Raven's Watch i would sing
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina
His patience was a well trained thing, allowing his mind to wander rather than wind itself up in frustration at the pair's molasses-like pace. The silence between them, too, was something the male did not take offense to, letting the ruddy female decide what was comfortable for her and going along with it. Stjornuati had never been one to mind the quiet, and even if he had been, he was certainly not now after traveling so long with Solpallur.

Eventually though, they would draw close to the Watch and its spectacular jewel of a lake, allowing the northerner to gently deposit the injured @Teya at the water's bank before loping off in the direction of his small cache. Swiftly, he would return, a small tote of dried carcass caught between his teeth. Setting the novelty down upon the damp ground near the female, he looked to her ankle again, swollen and angry from their venture here.

It is badly hurting? He asked, though he could assume she would answer affirmatively, and already moved to nose through his small bundle of treatments.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
it was slow going, and each step took the little wolf farther from the two she had chosen. forced to rely heavily upon the strength of the stranger, she was happy to peel away from him and rest gingerly against the earth. he went off and came back; in the interim she dozed, and opened a gaze misted with pain at his question.
a quailing bob of her head. she did not think she had said a word to him since their meeting. teya looked to the food he had brought, hunger rising stiffly in her throat but the nausea of a growing agony stifling her appetite.
still she was silent, senses flushed with the fragrance of the items he had brought; teya watched him closely.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
19 Posts
Ooc — Laur
From the corner of his eye, he spotted movement in the distance — two pale things descending the slops towards the lake that lay in the territory's center. They travelled slowly, painfully so, so D'Artagnan busied himself with ruffling through his own feathers until they were closer to the tree he had perched in.

Finally, they came into view, with the larger creature leaving the collapsed smaller one by the lake's edge before he hurried off. Dart tilted his head in curiousity, before fluttering to a tree closer to the dame and watching her nap.

The male then returned. Oh, it was Stjor! In his teeth he carried sweet-smelling herbs, paired with a carcass of sorts. Interest piqued, the raven let out a low caw and dropped to the ground before them, clicking his beak in greeting to his towering wolf friend before turning to the silent female and offering a sad look to her injured leg. "My, such misfortune to fall on a lovely dama," he said, offering a bow.
Feel free to skip Dart in group threads as needed
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina
No sooner had he returned to the woman's side than a new presence joined them, a wry and rare smile breaking his stoic biscuit visage as he laid dark eyes upon the pale-feathered friend he had made. Hallo, Sýnin, He offered, tail waving gently at the raven's appearance. This one tends to kona's wound, for this one was the cause of it. One day, he might learn to properly refer to himself as "I", but today was not that day.

Sorting through his small collection of medicines, Stjornuati picked a select few herbs and set them within her reach. Chew and He paused, racking his brain for the word she would understand. kyngja, ahh... Swallow? Swallow, yes. Chew and swallow. For pain.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the parade of new things was not over. having just relaxed in the man's presence, at least as far as she might, the girl's ears fell backward against her skull and a concerned expression crossed her features.
a large white bird, and it spoke!
she drew a shaking breath as the pale corvid approached, blowing it out through a flare of her nostrils as the healer responded to the winged thing with his odd arrangement of words, his heavy accent.
had the bird called her lovely?
teya lipped the herbs into her cheek, chewed dutifully, swallowed, her gaze traveling between both of them. and she was silent.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina
The wide eyed look she gave his avian companion was not missed, a low rumble of a chuckle escaping him. Kona has never seen hrafn talk? It was both surprising and curious to him, that this was something new to her. Ravens and wolves were constant companions up north, so much so that he had made the acquaintance of several of the birds, though none had followed him (or his brother) south.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the man continued to call her kona. teya did not understand this; her widewater gaze, tightened by pain, shifted to the white bird and then back to the wolven mouth forming syllables. "no. not see bird speak before." it was the first time she had spoken since the ravenwatcher had come upon teya by the odd mountain, and her voice felt rusted, thick, garbled inside a dry throat.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina
It was a sad thing, in Stjornuati's mind, to not know the pleasure of such a bond with the avian creatures, to not have their companionship and their chatter. In the lands of this one's birth, many of the hrafnar and úlfar, wolves, speak to one another. The hrafnar are honored and loved greatly. Once more, the bridge of his nose ran against the bone of her ankle, focusing on what he felt.

And what he felt drew a frown as he lifted his heaad once more. The leg is not all broken but it is... partly broken, ahh... hmm... slightly broken? He did not know the word for a fracture but he attempted to explain anyway. Rest and keeping the weight from the paw will help to heal. This one will give eiturlyf for the pain, if needed. Litla konan will stay until not next moon but moon after to heal.

He let the words sink in before prompting her for a response. Ja?
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya listened, dismay unfurling inside her like a banner of salt. her injury was large enough to warrant her continued dependence upon him. a song gathered in her throat; she wanted to call for sundance and for bridget, but the dawning awareness coupled with the ache of the cracked bone killed the notes.
moon after! she simply could not, and decided that she must grow well enough to depart his company in a smattering of weeks. coolwater eyes watched him.
"your name, say slow," she urged in a sudden, low voice. surely he had given it upon their journey, but so focused upon her step she had been that she had not heard it. his name. that she must stay.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina
The emotions he watched pass over her face were curious to see this close, noting the way her brow moved and knit itself in consternation at his news. Litla konan was lucky, though, for she had not damaged her leg any worse than a small fracture; worse might have kept her down for months as opposed to weeks and in winter, such an injury was all the more grave.

Stee-yor-nu-ah-tee. Stjörnuáti. His head lowered to bundle up his herbs once more, though he paused and looked to her again. Many call this one Stjor. This one and mine brother, Solpallur, live upon this peak with the ravens, and others with us. Litla konan will be safe, will not hunger. This, he promised her, for even if she was not a wolf of the Watch, she was his patient now.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
lettuce wrap? we need a new one!<3

stjornuati. teya repeated it twice, once silently and the second aloud in her stumbling tonality. a shy look ducked toward the watch-wolf. she nodded. so she was to live with he and his brother. teya supposed that would not be unacceptable; though she longed for her companions, stjornuati had soothed at least a few frayed ends.
litla konan. it sounded kind and so teya did not ask what it meant. a glance given to the white bird. "i stay," she agreed. no choice belonged to her, but she wished to formally accept the offer of shelter, of food, and of healing.
his eyes, the color of chestnut trees before dawn.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]