Northstar Vale Sunburst
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Set just outside the borders of Epoch. Keyni is in the early stages of labor. Please let @Cerne post first. @Tamar @Arsenio.

With great reluctance, Keyni left Moonglow behind. Cerne would not be welcomed there. Even under the rank of Lowest, his relations with Moonglow likely would not have improved. What's more, time was not on their side. Luckily, her beloved sister had been kind enough to point out a pack residing in the mountains to the east. Mereo, they were called. Keyni knew nothing about them or what to expect when she and Cerne got to their borders. Only that they needed solace for her and the soon to arrive pups.

It took time as the pair traveled to reach the mountains. Progress was slow. Her pregnancy was nearly at an end, making moving extremely uncomfortable. Her bloated sides ached, weighed her down. Jolts and throbs of pain distracted her, forcing her to stop frequently. And the innate urge to dig into the nearest hollow or a hole and set up a den, rattled her focus.

Somewhere along the way, they had veered off course. Before them, many feet away were indeed the borders of a pack. Of what she could only assume to be Mereo. The valley, cradled on both sides by the impressive mountains was a breathtaking sight. She would have stopped to take in it's beauty if not for her sense of urgency.

Then it hit. Deep inside her, another thread of pain. Unlike the others. Not just a brief, dull ache. Sharp and stabbing. She clenched her jaws tight, hissing in pain while she buckled down to her knees. Arching her spine, tucking in on herself. She waited...tried to ride it out in hopes that it would go away. It did not. Only grew more intense. More persistent. " for someone. We are out of time..."
92 Posts
Ooc — The System
It had not been Cerne's decision to leave, but he supported it all the same. He had been told of Kukutux's plan for him, to sit in the lowest rank, a punishment — all for choosing the mother of his children over his former pack. It was not fair. But, he supposed, that is why Keyni had made the choice to leave, and he was happier for it.

They travelled east, up into the mountains, and at the edge of a large valley, Keyni stopped. At her words, he swallowed hard and eyed her carefully — this was not how he had wanted this to happen. Not here, not now, in the open. Fear gripped him then, and he did as he was bade, calling out for help.

Physical Health (100/100)

Cerne is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Cerne is mentally well.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
This time it had been Tamar who had remained behind to keep an eye on their children. The puppies were already growing. Arsenio was surprised at how swiftly their little bodies were taking shape and movement was overcoming them. If his heart had not been softened by his family, the intrusion of the couple knocking on their door might have been met with sharper fangs. Instead, when the redstone wolf approached the man who called for aid, he held his head high and offered an inquisitive stare.

It was when his lips had parted to speak that the man heard the woman. She was in distress and the scent of childbirth was heavy upon the air. Arsenio frowned, stepping toward the man who had traveled with the pregnant woman and over to where she was.

You are giving birth, you must try to relax. What kind of herbs had Tamar described to him? Were there any there that he believed might soothe this woman while she gave birth? Arsenio was not certain. He believed that he was the wrong man to have met them, that his wife would have done a better job of ushering them into safety. He was flustered and uncertain, but willing to help.

To the man, go into the vale and collect the bark from a white willow tree. She will chew it to help with the pain and the pushing she will make. Arsenio was no midwife, but he would do what he could to make sure the children were delivered safely.
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
can be skipped after this post! <3

there had been a howl.

and it had not been one of pain but fear.

her husband was surely there. but tamar was restless; she pulled free of the sleepy pups and tilted her own muzzle in the air, calling for @Finch and @Meadow to please join their arche at the borders.
12 Posts
Ooc — The System
Finch heard the first call, and he perked his ears towards it in curiosity. It was a call for help — how could he ignore that? He was already heading for the first call when he heard Tamar, and he gave a short call of his own, before continuing with haste up and out of the valley.

The scene he arrived at was not the one he was expecting, two strangers, one pregnant and apparently about to give birth. Arsenio was already there, of course, and Finch heard him give orders to the male stranger. Coming to stand behind Arsenio, Finch asked, What can I do?
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Sorry for the wait! No posting order. <3

With her head craned low and eyes squeezed shut, the Tundrian tried to focus. To ride out each gripping wave of pain and concentrate on her breathing. It was difficult not to panic. This isn't what she wanted; to be out here in the open, so exposed like this. She and her unborn children needed safety. 

