Blacktail Deer Plateau rekhiet
immortal longings
659 Posts
Ooc — anon
@Ash Paw maybe?! you can choose what sort of fur Toula brings her <3!

the amiirad was intrigued by the mention of the Bear Gods. and so this day, She would seek out the woman mentioned to Her by the Dreadfather, the gift of a rare fur brought with Her. the amiirad was most grateful for her ability to stay here and learn from its people all matter of things! but to be among the spiritual felt like another wonderful blessing.
Toula slept within the beautiful confines of The Door; one of the fellahin that remained back with her making sure that she was presentable. after greeting Ra with a song, Toula began her journey to find the woman that the Dreadfather had spoken of with bright eyes.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I don't know many rare furs. hrm.

Ash Paw had heard of the princess child among their forest. She didn't know much of the gods the girl followed other than what the priest was it Senmut had talked of. And she hadn't entirely liked his attitude, but she didn't like many attitude of many wolves.

She hadn't sought the girl out, she had felt tired and run down. Now it was clear that life grew within her body. The thinning of the fur at her belly, the swelling of her teats in preparation to bring forth life giving liquid. Her tiny form more rounded.

It was with intelligent blue eyes she met the girl and smiled at her. She had to move to get more comfortable, while she wolf down a rabbit from the nearby cache.

Hello. You must be the princess Toula? Is that right?
immortal longings
659 Posts
Ooc — anon
me either! I googled and came across mahogany mink so we can go with that hahahaha

Toula thought she was beautiful! 
haloed in an otherworldly glow, framed by the light surrounding her, Toula beheld the lovely Ash Paw with lips parted in a surprised, soft “o” even while they framed the gift to have come across Her so soon! the Gods had made Her swift this day! 
the princess gently lays the gift out before Ash Paw. and She nods gently to the inquiry, smiling. indeed, I am—I had hoped to meet with you! congratulations are due, I have heard—I have prayed to Tawaret, for the safety of yourself and the life that you now carry… Toula smiled all the wider. she gestures to the gift, I hope this is a gift that you will accept—a trader had brought it to my home, and I thought that this might make your space of delivery more comfortable… if you wished! but perhaps you might think of better uses,
perhaps she talked too much! but Ash Paw was lovely, radiant in her pregnancy, and She was nervous from what the Dreadfather had shared! would Ash Paw be bothered, or displeased by Her?
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
works for me <3 

The girl was staring and Ash Paw didn't partially mind. Lucky for the princess she had caught Ash Paw in a good mood. She wasn't feeling the usual stirrings of morning sickness. And she wasn't as bothered by aches, but they usually came towards the end of the day, after her body began to protest the extra weight she was beginning to carry.

Ash Paw lay her one gray paw against the mink, touching the silky softness. A gentle coo of delight curled from her maw. Then she blinked, trying to remember if this was one of the gods the priest had spoken of. He had.

Lady of the water. God of childbirth, of the birthing room. I have heard of her. She guides the children from the womb. Yes? I can use this well. Thank you. Before you return home, whenever that maybe. You must return so that I may give you herbs and plants to take with. Please come with me into my den.

Gentle teeth grasped the gift, the calico motioned for the girl to follow her. She slid into her den where there was room for two or more. Ingram, Syrax could fit easily inside with her. So this girl and her had no problem with fitting. She had dug it out on purpose, though she had been given quite a gift in such a den. Upon the walls of rock hung drying roots, and strips of meat and fish. In the corner were her wooden hollowed pieces of wood and in them was chamomile, just waiting for water to be added. There was a spice of herb upon the air. Rabbit furs lay stacked near the one corner, pretty rocks and gnarled roots. Herbs spilling out of small niches she had dug into the walls. A sigh of contentment left her maw as soon as she entered her den.

Once she lay the fur in a place of honor. Ash Paw shifted and allowed herself a more comfortable position, but one that seemed rather lazy and indecent. Forgive me. My body has begun to change and I have found only certain ways allow me the comfort of before. So what is it you wish to learn here in Basilica, Princess Toula?

