Blackfeather Woods kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
All Welcome 
For the quest "Your Secrets Lie in My Heart." Backdated one day.

Be still, and then strike.

She remembered the way Rokig had gone about capturing the fish, and though these were smaller than the ones she'd seen on the island--they were still, in the end, fish. The girl peered down into Otter Creek, watching them. Hoping that, perhaps, she could catch one or two for her dinner.

It would be a long process. Even moving a muscle caused one or two of them to panic, which led to mass chaos and hasty exodus. She thought these fish would be less wary of predators than those by the ocean, but maybe not.

Or maybe she was just bad at fishing.
533 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow found herself wandering once more, though she stopped instantly when a familiar figure was found in the distance. "No way." She stated quietly, perhaps her eyes played tricks on her once more just as they did in the past. In jer mind she couldn't believe it.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She was distracted, irritatingly enough, by the arrival of another, and she looked up with exasperation writ clearly over her face. The expression quickly faded to a sort of surprised joy, and she left the bank of the stream without another word, hobbling up to Moonshadow with a grin.

Out of everyone in Blackfeather Woods, she had come for Maegi. And although the sight of her still brought up memories she'd rather stay hidden, those wounds were nearly closed, now. She would not flee, this time. Her tail wagged as she drew to a halt, examining the scars upon the woman's face, the glint in her eyes so different from before.

"Moonshadow," Maegi murmured. "It's good to see you. I'm sorry--" She felt embarrassed, suddenly, remembering how she had ran like a coward, tail between her legs. "I'm sorry I ran from you, on the island. You just reminded me of. . .him. That's all."
533 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was there, for real this time and instantly her tail began to sway as the younger wolf came towards her. She managed a happy grin despite the sadness in her heart and the pain it brought to see her wounded face disfigured because she was too weak to do more. "There's no need to apologize. I'm just glad you made it to safety and your home now." All of that was over now , she was home. Home. Such a strange word if she thought of it long enough, most of the wolves she originally knew up and left.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
"Home," she responded, grinning. "Yes." With Moonshadow here, it really did feel more like home. The home she had before the war, with everyone still here. For a moment, she could pretend that all was well. That all had been restored to normal, and a life with both Mou and her brothers was possible.

The jagged wound along Moonshadow's face brought her back to the world in which she now lived, and her heart sank. That hadn't been there, before.

"How are you?" Maegi asked quietly, gaze resting on the scar before returning to the woman's face as a whole. Her expression was nothing short of apologetic. Had she caused that? Had Skullchaser marred Moonshadow just as he had marred her?
533 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
If only she could say she was great, how much she longed to say those words. Though now that Maegi is safe perhaps she could stop beating herself up over the event. "I've been well, adjusting to a life of semi vision. Though it's not all that hard. How about you?" She seemed well considering how their last meeting ended.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Semi-vision. Maegi felt terrible for her, and Mou, too. Anyone who had to deal with the loss of such a vital sense, or at least part of it. The injury to her mouth had done nothing but barely alter her speech patterns, adding a slight lisp on certain words. But Moonshadow had paid dearly. She hoped it was not from Skullchaser. . .but she knew better than to think otherwise.

"I'm back," she said shortly, not really wanting to address her feelings. They were all over the place, anyhow--joy at being home, sorrow at leaving the island, weariness from adjusting to this new life. It would take hours to lay it all out. Her face grew sincere. "Thank you for saving me from that man. He. . .he would have killed me, had you not stepped in."

She did not mention that she had witnessed Skullchaser take her in the first place. What could a pup have done, anyway? They both would have ended up dead.

There was one question at the front of her mind, though. Something that, blinded by the desire for revenge, she hadn't considered before now. "Did you kill him?"
533 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow shook her had as she lowered it. Thinking back to the event and how she ran. "I wasn't strong enough, especially after he attacked both my eye and side." Oh how she wished that she was strong enough to kill him for what he did to her and maegi.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She shook her head. "It's okay," Maegi responded, kindness in her voice. "You saved my life--I owe you big time." It was a debt that could never be repaid, not unless Maegi helped Moonshadow out of her own near-death crisis. And for her sake, as well as Maegi's, she hoped that moment would not come--at least not soon.

"Why did you come for me, alone?" She remembered there had been another woman with the Blackfeather wolf, but she held no significance to Maegi then, and she hadn't caught sight or scent of her here. A fleeting recruit, no dout. "Why didn't Kove come? Nyx? Aries?" There was resentment under each punctuated question, the bitterness clear on her tongue.

"Not that I don't appreciate what you did," she added, "but why you? Why did no one else come for me?"
533 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow tried to answer as many questions she could for the young wolf. "I wish I could speak for the others but I cannot. Kove thought it best that I pursue you due to me being best equipped."
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She snorted derisively, her face puckering up as if she'd sucked on a lemon (not that she would know what those were). "Best equipped," she repeated, shaking her head. "Whatever. Anyway. . .thanks. When I look at you, I still--"

Molag Bal.

Maegi shuddered, feeling his teeth on her cheek once more. "But it's getting better. I'm a lot better than I was, then. And I'm happy to be back. Have you--have you learned any more about the gods, since I've been away?" she asked, trying to steer the conversation toward a topic much more agreeable to her. It wasn't the woman's fault that Kove had refused to go after her, anyway.
533 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow shook her head. "I've prayed for your safety but as far as learning I haven't. Ive mostly been staying in the background lately adjusting to my vision." She knew she must tell the young one before it was too late. "I feel as though I am too weak to be here. I am of no use anymore. I plan on leaving soon."
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
What Moonshadow said next took her utterly by surprise, and she stared at the woman for a long moment, mouth working silently. Oh. That's. . .

She was sad, actually. Moonshadow had saved her life; she owed her that and more. And she had been the only one to come looking for her. Not to mention that the warrioress had taken it upon herself to learn from Maegi about the daedra. That meant more to her than anything else, even the debt of gratitude.

I don't think you are weak, Maegi responded, shaking her head. You fought off Nikan for me--you could have run away, but you didn't. You are strong, Moonshadow. But. . .I understand, if this is what you want. I'll miss you, though. It was probably one of the most emotional, sincere things she had said to anybody, ever.

Maybe, despite her bloodline, despite her upbringing, she was growing a heart, after all.
533 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow felt her heart break a little as she listened to the young one. Never had she became so attached to someone other than her brother and it hurt her dearly that she had to leave. She knrw however that they would see each other again one day.

"I will miss you as well so much. You taught me things, and made me feel as though I belonged. We will meet again one day. I promise it." It hurt moonshadow to talk but she continued. "I wish you well and pray for your well-being. Find happiness, because you more than anyone deserve it."
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Maegi gave the woman a shaky smile, nodding. Definitely. Wherever you end up, I'll come visit. Just like I promised the islanders that I would visit them, too. Her ears shoved forward, suddenly intrigued at the idea. What if you go live at Undersea? she asked, tilting her head in gentle query. They would be happy to take you in. Coelacanth is one of the kindest wolves I've ever met. Then I'd know where you are.

She still felt guilty for leaving her adopted home behind, especially the pain she had caused Seelie in the process. Perhaps this could, in a way, make up for it. She could never fill the hole left by her absence, but she could, at least, supplement it by bolstering their ranks. She thought Moonshadow would do well there--maybe be more happy on the island than she was in the dark woods.

After all she had been through, Moonshadow needed some peace in her life.