Lion Head Mesa Man, know yourself… and you shalt know the gods
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Ooc — Pinto
immortal longings
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Ooc — anon
Toula was completing one of her daily lessons when a fellahin came to speak with her, requesting her presence—or, rather, that the Sphinx was. she felt glad of this—that she had not been a bore to him during their time singing to Ra,  and leaving things for Him. 
and she was eager to see him, she found! he was not an unpleasant man to be around. nodding to the fellahin, she sent word that she would come to him shortly. the lesson was at its end, after all, but she has been given homework! 
she emerges into the light of the day with her attendants and sees him. he looks finer than he ever has, she observes—his coat has a lovely sheen to it this day, and was that… sandalwood that she sensed? 
Toula finds herself smiling already. Sphinx, she greets, you look well this hour. Ra shines upon you, her tail swayed behind her. the Sesh Haizel had practiced placing flowers in the longer furs of her plume, but stillness was necessary to hold them perfectly in place. petals floated in her wake as she waited for him to speak, unable to look away!
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
He is not made to wait long, for soon she emerges. Adorned by colorful petals well suiting to her prettied fleece, he is pleased by the sight of her, unable to avert his gaze. But it is not only her beauty he seeks. There is more beneath, and he wishes to find every last detail. 

As do you, dear Queen. A slow bow of thanks, the first he has bestowed upon it. For now, she sincerely has his respect, just as the many others in these halls.

If you are not busy elsewhere, might I steal you away for a while? Lip quivering with delight of the thought, a coy smile curves upon his facade. Your dear fellahin has helped to prepare a light picnic. He would not dare take all the credit, for Eset had done so much already to make the possibility of this moment a reality!
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
Toula smiles at the term of endearment. she thinks of what the Sphinx has done this day alone. she can see now his intent in becoming Akashingo—in perhaps her own hand. Toula felt suddenly quite shy as he bow before her, but knew at least what she wished to do! 
these hours of mine shall be yours, she had decided—for she heard in his final words what he had so thoughtfully done. and that he credited those that she cared so fiercely for… it pleased her. 
she drew nearer to him now, a soft smile answering his coy grin. it is the perfect day for such a thing—it would seem the Gods smile upon your idea as much as I do, came her voice, light and airy with the jest and with the truth. she was happy, truly, for this idea he had seen come to life. she waited for him to lead the way to the location of it, and would follow.
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
Her acceptance brought him delight. And as she then drew closer, his fur prickled ever–so.

She spoke of how shone upon the idea, and he knew this was a good thing, especially in the eyes of someone so devout. I am pleased to hear it. A softer smile finds her now, chin lowering as to better find her gaze in a spare moment before they are off. 

Then off toward the serpent, where the noble fellahin had so carefully placed the designed spread for Toula's enjoyment. For this was all more–so for hers than it was for his.

Upon their arrival, he paused before the set of furs laid out for them. Thutmose would wait, allowing a moment for her to settle before he would do so himself. A gentleman's gesture, as he hoped she might see it, rather than a prince making way for a queen. This was meant to be a time for them as differed souls, but not differed titles.
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
they walk, and the times there is silence it is companionable rather than uncomfortable. a small smile touches the corner of her lips; it has been long since one has surprised her, and Thutmose… his surprise is thorough!
even moreso when they arrive does she see this. what lays before them is lovely even to merely look upon. the view is one that takes her breath away, and it takes her perhaps a moment too long to heed his gesture if only because she is so distracted by the beauty of the place he has taken her! 
but she does, eventually, take a seat before him. now it is him her eyes linger upon—she had not even imagined him capable of such a sweet thing. and now, Toula thought much of him. even if this was not who he was at the heart of him, he was… he was willing to be, for her. 
how romantic! there was a full smile that came to her lips at the imagining of this. soon the fellahin would come before them with plated things off of the menu he had no doubt helped to curate.
this is so very thoughtful of you, she says at last—for all that time she had speechless by the effort he had made. it has only begun, and I adore it already, she said in earnest.
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
I have never known much when it comes to romantic gestures, He sheepishly admits, so plainly faulting himself before someone he thought nearly a stranger. But he hoped, perhaps, this might not be the case for long. 

Your fellahin are very knowledgeable, however. Eset was the first to come to mind, but he would not speak of her above the others. Surely it would seem disrespectful, as all servants of the Queen were equally devoted. 