She offered her a kind smile, and motioned with a paw for the girl to become more comfortable. Please be comfortable.
immortal longings
659 Posts
Ooc — anon
it seemed she had liked it! Toula smiled happily, and as Ash Paw recited the many roles of Tawaret, She beamed! yes, she answers, adding on, and She protects mothers and children as well. it is true that many invoke Her powers to avert bad luck upon childbearing, so, the process and all thereafter! Ash Paw, and her wellbeing, would find themselves now in Toula's prayers always! She is also known for her powers of bringing fertility, and rejuvenation, two of the same, in Her own mind!
but She thought Ash Paw, a woman of worship, might appreciate the knowing of these things.
Toula nods, accepting the woman's request, and then followed after the uniquely furred woman; Toula had never seen anyone quite like her in her lifetime! Toula observed all that was in the woman's room, and much of it reminded her—especially the herbal smell!—of her Sesh, Tavina. at once she felt a fierce longing for home! but to find a piece of it here warmed her, and Toula breathed in these familiar scents and felt at peace to think this.
when Ash Paw made herself comfortable, Toula was polite enough not to stare then. and so She lay in restful repose, as asked. Toula's posture was perfect; she was a perfect example of her royal pedigree, as one ankle gently crossed the other. it was something she had seen her Father do that always made him look most regal in Her eyes!
the young Amiirad was a woman of decorum, but still, there is nothing to forgive—you are with child, and your comfort is important to me, Toula speaks at last, and in earnest, now comfortable. the Princess would answer the question asked, whatever it is that you wish to teach me. the truth of it is, I would learn it all if I could, here Toula smiled, for I have a love of everything, it seems! but the Dreadfather spoke to me of your bear gods, and I am curious to know them. and... all of these herbs... you are a healer! Toula observed brightly, recognizing some of them.
as she had said, she had a love for many things—healing was among this!
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A priest named Senmut spoke to me of your go Tawaret and of Amun Ra, but I believe myself and the other woman with me made him nervous. our conversation was then ended. Ash Paw liked this Ta-waret, she could get behind this type of goddess.

There was comfort in the home, and hearth. Ash enjoyed her small den, away from prying eyes and annoying wolves. It was her own slice of heaven and she would be glad to rear her children here. Though they would be born in a whelping den nearby, then she would move them.

The girl was regal and careful in her movements. Holy and goddess like in her repose. So she was a royal to her very bones. How interesting to Ash Paw. Though she didn't find it ill fitting. No it fit the girl well.

My gods are Atka and Sos. Atka is the god of light, courage, wisdom, leadership, truth, glory, and power. She is considered neutral good. And she can take and give with steady and firm ruling. Plants grow abundant in her wake, she gifts euphoria to us alive. She is mother to all wolves, life and rebirth. A twitch of her nose as she continued her voice warming as she spoke. Sos is her counterpart. He is the god of darkness, greed, vanity, trickery, rage and power. He is unforgiving and cruel. He demands, he is tempermental, impatient and can be manipulative. He leaves footprints of shadows and silence as he walks among us.

Ash Paw shifted in her position. I know he seems scary, but it is important to have him as it is Atka. To keep the balance of the world. For after all, where would we be if there was no light to dark and dark to light, or emotions of the harsher kind, so that they can give into the gentler emotions. Some priests and priestesses will follow one or the other. I choose to follow both, because i strive for balance in my life.

Ash Paw smiled as she looked around. Yes I am a healer and a midwife. As well as a spiritualist. 

She pointed at different herbs. Rose hips for joints and body aches among other things, mint for coughs, camomile for sleep and soothing of throats, Thyme and Rosemary and Bergamot for infection. This is aloe for a soothing moment. Ginger for stomach aches.
immortal longings
659 Posts
Ooc — anon
Hem Senmut! Toula was delighted that Ash Paw knew of the Hem! he is our priest. he knows much of the Gods; I have learned so much of what I know of Them from him, and though She imagined the scenario in her mind, she laughed gently to think, I have never seen him nervous! she wondered why such a thing would be; Ash Paw, Toula had already determined, was a delight!
the young Toula listened, rapt. she loved to hear of these Bear Gods; it was clear that Ash Paw had much love for Them, herself, by the way that she spoke of them. her respect for the woman grew, in knowing that she followed both!
Osiris was a God, the judge of the dead, and also rebirth; she drew similarities, and considered to herself. but today she had come to hear of Ash Paws Gods, not speak of Her own! how does one pay their respects to Them? she asked, voice reverent. it felt right to offer something to Them, too, while here. 
the Amiirad was pleased to know her observation was correct. and a spiritualist! I hope to become a healer, she admits, and a spiritualist, too. though also an ambassador, so many things! and as Ash Paw, a woman easy to admire, identified each of the plants, Toula even recognized some! but others were new to her.
Is Bergamot a salve, or something to be eaten to help fight off infection? she asked the wise woman, gemstone eyes lingering upon the item.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
In his defense, he had caught Ash Paw on a bad day and she had not appreciated his elusion that only egyptians could worship their gods. That bothered her extensively. Religion and gods and goddesses should be for whomever feels called to them.

