Arric moved on the borders as the dawn light lit up the broken cloud sky. Sprinkling of dust motes swirled and played around his paws, while the edges grew wet from the dew. The sparkling lights of water on the grass, played like shimmering glass on his eyes and he took in a deep breath of cool spring air. Inhale, exhale, he stood there for a brief beat of a minute, counting and breathing and felt the calm that he always did settle over him.
Lifting a leg he marked the nearest tree and then moved past to use claws and broken fur on the rest. Water when he could. He briefly thought of all the females that now lay nestled in their pack lands and how many of them would have children. Bella sure, but not he wondered if Wren would because her scent had wreathed around them like a poison lately.
He and Akavir had been staying away, but also ever vigilant. It made him nervous that she knew the cowboy and her violent reaction to finding out what kind of wolf he was. Only made Arric suspect that there had been more to it than she cared to admit.
Lifting a leg he marked the nearest tree and then moved past to use claws and broken fur on the rest. Water when he could. He briefly thought of all the females that now lay nestled in their pack lands and how many of them would have children. Bella sure, but not he wondered if Wren would because her scent had wreathed around them like a poison lately.
He and Akavir had been staying away, but also ever vigilant. It made him nervous that she knew the cowboy and her violent reaction to finding out what kind of wolf he was. Only made Arric suspect that there had been more to it than she cared to admit.
June 10, 2023, 03:35 PM
Home sweet home.
It hadn't been long after re-entry of Swiftcurrent's borders when she'd felt the rumble of footsteps, and the pungent smell of reinforcement. It was not Akavir, but Arric.
Thank Christ. She was saved from that embarrassment; for now.
Coming upon him from the side, she weaves through a patch of bramble and chuffs a casual greeting in hopes of flagging him down. Perhaps talking to someone would do her some good.
It hadn't been long after re-entry of Swiftcurrent's borders when she'd felt the rumble of footsteps, and the pungent smell of reinforcement. It was not Akavir, but Arric.
Thank Christ. She was saved from that embarrassment; for now.
Coming upon him from the side, she weaves through a patch of bramble and chuffs a casual greeting in hopes of flagging him down. Perhaps talking to someone would do her some good.
Oh, hey,she lowers her head, one ear awkwardly bent to the side.
I don't suppose you missed having me around.She gestures a paw to the darkened patch of tree bark.
I see you're... busy.
June 13, 2023, 05:05 PM
The scent of her season still clung to her, though it was mostly gone. Arric met her gaze blue eyes boring into her. Was she going to end up carrying too? He didn't know, but he knew they were getting too many puppies, but then wasn't this a good thing to have? It meant the population was growing the creek would survive.
Arric chuckled.
Arric chuckled.
Always Miss. Wren. How do you do?
June 13, 2023, 05:16 PM
She wasn't quite sure how to answer that one. There were a lot of words to describe her current mental state, and none of which were very pleasant. So she lands on a fine, mumbled through an awkward but cordial chuckle.
But something had been prodding at her, weighing on her mind as displayed by shoulders that hang low and a tightened expression. Pausing in order to shuffle her weight from one side to the other, she breaks the silence that had settled.
Went back out west, in the boonies for a bit.Totally didn't tango with anybody.
But something had been prodding at her, weighing on her mind as displayed by shoulders that hang low and a tightened expression. Pausing in order to shuffle her weight from one side to the other, she breaks the silence that had settled.
Weird question, but,waving one forepaw in a little circle, she clicks her tongue.
have you ever met a girl named Reverie? Blonde, kinda short and skinny? I, uh, ran into her somewhere in the woods, and I figured if anybody here would know who the hell she is, it might be you. She seemed.. troubled.
June 13, 2023, 05:36 PM
She clearly wasn't a fan of his question, but why he wasn't sure. Whether it was she didn't know how to answer or didn't want to answer he didn't know. And could he blame her? He hardly knew her and she hardly knew him. It only seemed fair that she want to keep her thoughts, feelings, and the like to herself.
Her next words and his entire body went stiff and he lifted his head a small bare of teeth, but he calmed his reaction down. And then just felt a bone weary guilt and sadness. He nodded.
Her next words and his entire body went stiff and he lifted his head a small bare of teeth, but he calmed his reaction down. And then just felt a bone weary guilt and sadness. He nodded.
