Ocean's Breath Plateau an oyster desires nothing, dear boy

Priestess of Nwt

606 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
nazli had begun to put away bits and pieces of their camp in preparation for a departure. she did not know when they would return to their respective homes, but it was a good distraction which kept her busy through the warmest part of the day.

funny that she found the seaside so cold, given that it was finally spring and she had seen no sign of snow.

the village was a busy place; there was the arrival of a hunter and his son which brought a celebratory energy to the people. while they busied themselves with their own traditions, nazli packed, and then she emerged from her own little tent in time to see the sun beginning to tilt towards the horizon.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Though it had been an evening of great revelry and traditon. It still cut into the flesh of his heart liked barbed wire. It still showed the hunter all he had lost.

So as to not darken the day with his sadness. He sought solace after tidings of goodness had been given.

Hia feet carried him towards his home, past the beach. But his mind was far away. On the love he had lost.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.

Priestess of Nwt

606 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
she may have kept to the camp more than the others, but nazli was an observant person. the time the group had stayed within the village gave her ample time to watch, to listen, and to gather information.

it was nazli's habit of doing her worship before the stars, and before the goddess nwt, that brought her out of the tent and towards the beach.

on the way, she saw the leader of the village—rodyn—moving along the sand; she wondered if it would be appropriate to approach him, and decided to follow.

the slow decline of the sun brought a riot of color to the sky! the only time nazli had seen anything close to this was within akashingo, and while the colors were equally vibrant, they bounced from the waves and the sea was glittering with pink and orange.

she settled near to the man but not too close, implying with the austere bow of her head that she was happy to see him but equally ready to do her prayers if he did not want to be disturbed.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had tried to meet many of the wolves that had set up camp. But frankly he hadn't had a chance ot find out more than their names with most. This one was called Nazli if he recalled correctly. She had been more keen to stick to the camp than trade.

He wondered what she was doing out and about in the dusk hours. When the sun began to fall behind the stars and it lit up the sky like a beacon. Rodyn couldn't quite hide the small smile that lit up his features at the sight. And he thought of Samani then and wondered if perhaps she had sent it to him.

Nazli, correct?

He tilted his head towards her ina gesture of hello and dipped his muzzle down in respect.

I hope you found our borders welcoming and the trades profitable for you and your pack.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.

Priestess of Nwt

606 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
Ra was going to bed. already the countless children of Nwt were arriving, silvery-pale, blocked now by the ozone and the slanting light which made them appear ghostly. as the sun descended the colors would erupt, then calm, and the sky would be a riot of starlight. this is what nazli waited for.

the man appeared quite taken with the sunset; he broke the stillness by speaking the name of the hemet and she gave a small nod, watching him, smiling; and his effort to make friendly banter were well received.

yes, it has been a very good visit for all involved. i hear as much, anyway. she had only heard bits and pieces, having not been actively involved in the trades themselves, but she was glad to have come for the journey.

the way he watched the sky was curious to her, but she did not want to probe where she might not have belonged. there was a look of enjoyment upon his face but also of hurt, or something missing. nazli saw it even as he looked to her and gave a nod of his own.

i had never seen water like this before, she went on to admit, having decided it was better not to insert herself unnecessarily in to details she had no business knowing. this was an easier point of conversation. but it is beautiful. and... admittedly, a little frightening. she chuckles softly, as if wary to admit this.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't know all that the wolves of Akashingo and Muat-riya believed. But he did know they enjoyed the sun. That it was considered a god of theirs. That all things had gods. But he didn't know who or what they were.

Rodyn nodded his head. IT has been. I was invited to trade again in the fall but in your home. I hope to do so. We shall see. It will take time to gather all the items for trade. Though he had much already ensconced in his storage den.

A soft chuckle of delight and understanding. I hadn't either until I went on my bride price journey for my late wife. Her father was raised among the sea and she wanted to return here. So we did. And this is where she also rests eternally. The sea can be both things.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.

