to his chambers. He didn’t want the woman – Qiao – to stand awkwardly in his doorway.

What is it that Ramesses needs?
burying them there while we carry on.
428 Posts
Ooc —
qiao needed no second invitation.

she swiftly stole past the shadow in the door, turning around at once to take crowfeather in full.

he was not easily taken in: his frame was bent, and he walked in the protective posture of a wolf owned by pain.

like lady ruenna.

germanicus, my lord. qiao answered at length, once she was sure no servants lingered within ear shot. he has entrusted me with a message to you -- that he is terribly sorry. there have been events that have transpired in the keep that delay his visitation. he wished for me to inform you he thinks of you often, and that he plans to visit as soon as he is able.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
At the mention of the older man, Crowfeather inhaled. He had not expected to hear this from a stranger, to hear any message regarding the man who had left Akashingo. The dark figure’s attention was unbroken. His ears were drawn to a tall point as Germanicus’ message was relayed to him. When she had finished, Crowfeather believed she had stolen away the weight that had settled in his chest.

He said that?

There was disbelief hanging on the edge of his words, but it would not be so easily heard. More distinct, Crowfeather’s hushed tone of love could not be concealed.
burying them there while we carry on.
428 Posts
Ooc —
a lilt in the man's voice, soft and sweet like juniper on the summer air. qiao noted it dryly.

he said that. qiao confirmed, wondering what this boy was to the imperator. he looked a little young for germanicus' taste, and he was not of soldier stock near as she could tell. long ago she had learned men's predilections could pan towards predatory. whatever crowfeather was to germanicus, it was only of interest to qiao if she could use it.

what is he to you? she queried softly, eyes upon him unabashedly.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Nothing, the shadow said hurriedly, shaking his head.

Thank you for your message.

That was all he would need. Crowfeather turned from the woman and limped to where he would have a moment to himself, a moment without the gaze of another on his face. Germanicus had not forgotten, but he had been away for many days and nights. The shadow felt uneasy about it. He wished that the silver eagle would return and that they could depart Akashingo to travel eastward.