Yea. She was part of the pack. Her madness is the reason she is no longer with us. It was her child the witch threatened harm to first. So she and her paramour ran off and took the baby too.
Floored, Wren was, mouth agape as the answer to her question rattles around in her mind before dissolving.
There was clearly a story behind Reverie, one that Wren wanted to pry for the details of. But instead, her paw touches the floor once more, expression twisting into a disgruntled frown.
Madness. She was not a fan of that word, but how else was the woodland girl to be described? Schizophrenic, maybe? Troubled? Mentally ill? A danger to herself?
Turning back to face Arric, she watches the tension that weaves into his shoulders, turning into something that speaks of resentment. She wants to offer some kind of comfort, but the only thing she can manage is almost pressing her temple to his shoulder before decidedly not doing that.
Oh,she spits out, a guttural sound.
oh, shit.
There was clearly a story behind Reverie, one that Wren wanted to pry for the details of. But instead, her paw touches the floor once more, expression twisting into a disgruntled frown.
Madness. She was not a fan of that word, but how else was the woodland girl to be described? Schizophrenic, maybe? Troubled? Mentally ill? A danger to herself?
I mean, obviously I don't know her,she deflects with a lightened tone that only lasts for a moment.
but I do know what mania looks like. She, um,she hesitates, eyes squinting until wrinkles form at the outer corners, nose scrunched.
she tried to sleep with me. I think. And then I-- y'know, I said I didn't wanna do that with a stranger, and she ran off cryin'er eyes out.A sharp breath, then, before her voice grows darker.
But I can't stop thinking about her.
Turning back to face Arric, she watches the tension that weaves into his shoulders, turning into something that speaks of resentment. She wants to offer some kind of comfort, but the only thing she can manage is almost pressing her temple to his shoulder before decidedly not doing that.
Do you wanna talk about it? Pretend I'm a really shitty therapist.
June 13, 2023, 06:20 PM
Arric chuckled.
A sad smile lit up one side of his face.
He shrugged.
Oh shit isn't even the tip of it all, darling.
A sad smile lit up one side of his face.
Rev has that affect on ya. Madness is a cruelty i shouldn't have said. She's.....troubled...very troubled. What caused it I could never say. She hates herbs, used to be a healer refuses to heal now. She bounces from happy and go lucky to sad and despondent angry even. She is obsessed with Lestan. That's her paramour and baby daddy. Her pregnancy was not...umm good and I don't have the proof, but I believe she tried to hurt hersel fand the baby, because when she came back after....she was even more....umm...chaotic.
He shrugged.
You'd be just about the same as me. I made a really shitty therapist. I couldn't help her. No matter how hard I tried.
June 15, 2023, 09:06 PM
If Arric couldn't help her, what on earth made Wren think she could?
A defeated, faint grin passes her features, a sadness to it that permeates the air around them.
Creating some space between them, she shuffles backward before landing in a sit, implying her willingness to extend their conversation.
A defeated, faint grin passes her features, a sadness to it that permeates the air around them.
I get it,another solemn shrug, more like a twitch.
I mean... s'hard, watching someone go through it. Knowing there's fuck all you can do about it. Just kinda watchin' their life fall to pieces, eh? Sucks.She kicks a stray pebble with an outstretched paw.
Wish she would'a at least let me talk to her, but, y'know, that's neither here nor there now, I guess.
Creating some space between them, she shuffles backward before landing in a sit, implying her willingness to extend their conversation.
What's new around here, though, eh? I miss anything fun?
June 16, 2023, 09:56 AM
Perhaps given a different time or place, Wren could help Reverie. Maybe she still could. In a sense Arric and Akavir had broken the trust Rev had in them. How he wasn't sure, but it was broken none the less.
He shook his head.
He bent to scratch his nose along his leg. A soft growl of delight at having found the itch curling from his throat.
He shook his head.
Nothing fun. Just the usual. Keeping an eye out for the baby stealing witch. Watching over Moss, though i imagine she hates it. And just sort of existing. Did you have a good little vacation. Find what you was looking for?
He bent to scratch his nose along his leg. A soft growl of delight at having found the itch curling from his throat.
June 18, 2023, 06:28 PM
How is she? Moss, I mean,though Moss was not someone she'd met just yet, she'd heard word of the trial and the nightmare that it was.
I'm sorry I wasn't there. At the trial. Wish I'd have come here, like, a few days earlier, and maybe I could'a helped.
