Noctisardor Bypass I've got a distant memory of previous lives
554 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Anselm didn't know what to expect, but when Etienne looked down at the hare and then stepped away, he was suddenly filled with a surge of irrepressible anger. Did Etienne think he was unable to fend for himself? Did he think Anselm stupid, or useless -- or worse, some doddard that needed constant care? What was the contractual nature of this offering -- was it meant to appease him, or set his guard down? And why? Why did Etienne do this -- and why did he care?!

Anselm bit the tip of his tongue so hard he felt a spark of pain and tasted iron. He trembled with the effort it took to bite back his tongue. 

But he could hold it no longer. I do not need your charity. Anselm barked, letting the dam that held back his ugliness break -- so that now a torrent of red hideousness rushed down from levy, flooding his senses. 

Don't pretend to care for me -- His face contorted in a snarl as he spat: You left -- you have no right to come here and pretend you care. Go, Etienne. Go before I lose my patience. Fighting back tears now, Anselm stepped forward with a show of teeth. Go!
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RE: I've got a distant memory of previous lives - by Anselm - August 03, 2024, 01:09 PM