Two Eyes Cenote acapulco
Segundo *
sometime come the wolf
This character is rated M+
354 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
All Welcome 
he moves with juarez’s peltskin in tow. the cenote’s borders loom near, cypress groves shadowed and inscrutable. 

soto apprises their stark face against the desert. remembering his mission, the man tilts back his head in a howl.
There is always unintended consequences
199 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Another voice called at thr border. Safiya followed it and looked down at thr newcomer. Eyes wide in her head. Not a lick of fear in her gaze. Small of stature but big of heart.

443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
One might ask a lonely imp on a frantic haywire frenzy: Why aren't you home? What better are you to do? Why do you hang so low? To which the imp would respond with a wild snap of her teeth and throw a tantrum in many stomps. Anything, in fact, to distract you from the answer that she had been searching for an imprisoned man, a near married man, and a bedridden friend.

The yaret crept behind the shadow of a lifted dune and fumbled around with a silent whine in her throat. 
Segundo *
sometime come the wolf
This character is rated M+
354 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
it’s a pleasant face that greets him, refined in the ancestral angles of coyote. she’s young - but not harmless. 

he’s not disappointed by the lovely sight, but his eyes rove past in sharp acuity where the single sound of a whine rose from the dunes. 

the girl speaks the tongue in which soto is only passingly accustomed. hello, he lilts back, brogue heavy. 

the contents of his peltskin remain at his feet. para ti. he pushes it forward with a signal beyond her - to show it was a gift for all.
There is always unintended consequences
199 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya was young. But she also knew her place and it was to not allow visitors without permission. 

Though her ear tilted up when she heard a cry. Sea glass eyes roving over the sand dunes.

I call baba. She said quietly and lifted her nose for her father @Khusobek
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
So, one by one, she ran through all the things! Bla-bla-bla, bla-bla-bla, bla-bla, and something something about you let my kid get eaten. (Khusobek's voice, somewhere.)

Safiya was not alone. The demon crawled out with oozing steps to create a barrier between the pup and strangers path. A man draped in a dark jacket of fur with eyes gifted from Ra's outer rays was below them. At his feet..

Oh, oh, oh! What'd he have in there?! Legend wanted all of it! All of it now! But Legend did not move - at least, she hadn't. At first. Somewhere along the lines, her feet brought her closer. Her nose twitched wildly.

"What this?"
Segundo *
sometime come the wolf
This character is rated M+
354 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
the girl looks to the peltskin and back to him, eyes inquisitive. she murmurs something unintelligible and throws back her head in an howl. soto's ears flick as something pulls itself from the shadows.

a proper wolf, doe-eyed and spiderling mien. soto pushes the peltskin forward again and gestures with a circular arc of his wrist. ah, what is the word -- he works through the catalogue of borrowed terms in his head. geeft. he mispronounces, motioning for the thin viper to take his offering.
There is always unintended consequences
199 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya felt a whisper of unease as Legend pulled up behind her. Mostly because she had not noticed the other.

Gift for Pharoh Toula?

She nodded. Her father had told her sometimes this happened.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
The imp's nose was often a liar and yet her loyalty became enslaved to it in moments. The crawling yaret glanced back to the girl, looking over her shoulder for a muddied amount of reasons.

"Gift for Pharaoh Toula," the yaret surely promised with oh, so many, many nods to the child. Her baba would come forth any moment.

"We thank Him for His geeft. Name?" The vipers tail swished in quick sways that rumbled aloud violents amount of excitement.

A last check over the girls shoulder, and Legend's head turned to grab the peltskin away to obscure.
Segundo *
sometime come the wolf
This character is rated M+
354 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
again comes the unintelligible words of the girl. he knows none of these word’s meanings and looks plaintively upon her.

the silken-furred woman speaks, nodding - this gesture was at least universal, so soto inferred some measure of positive correlation from it.

she reaches and tucks the skin away. soto reciprocates the nod, realizing that both wolves had their eyes trained expectantly upon him.

oh. they’d asked — what was it? he flips through the jumble of words he didn’t know. ‘name’. he’d heard that before… it meant —

soto. he bobs his head to conclude their business, unaware legend planned to keep such things to herself.

no matter. he would be back next week with a second gift. equally as disarming. equally as dangerous.

he gives the spiderling one last look, waves his toes at the girl, then leaves the way he came.

conflict: this is a conflict heavy character. if you do not enjoy IC conflict he may not be a good fit! let me know, though. i prefer simple dice roll for outcome if there is no preferred IC outcome communicated beforehand.
mature themes: soto is 3-3-3. subject matter in his threads may explore themes of violence, sexuality, and substances. i will defer to your comfort level if you communicate them.
translation: i enjoy the challenge of working around language barriers. at times i will not provide a hover translation, this is to help my own immersion. if you need hover, just let me know.
common knowledge: packmates may reference soto patrolling, hunting, etc freely.
powerplay: minor PP to set scene is ok.
archival: i will archive threads if a participant is inactive or it has been more than 30 days since last reply. participants are welcome to revive the thread at a better time for them.
code by chelsie
There is always unintended consequences
199 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya wanted to dissect this ones language barrier. She wanted to know Mote and fearlessly she wanted to force it forward. But she didn't know how or what to do.

It frustrated her in equal measure that they couldn't understand each other exactly. And she watched him leave surprised. 

Though she had raised her own paw in bye.