Glancing among the spread before them, he slowly leaned forward to taste a sip of the wines before returning his attention to his company. Let this not be a time stuck upon formalities, Carefully, he began, pleading silently that he would not offend her. This is meant as a time of simplicity. I wish to learn more of you... your likes, dislikes, hobbies, and whatnot. And whatever you wish to know of me, I shall share with no secret spared. A small jest, but one he thought she might enjoy to hear to settle any uneasy nerves, should any be present in this moment.
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
she did not know him so well, yet, only that he endeavored to know her better, and she him. his words were not a command, but merely an extension of what he willed for this day. Toula saw now the berry wine that had been lain out, something she has never before partaken in herself.
Toula had received plenty of cautionary tales about it. but she thought she had herself well in check, moving to lap gently at the substance. it was both sweet and smooth, and her eyes brightened as she then moved to grab meat that was offered to her upon one of the plates. 
after swallowing, and licking her lips to rid themselves of excess, Toula breathed to him, I will try, with a small smile. I should very much so enjoy getting to know you, after all. tell me… are you unused to the formalities, or do you not enjoy them? I… I have been raised by them, and it is all I know, truly. being Amiirad and now… now my place as Godswife, she said with a light laugh. Queen! this question served to reveal a great part of herself, while also wishing to know more about him—about his own childhood!
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
Thutmose thought it amusing to watch her partake in the rich wines offered. It was a reaction so similar to his own upon tasting it, which led him to believe this was the first taste she'd had.

Where you have been taught to know these formalities, my childhood differed. I lived purely as another soldier-to-be as a child, where–so others were not permitted to show me grace or mercy in the way a commander's son was born to. Respect is earned this way, for I was only heir once my worth was proven. He goes on to explain, marking the ways of his upbringing. 

This mentality stuck with me, I suppose, as it did the others. I knew only my direct superior, my father. That was as far as our formalities went. Or as far as they would let be shown. More was never truly needed for a soldier.
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
Toula was surprised to hear as such, though even she had heard of the ways in which Akashingo was different from any other. respect was given freely, until a time that one had been wronged. then, perhaps, it might be revoked. but also in her time here, none had disrespected any other that she had ever heard. 
he did not seem… upset, to have lived this way. perhaps he was used to it, or had become so used to it that he was numb. she could not imagine it, and it made her aware of how very different they were. but it was not a negative thing, not in her eyes, only an intriguing one. 
it is very different here… or, it has become that way. all are given respect, and through their continued toils they keep it. each and every wolf here… they are worthy of that kindness. it is true that there are different tiers here, but… all are necessary. each and every being here has made Akashingo better, she explains gently, no condescension in her voice. she feels for his experience, even if she has never lived it, and would not understand it firsthand. 
here, it is the Erpa-Ha, myself, and the local royals who stand above you. all Sphinx stand as equals to one another, but still are royal—only not from these lands, and come on behalf of their own. marriage pacts, typically, though there can be other reasons, she smiled at him then. visiting royals were not on par with those already among them. were there a Pharaoh, she would have listed them, too—but it was conspicuously unnamed, and she leaned a little nearer to grab a blackberry that glistened with honey. 
if he was to marry her, it would be Akashingo’s way he must grow used to—Toula openly shared this with him, so he would better understand this, too. blackberry and honey—it is one of my favorites, she murmured, delighted. when I was a little girl, I always loved—is that honeycomb? her eyes lit upon what was nearest to him, the very thing she had been about to name!
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
There ways were indeed different — but this was the case for many, was it not?

It is refreshing, really, to be in a place such as this. There is structure, but a heart–felt equality, as you have described. Respect to all, no matter the rank. While though leadership was above all, of course, in a sense. A childhood here would have been a great enjoyment for me; yet, I am still overly grateful for the experiences I endured and the many lessons I was taught. Whether they happened to be those of a soldier, diplomat, or otherwise. All were beneficial in the end.

