Stone Circle on a dare,
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
595 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
ancelin paced out from the valley with @Ameline. drunk on the anticipation of their success at a future, he became bold, and ranged ahead, calling once to @Athalia. the girl might shadow if she wished.
this was not a raid.
they carried meat between them, parts from a deer killed in the meadow.
ancelin dropped his burden beside the border and called out.
join us.
the sound rose higher, stronger. they needed warriors and hunters. bearclaw needed numbers. why collide when the territory of the bearwolves was rich, and now established in this year's children.
bold; daring; ancelin quieted. he waited.
The bear whisperer
78 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
The scents of strangers found Bjorn’s nose. His hackles rose, his ears perked forward, his interested piqued. He trotted briskly to the border from which the sound came, and before him were two wolves, indeed strangers. They had meat with them, deer meat. He stood roughly two yards away, his stance firm. “Who is it that wishes the presence of Kvarsheim?” His voice is as strong as his body, yet he keeps it at a level sound. He waits for an answer.
Active weekdays: Monday (evenings), Saturday, Sunday — Most evening times are open (PST: Pacific Standard Time)
Bearclaw Valley
Regina *
1,093 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Ameline knew the pack would grow. She had yet to feel the stirring within herself, but with evergreen confidence she assured herself that there would be no way, considering how many times they had coupled, that she would not bear children. 

Haughtily she harboured the private thought that considering how many times they had coupled, they were also likely to have a full brood of children, as if that was the way it worked. She didn’t know any better, but she had every reason to hope it was so.

But they would need more hunters, more guardians. The valley was often avoided by others, as it couldn’t be seen without risking trespass- but she felt that if others saw the home they had chosen, they would come and join them. 

Even if it meant leaving their own home behind.

They’d noted the packs in the area- and the recent departure of wolves from the area near the river. Two more packs remained- Swiftcurrent seemed strong enough, but Kvarsheim had been quiet. Agreeable, so she had been told. And so, they went forth to the borders to summon the wolves- keen on finding perhaps a few who might be ready to leave the nest.

One came to greet them, and she offered a smile to the solemn-faced wolf. ”We’re the Bearclawth,” She said, and looked to her mate, admiring the ambition glistening in his eyes.
80 Posts
Ooc — Twin
athalia did, in fact, tag along. she strode close to the side of ameline as if she had a leggy little shadow, silent and slouched.
so this was kvarsheim. she entertains herself for a bit by trying to find the ghost of swiftlet, and is disappointed when she does not find him. would he want to come to bearclaw too?
a hawkish man comes to greet them, and ameline gives a greeting. athalia mirrors this with a little shimmy of her rump, though she does not smile.
88 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Hope you don't mind one more person

Young as the stone prince was, he was not unaware of the growing list of responsibilities that were to be attended to. The investigation of the bold call at their borders preceded them all the instance it reached his ears. The voice held strong in the air.

Join us.

Suspicion fogged his mind in a knee-jerk fashion. It's intensity alarmed the typically good-natured boy. With a few deep breaths to level himself—to remain open-minded—he moved to meet the strangers.

He is relieved to find that Bjorn intercepted the foreign trio. Ujurak arrived on scene at the tail end of the strange woman's introduction. The stone prince chuffed softly to Bjorn as he moved to stand at the veiðimaður's shoulder. Gemstone gaze assessing the strangers and the offerings they brought. A man, two woman. All hale with youth.

Ujurak allowed a stillness to pass his face. The mask of a stone statue to hide the growing trepidation at this encounter. His first, proper, act of diplomacy. Ears turned forward, he rose to his full height.

Greeting Bearclaws, Ujurak's eyes flitted to Bjorn sidelong before returning to the woman who introduced the group. Was he doing this right? What business do you have with the wolves of Kvarsheim?
157 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Casually revives him

How long had it been since he died? There was a double entendre here; one, the obvious- how long ago now, how long had it been, since Bonario Loðbrók had died; two, he had repeated to himself every day in an endless chant, how long had it been, how long ago now, since Gunnar Loðbrók died? Maybe a third ended this off, Bonnie wondered. How long ago since his father died?

So, the days went on, and they were monotonous and despondent. No one came to look for him some days. To be fair, he didn't go to look for anyone. Didn't want no one. Didn't have no one. He didn't need nobody. They could live their lives, and he would live his. Didn't need nobody.

For once in his life, Bonario Loðbrók, son of Gunnar, father of the stones, had tamed. Not a feral beast frothing with foul words and spitting meaningless nonsense. He'd spent his days as a hunter, never leaving the food trays empty. Didn't have enough time to interact, because how could he when he hardly slept? When he was hardly around to speak? Always gone, as useless as he was useful, leaving food on the table and trying to spruce it up at the end with silly little herbs he didn't understand. The man tried to learn to be a better cook and butcher. He didn't appreciate the blood at some points, but the effort was there.

At the end of the day, he didn't belong anywhere.

Today was no different when he returned with elk thigh in his mouth, an antler at the top and touching the roof his mouth. He carried both with no pride, because he'd long let it die. What a man he was.

His return saw the backs of three wolves after a distant call.

