Honeyed Pasture Antlers and Hooves
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Void was healing, and Rodyn was on the hunt again. His pack mates were back in the lands, he was ensconced in the territory himself. But he was on the hunt of the large Caribou. He had followed a lame doe for miles. She was down in the meadow and he was thinking of the best way to take her down.

He wished for the she wolf @Heph, she would have made a good hunting partner here today, but he wasn't sure if she was still in the area. So he settled to his haunches to puzzle out the best way to take her down.

Her rear right leg she was holding upright, so she was hurt pretty badly. It looked as if something had caught her foot and held it tightly and clawed. But what he wasn't certain.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph had been staying in the Wilderness, going a few days journey outside the Heartwood, but not much further than that when she picked up a familiar scent. Her tail swished behind her, this scent was intermingled with something older but not by much, a doe. While she had no desire to interrupt a hunt she had also enjoyed hunting with Rodyn. His company had been good and he had been fair and generous to his word which could hardly be said of all wolves.

Careful not to make too much noise she followed at as quick a pace as silence would afford her until she happened upon him. His quarry was further down in the meadow and appeared to be holding her leg rather stiffly, though whether she was relaxed and resting it or it was truly hurt would be revealed better with movement Heph thought. "Rodyn, it's good to see you looking well." There was a question laced gently in the friendly observation, her voice carrying gently over her words as not to disrupt the caribou or him overmuch.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Heph had been one of the rare wolves, that you immediately liked. She was true to her word, and she was a fair hunter. Anyone who could keep up with Rodyn in hunting, received his immediate respect and he wished great fortunes upon them. Not that he didn't with others too. Hunting was just, his art.

Rodyn turned at a movement and a voice and gave a soft chuckle. I could say the same to you Heph.

He motioned downwards. Something clawed the heck out of that does' leg. I've been tracking her for a few miles. You interested in hunting today?

If she did not wish he would not push, but he thought she wouldn't mind having half the meat to herself. He'd even allow her to take the pelt if she wanted it this time. He had the one from his hunt with Void. Not that he would say no to another, but it seemed unfair to keep it to himself.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph smiled at the friendly greeting glad that her assessment that he had also enjoyed hunting together and their company was mutual. She glanced down at the doe that Rodyn mentioned, curious as to if they would need another but from what she could see of the poor creature and Rodyn's own prowess she was confident that they would be able to prevail or at least escape with their limbs in tact. An airy laugh was her reply, the sound slightly breathless to ensure it did not disrupt the quiet overmuch. "With such a skilled compatriot I would hardly refuse." Though her words were teasing they were infused with enough warmth to betray that she was happy to have him as a fellow hunter.

She took a few steps to better position herself on the ridge overlooking the meadow and their quarry. While their previous hunt had been coordinated ultimately they had attacked separately and had separate prey, but this might require a little bit more of a concerted effort with them taking up slightly different roles. Besides, there was a rather large size difference between a caribou and an otter. "Any preferences to how we start?" Heph considered the doe, while a part of her was tempted to simply propose rushing it into a panic until the thing collapsed on its bad leg desperation could force the animal further than they could follow and it was a rather needlessly cruel and dangerous way of hunting for all parties if a quicker and cleaner solution could be had.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had briefly wondered if they would need a third body and he thought of calling Void, but was fearful that his friend, may get hurt again. While he was still recovering.

Rodyn grinned. I could say the same. You are a good hunter. If you ever feel like settling. Moonglow would welcome you.

Rodyn eyed the creature. We will need to rush it probably. It is going to favor it's sore foot and be more desparate than most other's. We don't want a knock to the head.

He frowned as he looked at it from different angles. If we can further damage the leg or another, we maybe able to knock it down to the ground easier? What do you think?
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph could not help the slightly surprised but pleased smile at the offer. While she knew that she too would most likely have to prove herself to the pack it was still an introduction that she did not think was made lightly. "If only I were the settling type, though I'm afraid my skills were never quite enough for my old pack." There was no bitterness in her voice, it was warm and genuine despite the joke at her own expense although she could not help remembering the frustration of her siblings at her lack of dedication to their chosen craft. The she-wolf had always considered herself a fair hunter and fighter, but she had not spent every minute of the day practicing such skills.

Heph noted what Rodyn had pointed out with a nod of her head. She would agree with him that the doe knew it was hurting and would only be more desperate ready to fight rather than flee. While Heph knew enough to wash a wound she would hardly know how to treat anything the caribou could dish out. Nodding her head she agreed "If we come from opposite sides of the valley, one focused on baiting it the other could aim for one of its good legs. Then an attack from behind or wherever we can manage to weigh her down." She glanced over to Rodyn to hear his thoughts on the matter.

