Ocean's Breath Plateau i cut like a butter knife
150 Posts
Ooc — metic
All Welcome 
backdated to the 15th, @Rodyn @Heph, others welcome to join

she clung to the remaining satchels still carried toward promised intentions. from leaving the last pack she turned and marked her course through the glacier, which based on scent, was no longer claimed.

moontide; that is where dutch had said he'd reside, and that was where she decided her next stop would be. she had a rough idea of where the sea lay and based on context clues, assumed that is where this next group might inhabit. and so she continued to press onwards, eventually slowing as the scents thickened.

it smelt faintly of @Dutch here, as if he passed through regularly but did not stay. she settled the satchels beside her before calling for the leaders, eager to meet the people of this land.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
quick little post to get in threadlog.

Rodyn had only just returned to Moontide with @Panuk and @Rolayne possibly. When a new call ran out for the leaders of moontide. He looked longingly at his den, but shook the ehaustion off his shoulders and heeded the call.

Hello you've approached Moontide. I'm Rodyn.

Body language clear he was leader here, but it was a quiet knowledge. Not one he shoved in others faces. Preferring to be as kind as possible mostly.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
With a moment stolen from @Phox and trailing laughter Heph answered the call, coming into step quietly next to Rodyn. Her own posture was not one of the leader but of a second though she wore it more comfortably now than when it had first been offered. Tipping her head in a nod of greeting she introduced herself as well. "I'm Heph." Her gaze trailed lightly over the stranger, but did not challenge, more curious than anything.
150 Posts
Ooc — metic
two figures appear, one quickly after the other. a man and a woman, and she mistakenly assumed that they might be the leading couple here. "greetings," she address each as they appear, a friendly dip of her head to them both as they settle near.

her ears give a twitch at the word mootide, though she holds off on any mention of dutch. "i am nephele, i lead a group, yellowstone, alongside my husband in the golden plains a few days travel from here," she introduces, watchful for any sign that they might know of where she speaks.

after a moment, she continues, "we seek to meet and establish trade and relations with our neighbors." she leans over to grab a satchel to place before them. "it is our hope that you might seek the same."
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn dipped his head. well met. My late wife and I as well as Heph built this place. I know where your home is. We have hunted bison before, but not of that herd.

Rodyn smiled kindly. This is good for we our a pack of traders. We juat had our first successful hunt with multiple packs this last season. Largely thanks to Heph here spreading the word and pulling others together. We have plans for another.

Rodyn dipped his head. Thank you.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded her own head "We welcome trade, thank you." Her eyes glanced towards Rodyn thinking of the future hunt, they might have to have it in a different place so that no pack's lands would be over burdened by hosting, but she looked forward to seeing a different place once more.

A soft smile "I will get us something to eat as we discuss." Another nod and she left to go find something cached. While the journey was not overlong the last time she had taken it she had done so with an injured shoulder, it was better now but she knew that a meal even on a stop for the journey was often a boon.
150 Posts
Ooc — metic
their is a perk to her ears at the mention of his familiarity with the plains she now called home. they'd hunted the bison before. there is a prickle of overprotectiveness at the thought of others hunting the herd they now claimed, but she smoothed over the thought as quickly as it reared up. the lands had not always been theirs, and there was some measure of relief found to hear that a hunt against bison had been successful.

"would you look to the plains for another hunt?" she questions after he revealed the intention of another hunt for the future. she was not sure she liked the idea of outsiders coming in to hunt the land they now guarded, but she would not shove the idea entirely away either.

a quick "thank you," was directed toward heph as the woman pulled away to go grab a bite while they discussed specifics. she waited a moment before looping the conversation back towards the primary purpose of her visit. "for trade yellowstone primarily will deal in quality bison goods. pelts, horns, meat, but we also have seeds and herbs that might not be so readily available along the coast as well."
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't care too much for assumptions. They always soured conversations. That's not to say he thought she had them. Until her next words caught him off guard. He was a man of calm mind in most cases. But the way she worded things almost made him feel as if his very personality was attacked. For he would never, on claimed land.

He wanted to point out you couldn't claim an entire food source that was unjust, unfair and frankly selfish. But he kept that to himself.

Her next words gave him unease and his stomach tightened. He lifted downy head and blinked yellow eyes.

A quick precise No He shook his head as he continued. We wouldn't hunt on claimed land. We are not that type of people. We would only hunt if invited.

He shifted, his body easing as he talked about what he loved to do. Hunting.
We are pack of hunters. So we deal in any pelts we can find among forest and meadow, any terrain really. Deer, elk, caribou, weasel, rabbit, bird, goat and many more besides. We also have storied fisherman and offer any herbs and seeds that can be found in our allied villages and here as well as moon rocks, seashells and other seashore items. We also have many trade routes set up with other packs, and allies besides that also trade. So even if we don't have the specific items for trade that someone wants. We can usually find it and trade for it.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.