Cerne heeded her and soon the footfalls of someone approaching. She looked up as they drew near and glimpsed a flash of deep russet fur. Had it not been for the circumstances in which she was placed, paired with her sense of urgency, a curl of her lips might have warned him back. Jadestone eyes were firm but warm. Hinting at a normally well composed, yet modest wolf.

He instructed Cerne to go forth and fetch some bark from a pale tree. Medicine. As Finch arrived and a distant call rang out, she found her voice. "Please...any shelter you can offer..." She sucked in a pained breath. "We...we bear no ill intent..." She looked between Aresino and Finch, a low whine slipping past her lips from the pain. Once she and Cerne got through this, they would explain everything later.
546 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Tamar's summon drew her on swifter paws, but none so swift as others that appeared before her to the scene. The silver arrow went to the border, her masked countenance following the direction of a panicked commotion, feeling her hackles bristle at the blatant scent of fear and apprehension in the air.

Her tail arced up for a moment, her eyes studying the scenario with her lips set in a grim line. Honeyed eyes sought that of the male leader before falling to the laboring woman at their border. Her time with the sunchaser and mooneater had been one of harsh expectations, and it wouldn’t have been likely that they would have harbored much interest in the stranger’s dilemma.

Meadow swept forward, muzzle lower to tentatively nose at the distressed woman, her eyes unreadable as she sought the gaze of her regal and his intentions.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I was told I could skip Cerne for now. <3

Finch arrived swiftly and so did Meadow. It was good that they had such prompt responders in the vale. Arsenio was pleased that they had gotten there as quickly as they had. He glanced toward the man of words, Finch, and then looked to the woman who was giving birth.

There was room in Epoch for another family, this he knew. It was intended that way from the start – that Arsenio and Tamar would raise their young ones alongside Aquene and Kallik’s. He did not believe that it would be wise to urge this pregnant woman out while she was struggling. Her mate, or her watcher, seemed to be distraught with concern for her.

Can you move, deeper into the vale? We must get you somewhere safer. When the children are safely delivered and you are well… wen can move you into a den within the territory. Arsenio lifted his head to Finch and motioned for the other man to step to the woman’s side. We will assist you. Lean against Finch and myself. Let us get you to safety.

The vale chirped with life as Arsenio placed himself beside the pregnant woman and waited for Finch’s assistance. Meadow could do all she could to keep the mother-to-be calm.
92 Posts
Ooc — The System
I should be good now!

They were getting ready to move. When Arsenio asked Finch to help Keyni, Cerne snapped back to attention and shook himself out, roughly. I — I can help her, he insisted, moving in to take Finch's place. With the other man, they would start moving deeper into the vale, into safety. They could start over, here. Slowly, he began to relax. He looked to Keyni, and he murmured gently, We'll be safe, soon.
Physical Health (100/100)

Cerne is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Cerne is mentally well.
12 Posts
Ooc — The System
Finch moved forward at Arsenio's words, only to be stopped by the woman's assumed partner. He dipped his head to the other male, stepping back, and prepared to follow behind the trio as they made their way deeper into the vale. He had not missed the other Epochian, a female he'd not met yet. He gave her a toothy grin and a wave of his tail — this was all so exciting, for the parents-to-be, for Epoch... He had a good feeling about this, and what it meant for their future.
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Welcome @Hakon, @Astri, @Arika! No post order! Let me know of any assumptions are not correct.

Another contraction ripped through her, and with it the growing sense of urgency. Through the pain she managed a nod. "Yes, I can make it..." She assured the man, although she was not sure of the truth within her own words. With their combined assistance and leaning mainly on Cerne for support, she made it further into the vale. The contractions grew more intense and closer together. Only when she felt the liquid warmth between her legs, did she nearly panic.

Quickly, she skimmed her surroundings, making short work in assessing them. There was little to choose from and she settled on her first and only half decent option. The deep recesses of a hollow carved beneath the gnarly roots of a tree. The Tundrian made a beeline for it, tucking herself inside. 