She thought it a fair interpretation of the plan, but it would require one of them to play bait and would require both of them to be separated on the initial approach. But she had seen both of their reflexes and thought if they were focused they had a good chance of avoiding the most serious injuries.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn chuckled. I would not wish you to not be true to yourself in favor of a pack. That seems unfair. They they were wrong. They just needed to find a better way to approach you. A scout would suit you well, ambassador. To travel and only return at times or a trader, like me.

Rodyn nodded. I will bait it. I will not have you harmed when it is a caribou for my pack. Shall we?

He shifted and move forward after giving her a blazing look of kindness, and happiness. Then with an ease in his limber body, he shifted forward and ran towards teh creature. Though opposite end from Heph.

He fought to garner her attention and he used his speed and his skill to move the creature around and around in a dance of fight or die. He tried to avoid her antlers.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: bone break/mildly graphic depiction of hunting

Heph nodded, she turned over his words in her head for a little while. It was probably true she would have applied herself more if her pack had come to her with such an offer but it was long past and she was happy with where her wandering trails had led her in the meanwhile. Turning her attention back to the conversation at end she responded easily, while she appreciated him taking the larger risk as they hunted for his pack she would have been willing to be the bait and trust in his own skills to bring the creature down. "I would not mind, but I'll concede you'll make much more impressive bait than I." There was a teasing tone in her voice but she returned his smile and nodded her readiness to descend on the creature below. The kindness in his gaze struck her but it was welcome companionship on the hunt. She resolved to return it as best she could, hopefully before the caribou could injure him at all.

He bolted down quickly, and the caribou noticed him, swinging her antlers. In its frenzy as it turned towards Rodyn it could not see Heph as she used the downward slope to her advantage, covering the ground more quickly than she could have anticipated. As the doe shifted forward to swing her antlers Heph targeted her other back leg, darting in with abandon and using her weight and her grip on its leg as she pulled away to deliver a sickening crunch on the bone. The doe struggled to stand and Heph darted around to reposition and bring it down, darting a glance towards Rodyn to see how he fared and ready herself to attempt to bring down the doe.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn chuckled at her offhanded words. He didn't mind the jovial way with which she approached life. It was different than he, but it was all kinds that made the world go round.

Rodyn darted between hooves and horns, but Heph was there quick enough. They worked well in tandem with each other, and finally Heph knocked the doe to her side. Rodyn darted forward to help keep her down, but the kill shot, that was Heph's.

He grinned bloody and panting, but thrilled with how they had done.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph grinned through bloodied teeth to see Rodyn hold the doe in place. She struggled but she did not have enough legs to stand on; but despite the fact that the hunt had been more than enjoyable there was no reason to delay her death and make her suffer longer. Shooting forward Heph fixed a firm grip on her jugular and tore upwards, the blood spattering against her face. Hopefully it would not ruin the pelt overmuch but the bulk of that would not be on the neck after all and the majority of the meat should be in tact for Rodyn to take back to his own pack.

Her tail wagged and her demeanor shifted almost instantly away from that as a hunter as she turned to shoot a pleased grin at Rodyn satisfied with how the hunt had gone. The doe had not broken her antlers and she was unsure if he wanted them in one piece, although she was not opposed to splitting them. She remembered the first time she had met Dreven he had been gnawing on something and while an antler would hardly be as filling as the caribou chewing on it might alleviate some of the sting of winter's hunger. "How's your collection of spoils for trade going?" At this point she thought perhaps he had finished with otter skins but she did not know the full details of what he needed to seek perhaps he needed the skins of some larger beasts as well though if he was intended to do this without the help of those inside the pack it seemed as if Moonglow's trials or perhaps his Moon-woman's faith in him was great indeed.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn shifted and held firm. There was a happiness to the she wolf, and he liked to see it on her. He liked to share the love of hunting with others. There was something about it.

A grin lit up his face and his yellow eyes and he dipped his muzzle in thanks. He studied the horns.

I have antlers from multiple stags. Do you want these ones? And I have a fur or two. Do you want this one too? Or i can keep it, and we'll make sure to get you some haunches to take to wherever you're staying.

He lifted his head when she asked about the spoils and he chuckled.

Alright for the most part. I needed Four otter pelts, two stag pelts, two braces of dried caribou meat, a seashell. All of which I got. But now i need 8 ermine pelts, but the white ones so I can't hunt them until the first winter snow falls.

