Blackfeather Woods mine are long and sharp, my Lord As long and sharp as yours
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Random Event 
I rolled a 65 for damage but I'm gonna make that an 85. Permissions: Remove an eye (maegi maybe?), Tear him part, remove an ear, completely destroyed his face cuz that's only fair right? But do not remove limbs or kill. @Moonshadow @Maegi

He didnt waste any time coming to this pack. He had sent the little messenger girl running to Pixie and this comforted him, knowing that she at least had a semblamce of an idea where he was. He understood the dangers of showing his face but he couldn't help it, he wanted so badly to gaze upon the screwed up face of that little girl he had assaulted a long while ago. He didnt cross the borders but stalked alongside them, howling for the woman. "Sithis? You sent for me?" he shouted into the woods, deep voice echoing through the darkness.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
A fowl scent swarmed her senses one of which she hated the most. Moonshadow left her children under the care of @Istoira as she went to check it out. “What the hell are you doing here.” Her hackles raises as she snarled at the male. Finally ready if he made an attack.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Sithis? You sent for me?

She'd know that voice anywhere. And at first, she thought it a dream, an echo of a nightmare almost forgotten but still clinging to her mind. Yet when she saw Moonshadow rise and head to the border, leaving her children with Istoira, she knew that others must hear it, too.

But she waited a moment. Cast a glance at Nirgali and Ninazu, now decomposing in earnest. I'll be back soon, loves, she whispered, and then rose to her paws as well, trailing Moonshadow at a distance.

He was here. Her heart caught in her throat as she found the deep purple gaze, the powerful build of his frame. She must be brave; she mustn't back down. Her friend fired an angry query, but Maegi remained silent, hidden in the shadows. It was only when silence fell upon the scene that she emerged, coming to stand alongside Moonshadow, eyes fixed on the man.

Molag Bal, she said flatly, and turned her ruined cheek to him in its permanent grin, the orange eye flashing hot in challenge. What brings you here? she asked, as if inquiring after an old friend randomly appearing on her doorstep.
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
He was mildly disappointed when the first to show their face was the shadowed woman, greeting him with the usual vehemence that always brought a surge of pride and pleasure. It was him who stirred this she wolf up so badly, him that caused the fear that caused her to react with anger and defensiveness. He paid her no mind, just a fleeting glance with a silent smile as the one he came for strode forward. He watched her and felt a stirring of surprise, she had grown up quite a bit, there was calm defiance in the way she walked, a power that he knew meant she was boss around here. He slowly took two steps closer, his smile widening to a leering grin "Mm. You should thank me for that" he said in regards to the disturbing scarring he had left upon her face "It gives that scared little girl you are inside quite a mask to hide under" he taunted her, stabbing at her with guesses. He couldn't know whether or not she was still that scared little imprisoned pup he had traumatized but he would hope so, it would make things so much more fun. "A little messenger told me that Sithis sent her. Where else would I come to answer that call?" he leaned forward his eyes gleaming with a deadly challenge. Would she strike him dead? Or did she still rely on her gods to do her dirty work?
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He came forward and completely ignored her as he made his attempt to taunt Maegi. With all the pain that he had caused them, if he planned to do more well Moonshadow wasn’t going to stand for that.

He then got to close for her liking and she let out a defensive growl. “Back up and leave or I will be forced to make you.” He would not win this time. Now she was prepared and now she had something to fight for. The pups and wolves that resided in these woods.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Ah, he was just as horrible as ever. She kept said ugly mask impassive, staring at him with cold eyes. At the mention of the messenger—undoubtedly the woman she had sent—she frowned, eyes shifting slightly, looking for her. Nowhere in sight. Hadn't she asked her to bring him, not send him alone? She had failed, clearly. Or he had killed her.

Either way, Maegi was not pleased.

I no longer serve Sithis, but you did wound me to taunt him, she said coldly. As for the messenger, I needed her to return with you—and she is not here. You're far too close to my border, Molag Bal. Leave, or you will pay. She kept her gimlet stare trained on the man, even as the fine trembling of her skin threatened to burst into all-out quaking.

