Blackfeather Woods [m] you don't want to hurt yourself by looking too closely
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Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
The sudden loudness of his voice frightened her, too, and she shrank back, the ghosts of her own trauma rising--

Molag Bal--

And then he was talking, a rambling explanation--"Scree?" she echoed, stupefied--purple flower, Sithis--gods, this must be a dream--her eyes wandered to the other girl, brows drawing together--then a plea, which both annoyed her and utterly broke her heart. Maegi lifted her head, eyes closed, a sudden sob of frustration, fear, and fury all at once escaping her.

"Just go, Mou," she whimpered, losing her composure. Tears leaked through the slits of her eyelids, arcing down her cheekbones. "Please, just go. I'll take care of this."

But how?