Well I can be quite testy, especially when my ire is up. But that is because I am a woman who knows my own mind and power.

The healer would have allowed the girl to speak of her own gods. It would have been fine with her. Really. She liked learning new things as Toula did. It was how she navigated her world, by learning.

Sacrifices of herbs, small prey animals and prayer.

A small knowing lit up Ash Paw's face as she pulled some Bergamot forward and gave to the girl. The lovely thing about it is. It can be used as both. You can put it on wounds on the outside and also eat it in small doses to help on the inside.
immortal longings
659 Posts
Ooc — anon
this, too, Toula could not imagine! but she felt she did not wish to ever be at the receiving end of the woman's ire regardless. what could Senmut have done, to deserved it? such a strange thought! it must not have been a good day for Ash Paw, Toula deduced, in having heard of her nature.
how could Toula make it so that all of her days were good, and pleasant!
Toula smiled. that does not sound so bad a thing, Toula observes. what of Her own power? ...what would knowing it do to Her?, for Her?
I will leave something for Them. I will ask Them, too, to keep Their eyes upon you... though I do not know if They will listen to me, I believe They must care for you, as Gods do, here Toula grinned. for They worked in such mysterious ways, did They not? all Gods! and what mortals often believed to be a curse upon them was Their blessing—and only later would it be seen as such, if at all!
being divine, she understood it well enough.
but her curiosity for Them did not end there. what is the story of Atka and Sos? she had felt a curiosity for this since the moment she had heard of Their natures. did They have one? or did They just come to be?
as for the herb, Toula drew the herb to her and sniffed over it. so, it helps with internal sickness too? or an antibiotic, ingested to help with infections from wounds only to not grow worse? she clarified, liking to hear Ash Paw explain these things—but also liking to know!
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Healer woman smiled and tilted her head. She knew that she was not the nicest. She could be, as was shown here But most of the time, she was haughty and prideful.

It isn't, at least I don't think so. But there are some Toula, that wish to dull the presence of you. Don't let them. Ever. Ash Paw sniffed at the plants and curled her paws into the dirt and stretched more, easing the pain in her back and stomach.

I like to believe that Atka and Sos will hear all who speak to them, whether it be all the time, or just some of the time. The next question though and she frowned sadly. I'm afraid I Don't know. I was told of Atka and Sos from my grandmother and she only  knew a bit of them. I have not been able to find any else who knew of their origins.

Both it can ease infections fo the outside, it can ease infections from the inside. It also helps your stomach and your insides.
immortal longings
659 Posts
Ooc — anon
the Amiirad smiled toward healer woman and her sage words. I shall not, the young girl decided, wishing to emulate Ash Paw in this way. as Ash Paw shifted, Toula inquired, is there anything that I can have fetched for you that will bring you more comfort...? seeing pregnancy was new to her! and while She never stared, Toula wanted to help the other. no midwife herself, and thinking it a blessed skill, Toula would feel honored if Ash Paw might share any such way that Toula might be of help.
no stories to be shared, this day. but it was a comfort to think They listened all the same.
back to the talking of plants, which Toula also loved! she nodded eagerly to hear this information, adding it to her own glossary. Toula, ever curious, then asked, what is your favorite of herbs, and why?
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Good. She said quietly and offered a fierce smile. She would make this girl aware of her own power, because she needed to be.

I'm afraid not. I'll put some Aloe on the stretching stomach later. It is mostly just my size. I am small and not used to the extra weight yet. But thank you very much. There wasn't much to be done. Ash just needed to find a more comfortable position.

Aloe and Chamomile. There is something about the scent of both of them and Chamomile water is very tasty and has wonderful health benefits.

She pulled one of her hollowed out branches and motioned the girl closer. You put chamomile leaves in it. And then water you let it steep for a few hours. No more or it will rot and become yucky. It soothes tummy aches, headaches, helps you sleep and so much more.