He was, at least partially, right. The little girl he had hurt still lived behind the mask. She just happened to be accompanied by older (if not wiser) personas, wolves who were much braver and much less inclined to take his shit.
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Her gaze shifted to search behind him, he assumed for the fiesty little woman she had sent after him. He was temped to lie, to say that he had ripped her throat out and fed it to her while she choked on her own blood but it was a silly lie, one that would easily be found out if the messenger ever came back. "It wasnt nice of you to send such a young girl my way Maegi...luckily she put on such an impressive display of toughness that I told her to take the chance to hurry off while she could" his tone was tauntingly condescending as he smiled, as cold as ice. 

His eyes flicked to Moonshadow as she threatened him though he was paying more attention to Maegi's words. He laughed and stood up giving a languid stretch "Please. Wound me. I think you'll regret it one way or another if you do" he threatened in a casual tone even going as far as to take a step forward. He growled deeply and lunged his jaws closing around the air a foot or so away from Moonshadow's face, not making an attempt to hurt her but obviously trying to tempt her into the first move. He had no problem leaving with wounds, he wanted them to feel the confidence, the satisfaction before he figured out how to knock them back down a few notches.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She groaned with disgust at his words and began to both grow impatient and annoyed. “I won’t ask you again.” She had enough of his shit at this point. “Leave or I’ll fucking make you.” She snarled at him preparing to attack if he tried to do so. “If you don’t well let’s just say it would do me great pleasure to give you matching scars.” She stayed referring to hers and Maegi’s.

Moonshadow was was not going to let this wolf control them anymore, Enough with the paranoia of him coming back or shadow mountain. They were nothing to her other than a threat to her pups nothing more nothing less.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She was tired of this already. Maegi didn't want to wound the man. She wouldn't be satisfied by teeth into flesh, the welling of fresh blood. She wanted him to suffer, wanted him to rot from the inside out. A slow, cryptic death, like Astara had almost suffered from the deadly pink. Perishing by fire was what he wanted; it was much too good for him.

Moonshadow spit acid at Skullchaser, but she remained cold, her stare boring into his scarred visage. He stepped forward, and she did, too, coming to stand head-to-head with the dark woman. She felt his hot breath on her face, smelled the horrid, evil stink of it.

Leave, or you will pay, Maegi repeated, her voice even quieter than before.
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
He could feel the thrill of it, the new game he was starting. They thought themselves so tough, threatening him. Didn't they realise that it would only come back to bite them? Even if they bit first he would punish them. As Maegi stepped forward a manic gleam came into his eyes and he extended his neck, leaning in "I don't fear Sithis and I surely don't fear you. What can you possibly  take from me? Do it child...see what happens" he growled softly, lips curving upward into a wicked smile.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He was now too close for her liking especially to Maegi. She watched him closely to see what he would do but only thing he did was try and provoke her. 

Moonshadow lunged at the male and if she succeeded the female and him would fall to the ground with her baring her teeth bared at his throat with the intent of going for his face, specifically his eye.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Maegi wasn't a fighter, wasn't ever going to be a fighter. She would remain close in case Moonshadow needed back-up, but for now, she hung back, staring at Nikan, wondering what he would do next. She considered fetching Ramsay, though perhaps it wouldn't need to come to that. Perhaps Moonshadow could teach him a lesson (though she highly doubted it).

I warned you, she said, her voice clear and icy above the fray. More of my warriors lurk in the shadows, ready to take your blood. It was a bluff, sure, but Maegi was positive they couldn't be far. It would only take a howl. . . She felt a sudden surge of pride, of love, for the wolves that called this place home.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She did significant damage, enough to make sure he hopefully never came back. His blood dropped from her muzzle as she growled. “Leave!” She watched as she ran away and she gave a huge sigh of relief. “Hopefully that’s the end of that.” She said simply and both her and Maegi went back into the safety of the woods. 

Hope this was okay!