Ujurak, Bjorn. Who were these others? "What's going on?"
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
595 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"quite the turnout," the bearclaw stage-whispered to his mate and daughter. first, a muscular ursine man showed up, requesting that they announce themselves. ameline did so, and he waved his tail in affectionate support.
a stonemade young wolf showed then, followed by an older man. and yet it seemed as if the youth held the authority between them.
ancelin stood proudly. "we're your neighbors. we'd like to avoid being your competitors." no women? in the whole place?
"we're offering your pack a place to be. maybe some of you come. maybe some don't. but our land is good and we have the meadow too."
it could be a challenge. he kept his voice even, falling silent as the indigo gaze swept over and was still.
The bear whisperer
78 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Soon a whole brigade greeted the strangers at the border, and as soon as the young leader showed up, he nodded to Ujurak, as a sign of support, and leaving part of this up to him. Bjorn wouldn’t want to step on toes and let Ujurak do the diplomatic speaking. He glanced to Bonario, another grown man, part of their ranks.

He’s a big stoic guy. He’ll mostly be present and supportive, addressing anyone if he’s prompted.
Active weekdays: Monday (evenings), Saturday, Sunday — Most evening times are open (PST: Pacific Standard Time)
Bearclaw Valley
Regina *
1,093 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Ameline kept her features still, as if she hadn’t heard her mate’s comment. Her gaze remained warm without losing its sharpness; she was quick to notice the other two wolves approaching to investigate, offering them the same level, fair look she had given the first. 

Her mate spoke and her chin tipped up slightly. She sniffed the air to assess how many of these men patrolled the borders- and how many other scents there were in the area. From what she could tell, there weren’t many others who had not shown up. 

They might be too tightly knit to want to split up, she thought- but perhaps they might be convinced to merge as one, especially if they believed in the Bearclaws’ faith in their territory. 

It was the youngest of the three who seemed to instigate the conversation; she was impressed. The man with the antler seemed intrigued, but the burly guardian remained silent. 

They weren’t being forced to do anything- the Bearclaws were merely extending an invitation. Having little more to add, Ameline waited with a thin smile, to hear how the young prince might respond.
80 Posts
Ooc — Twin
whoa whoa whoa, they were what now? ancelin had not made this clear to athalia before they came here; or perhaps he had, and she simply hadn't been listening. her eyes go wide as her head snaps over to him, ears swiveling as a frown stretches across her features.
bearclaw was she and ameline and ancelin. small. isolated. just them. only them. that was how athalia liked it, and that was how she wished it to stay. stunned by the mere idea of taking in these soft-mouthed chumps, she stomps her foot upon the ground and grumbles an ominous, low note.
they didn't deserve bearclaw. not unless they had a damn good offering in exchange. the girl simmers as she watches the gathering, dread and frustration brewing in her gut.
88 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
At Bonario's arrival Ujurak offered the ghostly ranger a friendly wave of his tail. His head tipped towards the Bearclaws. A flick of his tail invited the wayward hunter to stand close if he so desired. His appearance alone solidified the show of matching the Bearclaws number.

The stone prince's eyes returned to their neighbors. Committing faces to memory and slowly absorbing their scents. He waits patiently as the Bearclaws made their proposal. An ache in his jaw formed as his teeth ground together, biting back the ugly feeling from earlier as it resurfaced. First the offer from the River wolves when they departed from the valley, now their new neighbors extended an invitation as a place to live.Ujurak did not like the feeling that surfaced. It crept through him like how bile rose in one's throat and tasted just as bad.

They had the meadow too? Did they not live in the mountains just south? If the land was so good why the broad reach? Sounds like they didn't choose their home well. Did they perceive Kvarsheim as unfit to exist on its own? Did they think themselves better?

As his own thoughts swirled, his eyes passed over the younger girl among them. The snap of her head and the broad frown that stretched across of her face indicated a dissenting opinion to that of her elders. Perhaps it was his own youth that lifted his brow sympathetically and pulled gently at his lips.

There was a still a bitter taste in his mouth but he harshly reprimanded himself. These folk were still people. They were their neighbors. It was better to be on good terms.

My packmates are welcome to remain here or leave on their own terms. I can make your offer known to them, but I will not make the choice on their behalf. Ujurak kept his tone level, slowly drawing both his confidence and compassion into play. Allowing the smile on his face to broaden and greet the Bearclaws warmly. Properly. But, yes. It is good to foster a relationship, isn't it?

We would love to keep things amiable. Perhaps in time we can arrange an event between our packs, a hunt perhaps?
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
595 Posts
Ooc — ebony
oof sorry for letting this get so far out of date! last post for me <3

they gathered, but only one spoke. and no one seemed particularly interested in joining up with them either, which rattled him shamefully.
it didn't seem like athalia was keen on it either. "a hunt would be nice," ancelin said after a moment. "let us know."
but if any of the stone circle wolves changed their mind, the bearclaw valley might yet be open to them. he paused for ameline to speak if she wished, then shook out his ruff.
and yes! he did think himself greater and more powerful and wise, but that was ancelin's self-gratifying mind.
he turned, nudged mate and daughter, and moved for their home, paying no mind to how abruptly he'd ended the meeting.