Her labors continued on into the night. She struggled and accepted what help was given in the form of herbs to ease the process. The first born, a daughter, entered the world quietly. Almost too easily, given her tiny size. The strain of her journey from Moonglow must have affected her. Yet she breathed, for now. The next two, a boy and a girl, followed with greater force but without complications. They were robust and healthy. With her three children cleaned and nursing at her belly, Keyni lay, drained of the whole ordeal.
546 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Minor PP that I can easily change if it doesn't jive well with anyone. <3
It was a flurry of activity. Concern lit the eyes of the silver arrow but she voiced nothing, instead, as the pregnant stranger was led by a strong shoulder on each side, Meadow swept forward to the front, quickly moving anything that might trip or hinder their swift movement. It would be pertinent for the safety of the pups and mother to have her settled, and so relief swept over her when she took to the security of a hollow.

With the mother-to-be settled as best she could be, Meadow went to @Finch, pushing moss to his mouth and requesting he find clean water to soak it in—they would use as much as they could to quench the laboring she-wolf’s thirst or to clean.

From there, what sparse herbs she could find in such a situation she did—hovering just outside the make-do den, and every so often reaching in to assure Keyni was well—fussing over her when she was allowed and yet trying not to overbear. Undue stress from a stranger’s touch would do the woman no good.

Finally, when three pups were born, and the mother lay exhausted, Meadow placed a small kiss to the she-wolf’s brow, relief flooding her. “Congratulations,” she would whisper, before slipping out, and offering the new family some space. Her gaze would seek that of her pack mates, fatigue within them, but a surge of appreciation for the lengths they had gone to help complete strangers.

Such a thing had been unheard of in her previous pack. Her previous life.
6 Posts
Ooc — delaney
hakon drawls in his first breath as his mother's tongue cleans away the birthing sac and lets it out in a low wail that was tell-tale of his health. it was mighty, for one so small, but it was felt to him through the vibration of his throat; unheard to deaf ears. he squeaks and squawks until he finds a teat and beguns to suckle hungrily.

with his belly full of warm, sweet mothersmilk and the excitment of being born wearing off, he is quickly lulled to sleep.

676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I’ve added all of you beautiful folks to the ranks – all except for Arika, who just needs to be approved on their account before I can add them. >w< So excited to see this family grow. Eager for some threads in the future. <3 Mwah! Welcome to Epoch.

They took what time they could, shuffling along with the pregnant woman and her mate. Finch was ever present, helpful simply by being part of the escort. Meadow watched with a gentle expression on her features. Arsenio wondered how they had gathered so many soft-hearted folks in their vale paradise. It did not bother him, but he found their gentle nature and caring words to be a surprise.

When they had found a warm den site, out of the way of the natural elements and concealed enough that the new mother might feel at peace while she whelped her pups, Arsenio offered some small words of comfort to the man. He said that he would remain in the area for a short time, if they should need anything from him.

Late in the night, the woman’s pups had been born and she seemed to be resting after her difficult feat. Arsenio was reminded of Tamar’s strength – the strength of all mothers. He marveled at it, still.

Leaving two plump rabbits outside the den site, Arsenio hoped that the new family would settle in nicely and that he would have a chance to know them better in the weeks to come.
1 Posts
Ooc — Kaiser
It was the drop to the ground that really upset her. Not only had she been kicked out of the warmest, safest, most comfortable place she'd ever known, but now she was cold. And being poked and prodded by something. As soon as her lungs were cleared she protested loudly, crying out for anyone listening. She was quickly guided to her mother's breast where she greedily took in her fill of milk and quickly fell asleep with her mouth hanging open.
12 Posts
Ooc — bee
Arika slipped out and into the world with hardly a struggle. Frigid air washed over her, shocking her tiny body. Her lungs expanded and she tried for air. Once, twice, without success. Then after a mighty effort, she drew her first breath. She was a quiet child, making not a sound of complaint. It was exhausting, as her sides heaved with a slight rise and fall. Thanks to the assistance of her mother, she found nourishment. She drank her fill, swiftly falling back into darkness.