He set to cutting apart the caribou gently. What of you Heph? What adventures have you seen?
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph grinned at the offer, glad that they could come to an easy agreement. While she was not opposed to negotiations she rather enjoyed when things of this nature worked themselves out easily and she had a feeling that Rodyn would prove as eloquent in a verbal spar as he did against prey. "I'll gladly take the antlers and the fur, a friend of mine has recently settled and she and her mate would appreciate another for their den." She would have to try to recall how to properly care for the pelt before she gifted it but she thought that Dreven and Atka both would appreciate the fur. The antlers she would probably cache part of and then give the others to Atka, she had no idea if the femme was planning on having pups this breeding season but if she did Heph did not envy the parents of whelps going through teething pains.

Her eyes widened slightly and her expression turned congratulatory so that the first of her words came out as at a slight bark. "That's impressive, I hope you're able to complete them quickly when the winter starts. I plan on traveling once the snow hits and so I'll be looking for meat and not for pelts if you're around, I've hunted a few ermine before and I'll gladly offer help." She made the offer openly. While she knew Rodyn was a capable hunter she found more success hunting with someone else than she did on her own and the arrangement seemed to be mutually beneficial besides her enjoying conversing with him.

She shared in a short laugh as he asked after her own travels, but did not feel any true frustration at her choices. While she may have had plans they had never been solid and things such as plans and ideas and the future were always meant to be mutable in her mind. Wolves changed, she changed, the circumstances as well. "Fewer than I'd like, the pack my friend has settled with is preparing for the winter and I stayed around to help. I did explore the northern part of this wilderness though and come across another loner who seemed nice enough but he's headed east to a pack I haven't heard of called Redtail Rise. He said he had an acquaintance from Moonglow who sounded to be on a quest similar to yours." She shared the information partly because the conversation and words came easily to her and she liked sharing things, but partly out of curiosity to see if Rodyn had heard of the pack as well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had more than enough and he didn't mind sharing the spoils. After all. Heph had helped him hunt many of the creatures he had needed thus far. She was a fast friend and a good wolf as far as he was concerned.

Sage nod. Furs are nice come winter time. You know how to dry it out?

Rodyn hadn't even thought of pups, but he knew he had many antlers at least three sets. So he was not in need.

Rodyn chuckled. It took me a long time, and i still have much to get. And I have to wrestle sun man come soon. He is a formidable wolf. We shall see if I can beat him. I doubt it truly, but I will try and do my best. I'm not much of a wrestling kind of wolf.

A warmth stole into his face and across his yellow eyes and he gave a quick nod. I'll take the help, you have proven time and time again to be both a good friend and avid hunter. You can be a hunting partner anytime. Far as I'm concerned.

She had truly shown him the worth of others. Hunting in tandem with her had been quite fun, truly. He had enjoyed it.

that was mighty kind of you. Sounds like good friends if you stayed an helped them. They amenable to trades. Perhaps I can visit come spring.

Rodyn frowned wondering briefly if it was Void she had met. What was his name?

It sounded like Void, but it also could have been T.K. though at the name of the pack he didn't know if that was the same pack, but he knew the territory and he shuddered.

Oh i've heard of redtail rise i think. If it's the pack i visited in my travels. I arrived at their borders to trade. Set up well enough away. A younger wolf, pup age came alone spoke real nice with me. Then suddenly he shouted intruder and i was set upon before i could even get a word in edgewise and i wasn't even near the borders. They had to cross their own borders to get a piece of me.

he motioned at the shoulder, that was now scarred.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph felt a bit embarassed at how long it had been since she had had to utilise such knowledge but if she had to ask anyone for help remembering she supposed she was glad that it was Rodyn since he had come across as kind and had offered the help himself. Her voice was sheepish and a bit tentative as it blurred into a question. "It's been awhile, I was planning on cleaning it best I could maybe in a river, and then letting it out to dry?"

Her head tilted a bit at his description but she hummed along with his words to indicate that she was listening. While the hunting and the trading made sense since from what she could tell Rodyn was a trader she was surprised that they would also trial him for wrestling. It seemed as if Moonglow wanted well-rounded members to their pack which was hardly a fault but she wondered a little bit of it. But her curiosity did not dull her smile as she wished him luck that she hoped he would not need. "Good luck in your wrestling match then, I'm not sure I'd want to fight anyone named for the sun but I imagine you'll do better than you're imagining." Her voice lacked the teasing edge to it as she wished him the best and she gave a short but encouraging smile.

She nodded her head and chuckled a bit at his description of her as good friends. Atka was dear to her and she had come to enjoy portions of Dreven's company that she had shared but she doubted that he would describe her as a friend and she would hesitate to describe him as one though admittedly she felt some sort of loyalty to him through Atka. But she considered the question seriously and answered as best she could, there was a lightness to her voice as she described Dreven, but no dishonesty in the open intonation of her words. "One of them's a stickler about borders but I think if you set up outside they'd welcome the trade - feel free to mention me if you think it would help although I'm not an official member." She offered the last portion without hesitation, she did not think Rodyn would misuse the introduction if he chose to make it, but she did not want to lead him astray.