Priestess of Nwt

606 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
it was a good thing, this visit. those loyal to the Divine Pharaoh would bring back riches for the palace, and by rodyn's own admission there would be future trades to be held, and he mentioned he would be following them back to akashingo in the coming seasons. nazli's tail gave a few wags as she heard and understood this.

when he went on to admit his own reluctance about the sea, she was surprised. but then, nazli supposed anyone facing such a sight for the first time would be terrified; she was more interested in the phrase he used—bride price? she parroted it back to him with an unspoken question in her dark eyes.

how odd, thought the woman who could never marry.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't know all the palace could offer. And he doubted he would stay for more than a day or two when he did arrive. But he would honor his agreement. He would trade.

He nodded his head. Steeling himself to tell the story again. But with each tellingit grew easier. His heart grew lighter. Perhaps there was something to speaking of Samani.

My late wife's family asks a bride price of any potential suitors. We are given tasks of items to gather or hunt. We then present it to show what we can offer, riches and how willing we are to provide. Of course even with all that the women can choose to not accept and then it is still given as gifts. A journey of ones self.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.

Priestess of Nwt

606 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
it was similar enough in description to the marriage between nebet and neb of different kingdoms, she reasons. although to pay directly for a bride is unsettling, it was a show of wealth and strength, which wasn't so bizarre. nazli nods, smiling.

so it is diplomatic, such as the marriages of akashingo. this was a small observation; nazli had only ever seen weddings between pharaoh-and-consort, and they so rarely had visitors seeking the same from their people.

she did not ask further questions about it; rather, she watched the sky shifting colors and enjoyed the company. it wasn't until the colors began losing their luster that nazli comments, i wonder what sort of price i would fetch.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn realized he was doing this badly. Was it a payment of sorts yes. But the bride could choose to deny. She could say no. And he had done his bride proce put of love, not business.

He shook his head. No not really. It is. Hmm. I loved, still love my wife. I went on the journey because i love her. To prove that i could overcome anything to get back to her. To prove that I could care for her. That she was safe and loved with me. And it was still her decision. If she didn't wish to marry me she could day so. In her culture women are also allowed other lovers if they want them. Granted it is usually a mutual agreement between husband and wife to do so.

He blinked surprised. Well, i am not sure. It would depend on what someone you trust deemed. For instance. My bride price was many things. Different furs, strips of meat, i had to wrestle her father, seashells. I imagine it would be aimilar to that, possibly more so. As it should be. All women should be treasured and treated well.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.

Priestess of Nwt

606 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
had she misunderstood?
the price was to prove his love of her. it did not sound so different from what nazli had said, and so she accepted that they were one and the same. she did not ask further about it; rather, she listened to what he had to gather and present to the woman's father.
you wrestled! this was such a surprise to nazli that her mouth formed an O, and one of her paws lifted as if to cover it, and then she was laughing softly. i'm sorry to laugh, truly. i cannot imagine anyone doing the same before our royals. it did not sound like something the divine toula would ever want—but perhaps her consort.
it was a silly question. i am not allowed to wed, i am hemet—ah, priestess.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't see them as the same. But he did know that the world existed with different opinions. So he chalked this up to as one.

He chuckled and nodded. Yes we did. It wasn't easy. Her father had many years experience and I am not so much a fighter as a hunter. But we both held our own well enough.

He made a soft sound. I'm sorry you're not allowed if it is something you want
It seems unfair.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.

Priestess of Nwt

606 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
she imagined what it might be like as a woman, to have a man fighting for her heart.
in this case her suitor was obvious but their opponent not so much, and for the first time nazli began to wonder about her origins—notably who her father was, if perhaps he might have lived at the palace as a fellahin like her mother, or was someone who had merely visited and been entertained.
it soured her stomach to think about, and quite suddenly too.

rodyn brought her back to the moment with his sympathy.
i am devoted to the gods, there is no greater calling.
but even as she voiced this, she felt a spark of yearning.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was not privy to the thoughts that ran rampant inside the she wolf before him. And he wouldn't have even thought about it. Everyone he knew, knew their fathers. It was a foreign concept to him in a way.

He smiled. As long as you're happy. Everyone deserved their happiness.

A soft stretch and he bowed his head. I should be heading to tuck my boys in. But do you need me to walk you to where you're staying first?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.