There's silence, for a good moment, and then;
No, honestly,she barks out a laugh.
I... ugh. I'm telling you this because I trust you,there's hesitation, but she continues.
there's this really nice guy I met a few months back. His name's Marcus. Super sweet, y'know? And I... talked to him again, while I was gone. But he's-- I don't know if I can commit to him. I don't know if I really want him. I don't know if I deserve him. Or maybe I'm just doubting myself because-- ugh, I'onno. You didn't ask for fuckin', uh, girl drama.
June 18, 2023, 06:33 PM
Arric frowned and lifted his head from the scratch.
He shook his head.
Arric settled to his haunches. Ears thrust forward, head tilted honestly he looked like an overgrown puppy. White rimmed eye landed on her and shifted. Counselor mode engaged.
Not sure how to answer that. She seems alright like outwardly. But she's different since that all happened. Not even sure really what happened out there, but it musta not been good.
He shook his head.
Wouldn't of been able to do much, love. We couldn't even do much.there was a sigh deep in his large chest. But he closed his eyes and inhaled and then exhaled calming himself.
Arric settled to his haunches. Ears thrust forward, head tilted honestly he looked like an overgrown puppy. White rimmed eye landed on her and shifted. Counselor mode engaged.
Why do you feel that way? Like why wouldn't ya deserve him? And what makes you think that maybe you don't like him?
June 18, 2023, 06:41 PM
She nods, a twitch to the blackened corners of her mouth. Perhaps there was no use dwelling on it; she wasn't there, she didn't know them. She wouldn't have known what was happening. But regardless, the guilt is heavy in her gut.
I don't know,she shuffles, ears twitching as they settle at the sides of her head.
I don't think I understand how someone could look at me and think, 'yeah, that's a person worth loving', y'know?a self-deprecating laugh follows, one that is pitifully weak.
And aside from that... I'm, y'know, committed. To Swiftcurrent. And I don't think I want to spend my life balancing my duties here and chasing him. I don't think he wants to be in a pack, let alone this one,she shrinks, shoulders bunched and head between them, chin pressed close to her chest.
and I wanna... keep my options open, if you get what I mean.
June 18, 2023, 06:45 PM
Though it was appreciated that she cared enough already about the creek to worry about it. And ask what could have been, what if. It was nice. There was nothing she could have done, because there was nothing anyone could do. Sometimes things had a way of spiraling out of control.
Arric snorted.
Arric snorted.
Everyone deserves someone to love them Wren. Everyone. And if someone tells you different their lying. You're worth it and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise even yourself. You tell yourself that then you stop that thinking dead in its tracks, cause it's not right. And you deserve the world.
well if you want to keep your options open. Then he's probably not the one for you. I mean unless you're okay with sharing. But if that's the case then everyone has to be on the same page and rules need put down.
June 18, 2023, 07:01 PM
In truth, Wren did not believe a word he said. In the back of her mind, the husky voice of her father rings in her ear, the howls of fury and the slamming of fists. She looks down at her body. Long, muscles legs, unbalanced paws much too large for the ground they walk on. Mannish body with wiry fur, broad and awkward as it juts out, the scars that paint it.
A long silence hangs in the air, and then again; she speaks;
I don't know,is her answer, muted and mousy.
I mean, I'm not exactly the ideal woman. I'm loud and mean and... ugly.Sucking in a breath, she continues.
I've only ever been a body. I'm not good for anything permanent, I don't think.
A long silence hangs in the air, and then again; she speaks;
I just don't know. Maybe you're right. I just... maybe I should look closer to home, or something, ugh. But who is there out here that'd have me?
June 18, 2023, 07:14 PM
He clicked his tongue against fangs and listened to her words. Someone at some point in time, made her feel less than. And that made him anxious and irritated on her behalf.
he took a minute to peruse her gently. She wasn't overtly feminine, but that wasn't a bad thing. She was slight and well muscled with features that could belong either place and for some like him who really didn't have a set type of man or woman. It was more emotional and mental for him, granted looks were good too.
he took a minute to peruse her gently. She wasn't overtly feminine, but that wasn't a bad thing. She was slight and well muscled with features that could belong either place and for some like him who really didn't have a set type of man or woman. It was more emotional and mental for him, granted looks were good too.