She wondered if he had a wolf in mind when he asked for the name of the stranger, but if they had both met the same wolf there was no reason for her to hide the name of the wolf she had met so she answered honestly. "His name was Shey, grey and red colored wolf." There was a brief description as well since she thought herself fairly good with names but had a slightly better knack for faces since some wolves shared similar sounding names and some shared similar looks but few shared both.

His description of Redtail Rise was almost alarming and a part of her wished she could have warned the other wolf of it, but still it was good information to have. "Yeesh, thanks for the warning. I was thinking of visiting if I ever wandered that way but it sounds like they wouldn't tolerate me if they crossed their borders to attack a trader." Her voice dipped from the moment of a surprise to something more lighthearted but she still found it strange. Most packs she knew did not enjoy loners on their borders or their territory but the entire point of borders was that the land outside of them was not required to be patrolled - it rather ruined the point of creating a line of defense to have to chase away other wolves from even farther. Perhaps she had simply not lived in a pack long enough or knew enough packs, but it was slightly surprising to her at least.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled at her. It has been awhile and yet you know very well how to do so. The fish will eat the smaller bits, though I will tell you. If you can find some berries? Try a treat of the tallow and the berries. It is delicious and I think you'd like it well enough.

He remembered fondly the day that Kukutux moonwoman had shared this treat with him. It had been tasty and one of his most treasured memories.

Rodyn had to wrestle the girl he wished ot marry's father. To prove his balance as a male of moonglow. He was needing to be tested. To show his mettle in ways that pressed his fortitude and his drive. Prove his was man enough for Samani.

Rodyn chuckled. Sun man is Aiolos, but he is leader of our clan. His mate is moonwoman for her pale white fur and the mountain name. He is Sun man for his fur like mine.

He smiled and dipped hi smuzzle. Thank you.

Rodyn frowned in thought. I don't know that one. I thought perhaps you meant a longer named Void. He can be rough around the edges and mean, but he has always treated me respectfully. Though his opinion of woman if you ask me is lacking and he needs one to knock him in his teeth for it. And despite our clear differences he has proven to be a good friend to me. But caution is needed.

Most packs are not like that. Were you to stay well away from their borders they leave you alone, this one was different and perhaps it was the youth who caused the upheaval.

He slowly worked the pelt off and the pieces Heph had wanted and offered them to her. You pick how much meat you want and I will help you take it to wherever you wish it to go.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded her head, paying attention to his words "I'll have to try that." It was a treat she had never tried before and while a part of her tilted her head in curiosity having never thought to put berries on anything she was more open to the experience than anything else. She thought of berries as something to fill her belly when hunger gnawed and there was nothing else around, but she supposed that with meat she might like them better.

She listened to his description. It sounded like the leaders would test the mettle of their own. It made sense since that would give them knowledge, but it still seemed like quite the trail - some packs excluded most leaders she knew attained their rank through skill so if this was the test set out she had no doubt that the leader would be formidable. There was a slight hum as she thought of it, while choosing a mate off looks alone was most likely not the wisest course she had to admit that a dark brown wolf and a white one standing side by side would make quite the pair. She laughed at his description of Void. If she came across him she had no doubt that they would clash in some manner if his disrespect carried over. But she did not take any offense at the company Rodyn kept. "I'll keep that in mind if I can, although if we run into each other one of use will most likely get a good bite in or two." While Heph's pride was not a thing she chased as much as adventure she still had plenty of it so she would not tolerate its abuse overmuch.

Heph separated the shoulders at the ribcage as best she could, it would be simpler not to have to separate the antlers either. Perhaps Khasni would be appeased if she brought her the skull of the caribou as well. While the meat on the shoulder was less plentiful than the haunches it would still make a meal large enough for the three wolves - especially since she and Rodyn would have to drag it halfway to the Forsaken's borders. "Thank you." She smiled through bloodied teeth and began to drag heaving as much as she good. "Safe travels until me meet again, hopefully." There was a wry smile on her lips but her words were more in jest than anything else. It sounded like his wrestle with the sun man would not be until the death but she knew danger could never fully be avoided nor did Rodyn strike her as the type of wolf to flee at the first sign of it if there was something worth fighting for.

Thanks for the thread! This can be the last from me if that's good with you? I would also be down for a Dreven thread as well for gift delivery if that'd be okay?