Broken Antler Fen spindledown
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
teya bathed, and when she pulled herself from the water, her time had come and she stood upon the bank burning as if she were the proverbial bush of old.
moses-resolute then, shaking lakewater from her fur and shivering from more than the cold air upon her soaked body, searching near-frantically for @Bridget in a morass of desire and fear that being alone and caught unawares might invite the crisp threat of a man bringing the unwarranted threat of children for which she was not ready.
teya fair scampered through the fen, widewater gaze swinging for danger and for the red-masque.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
hand waving bc WANT

She hadn't been back long and was planning on heading back for perhaps one more pass, but she felt driven to check in on Brecheliant.  They'd stayed in the Bramblepoint a while but found few survivors in their trips to the mountain.  Only the Glen wolves, really.

She was a medic, detachment came with the territory.  Still, being around a group haunted by something like that ate at you.  The generally cheerful woman was glad to be away from it for a while, it was oppressive no matter how much aggressive positivity you might sling at it.

Life was short.  She'd figured that one out ages ago, and shit like this tended to just make that even clearer.  Bridget stopped near the border and stretched, then let out a wide yawn, before she set off to find Teya.  It had been a bit since she'd been around to check in on her and she could really, really use a friendly (and not utterly depressing) interaction.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she would find teya almost immediately; the girl had snuck beneath cover of rushes, galloping through them. a strangled cry spiraling out from her throat as she presumably collided with bridget in the next span of moments.
teya tumbled into the snow and shook herself free in a moment, sides heaving. "you are here!" exulting, legs carrying her forward. offering several waves of her tail, throwing the effect of the season all about, she peered sideways for any men who might lurk. "i think i want to be alone. well. not from you." worry mingling with something else in her voice.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Woah!!  Bridget exclaimed, laughingly, as Teya burst from the bushes and effectively pounced on her.  Some of the strung-out feelings melted away from her time exploring the mountain.  Yeah, we helped a few of them out there reconnect, but there wasn't much else we could do.  She skimmed it, kept it light, then focused in on her friend.  Well, looks like she'd gotten back just in time?

Then let's find a spot, shall we?  She answered, swinging around to lean companionably against Teya's side for a moment.  She could put off going back.  She hadn't been looking forward to it anyway... and they'd settled the Glen wolves with that woman they knew, apparently.  Anyone else that was left was probably gone by now and her friend needed her here.  I was planning on sniffing out a den anyway, if you wanted to share space?
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya had been wrapped in herself; she had not forgotten why bridget had gone but she was here now, warm and sweet near the addled girl. "you did what you could," she clucked gently, kissing a red-stained cheek; she wanted to linger there;
"this idea is a very good one." coursed with frenetic energy, she bobbed and danced ahead, letting the other lead while teya enjoyed the long stretch of limbs she had kept dutifully tucked away from the males in their pack.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It seemed as though Teya had energy to burn!  Bridget was extremely glad to have made it back in time.  Travel and work had worn her out, but it didn't take long in her friend's company for some of the energy to catch in her too.  She picked up her pace when Teya did and, occasionally, danced towards her playfully, inciting small chases.

It distracted from the whole den-finding goal, but whatever place they found did not need to be perfect.  All they needed was  a place for her to keep her supplies and for Teya to hide away for a bit... and Bridget too, if her time came later that spring.  When the weather has turned a while, she thought, recalling.  But it was quickly gone again, lost to the present nearness of Teya and the energy that seemed to course in the air.  Bridget was not one to let an occasion slip by, over-analyzed... so when something drove her to nip her friend's flank, and to linger close a moment longer, she gave in willingly.  A look entered her eyes, reflecting a tentative shift to the tone of her thoughts.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya paused, tongue lolling, as bridget's teeth slid gently through the fur along her flank. the gesture burned through her; she paused at once, catching the gentle suggestion of something else in the red-masque's face. purringly she butted her crown against that of her companion, beginning to press upon the cardinal cheeks little kisses here and there.
tail revolved wildly behind her; she moved closer and closer still until their pelts meshed.
"we find a place now?" she inquired, desire thrumming huskily in her throat.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Mhmm  Bridget responded, clearly distracted.  She had a lot of nerve to talk about the control of others when she could hardly contain her own.  Then again, Bridget had never been all that great at denying a pretty face.  Teya's had been lingering on her mind far too much these past few months for her to pass up the opportunity being handed to her now.

She had zero interest in waiting until they'd found a proper den.  Almost automatically she steered them a bit westward.  There was a place she'd passed by only once that now stood out in her mind again; a thicket, twisted branches and half-dead greenery that might hide them away somewhat from prying attention.  It wasn't exactly the ritz but it'd do in a pinch and no way in hell was Bridget picky.

The entire way there Teya was a constant flame at her side, one that she couldn't help wending towards, brushing against.  Finding one better might take a while, Bridget said, looking from the place to Teya with a smile.  And I can think of better ways to spend this particular afternoon, the look clearly indicated.  There's a few jokes you could put here, but thankfully, that character is half a map away.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"and we do not have a while," teya grinned, allowing herself to be drawn and enticed and steered toward whatever wild locale bridget had chosen. she too, did not wish to wait; the search for a den demanded a patience that the violet simply did not possess at this moment.
a small part of her wondered why now the red-masque had chosen to engage her now, but then teya subsided in the doubt that wanted to grow. it did not matter when, it only mattered in the now and the present.
she kissed bridget again, breathlessly, pressed back against the leaves and searching the other's eyes, something, always something, rising soft and pinked in her chest when her companion was near.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
No they did not. Bridget was no stranger to what they did. She'd shared trysts in the past, not many, but enough. Each one was burned into her memory for a different reason and each had ended for similar. Always an argument.

Bridget did not even pause to consider if this was more than a one time thing, if it was even enough of something to eventually see an 'end'. She rarely did. In the present, driven by need, it was nearly too much to even make it to the cover she'd chosen.

Playfully, gently, she pressed and rolled Teya into the soft bed of leaves. When her lavender gaze caught her friend's clear blue, she sought willingness each step of the way. She'd stay as long as she was welcome, as long as both were willing, and until the need that drove them both had been satisfied.