First of all whoever told you, you were ugly was lying or jealous one of the two. Because you're not. And you're perfect for something permanent if that's what you want and I'll knock the blinking block off the first one to tell you otherwise, myself.
At the moment there are only two of us in the creek Wren. Akavir and myself the rest are all woman. Unless you're okay with both genders. I know Moss and Bellatrix both like women. I can't say anything on my end as i'm more a get to know you type of guy. And I can't speak for Akavir.
She chuffs out a laugh, at that, a genuine one.
She ponders it for a moment before a sheepish grin curls at her lip.
Akavir. Oh, Jesus, the mere mention of his name makes her cringe. She was not about to tell Arric she was one wrong move from having slept with him, so in place of such an announcement, she shuffles again.
Well, thank you,she raises a paw and punches a well-muscled shoulder in jest.
I'll be sure to tell my dad you said that from beyond the grave.
She ponders it for a moment before a sheepish grin curls at her lip.
I prefer women,she boldly proclaims.
they just, uhm, make me nervous. And most men are so... gross,her lip twitches in a feigned show of disgust.
no offense, or anything. You're not gross.
Akavir. Oh, Jesus, the mere mention of his name makes her cringe. She was not about to tell Arric she was one wrong move from having slept with him, so in place of such an announcement, she shuffles again.
I don't know. Maybe I need to do that thing where I frolic along the beach and 'find myself' first.And then, she adds;
What about you, Arric? You a ladies' man?
June 18, 2023, 07:37 PM
He took the hit easy enough and chuckled.
Arric chuckled and then snorted.
He laughed.
No offense but if it was your dad that told you those things he's an ass. And i hope it makes him roll over in the grave when i call him an ass.
Arric chuckled and then snorted.
men are gross in most cases. I myself can be disgusting.He chuckled. He knew he could be gross. Knew it well. Honestly, he wasn't a saint and he was perverted and had a potty mouth from hell.
He laughed.
I am an all genders man. And I am not averse to sharing. But I need a genuine connection usually. And if there is sharing involved i need rules so no one gets hurt or wronged.
June 18, 2023, 07:49 PM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: coarse language, some mention of sex/genitals kinda LOL
Oh, no, say all the horrible shit you want about him, he sucked,a cackle leaves her lungs.
yeah, he was... let's just say I think he's dead, and I hope he is.A twinge of sadness is visible in her gaze, one she hides behind a chalky forepaw that brushes up to her face.
Are you, like, uh, hang on, what's the word for it?That same paw whirls around in a circle motion.
Poly? Somethin' like that, right? I don't know if I could do that. I think'm too jealous,and yet, she is hypocritical, given the list of others she has flirted or danced with, and promptly run away from. But perhaps it doesn't matter if there's no true commitment.
But I don't want, like, a family either. God, I don't want kids.a sigh escapes her.
I don't know what I'd do if I ended up with them. I just-- can't, like, imagine myself as a ma. Which automatically whittles my dating pool down to like, some old guy whose nuts don't work anymore, or a woman who won't seek out anyone else. Or a guy who can... y'know. Stop it before it starts.
Arric smiled, but he was a little wary of it.
Arric shrugged.
Arric chuckled.
I won't say nothing to terrible. Because even when we don't have the best parents. We can't help but love them anyway right. I won't do that to you.
Arric shrugged.
I am yes, but I'm also not. Like.He blew out a breath.
I think that if i cared enough about someone and they didn't like that lifestyle I wouldn't go against their wishes. Or I may find someone who's it for me. LIke that's it no more, never looking again. But yes for the most part I am Poly, I share well. As long as there are rules for all involved. Like I refuse to get in a relationship if it's going to upset someone else etc.
Arric chuckled.
Well not everyone wants kids and there's nothing wrong with it.
July 19, 2023, 10:53 AM
i am SO sorry, wren got wrapped up in a bunch of stuff and this thread completely escaped me D: we can fade here if you want!
He refuses to insult her father. We love them anyway, he says. Do we? Are we supposed to?
He goes on to explain polyamory — or at least, his personal definition of it — and Wren nods, listening only faintly as the distant rush of the creek picks her up and takes her away. Her father. Her father, her father—
Thanks for the advice, big guy,she finally says, allowing herself to look up at him.
sometimes it's nice to just... talk to somebody.
Perhaps now in her mind, she would shuffle Arric into the maybe friend folder.
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