To know Akashingo has been an honor. As had been learning the way in which they were structured and governed. The history was long; compelling, even! I look forward to knowing more, regardless of how lengthy my stay may be. Anything learned in his time would be kept close in memory. But only the decision of fate, the Queen Toula, and the gods, would determine just how long this length would be.
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
he said the right things, kind things. she thought that perhaps he might make a good King, if he was willing to uphold their ways. but what if he was not, and he became Pharaoh! not only him, but Senmut, or Harakhate, or—
she would need to speak with the Gods. she did not know what it was within her that reared it’s head, but she took another sip of the wine to swallow it down. 
now was not the time to think these things, and she would not let herself be distracted by politics. not this hour of all hours!
still, she could not help but ask of him, in the line of his own words, is it your wish to rear your children in that same way? and for the first time, Toula imagined what life might be like as a true mother—and what she would want for her children! 
once the future felt so far away, but as of late it felt as though it was the very thing standing directly across from her. she was distinctly aware she very well could be looking it in the face now, here with Thutmose. at the very least he was her present, and she happily chose to linger in that moment with him.
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
His children, she asked. How would he raise them?

This depends on who and where I might have children with? If I am to be commander, they will grow to become mighty soldiers, as I did. But if to be pharaoh, they would be raised in the ways most suited to their surroundings. It was all a game of if, but he could not properly place his means if not to suggest the possibilities.

Of course, having children in Akashingo seemed far better. But if to be raised in the place he once called home, how could he deny them the life that would be demanded by their law?
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
he was gentle and unassuming—accommodating to his environment. Toula observed this warmly, and asked him then to pass her the honeycomb. once he did, she reached for an already portioned sliver of it. you must try some, if you have never had it before, she coaxed with a pleasant expression. it was so sweet and delectable that she hmm’d happily whilst consuming another sliver, the wine loosening her inhibition only just to reveal this bit of true delight. 
but she remembers Tavina and her teachings, and corrects herself by clearing her throat quietly, politely! there is a question that feels tempting as it forms on her tongue, but she decides she is not ready to know its answer yet. 
what is your favorite of snacks? she asks then—no more talks of other things, in which surely they had ample time to do!
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
I have tasted it many times. He informs her gently, leaving her to enjoy as much of it as she pleased, for he had no sweet–tooth at the moment. It is a delicacy seen often in my home valley. Which is why it was see easy to lose fondness.

Of all snacks, which did he favor most? He needn't think long, for there was one item he never tired of, unlike honeycomb. Darker, more sour berries are my favorite. I enjoy sweetness, but not at all hours. Perhaps it was rare, but no two were ever the same.
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
he was not unfamiliar with it, but did not seem to love it as much as she herself did—that was not a bad thing, especially as it meant more for her! she smiled softly at the thought of future picnics, him passing her more than her fair share of the sweet stuff—
but she was getting ahead of herself! sour berries! but they are ripe? now this was a delicacy she had not yet tried for herself, but it could be said that she had a sweet tooth… and did not oft partake in the bitter tasting things, unless it was paired with something and intended to be enjoyed in that way!
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
Most I would pick ripe, but in some seasons, they would not make it all the way through their growth and so I would eat them as is. Either way, they often tasted the same. But maybe that was only his opinion.

Perhaps there are some that can found near the mesa, or south of it, near where you summer palace may be. I shall look for them on my journeys, so that you may have a chance to taste them when ripe. This time of the season would be perfect.
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
she delighted at the thought of this man thinking of her on any journey of his. young enough to fall whims of romance and fantasy both,  she did—and pictured him in the great wilderness, handsome as he was, seeking for her the most perfect of his favored berries. 
I would love that, Toula openly answers him. the warrior man before her was sweet, quite unlike his preference for food—and so perhaps this was why she enjoyed him as much as she did this hour! 
what are your own dislikes? she asked after a small sip of the sweetwine; she would not overindulge, and had found that her nerves were far more at ease now.
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
She enjoyed the idea. And so it would be. Aside from the main purpose of his travels, doing this for her would be a priority. As should her happiness always be.
Dislikes. Thutmose considered this for a moment with great thoughtfulness. Dishonesty, even as plain of an answer as it might seem. The ability to be truthful to oneself, as well as others, is what provides us a firm foundation in our lives. It is always my want to know that those I surround myself with are of this way. Honest, and true. As we are created with this intention.
It was so simple of a thought, yet with deep meaning in his mind. But would the Queen see it in this way? He could only wonder.
As for things not in correlation with others... I tend not to be overly fond of chilly evenings, nor meats of unduly pale coloration. It never sits well with my stomach. The latter, an issue he'd had since the age of a child. He'd always had to be careful of what he ate, or he would surely suffer.