Broken Antler Fen all these golden days we had
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,124 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
At the thought of having children, Eljay had wondered out loud — should they ask Ibis for permission? — and while it seemed like the answer was not an overwhelming yes, considering Maia's own status as a leader, Eljay clearly felt better if they did ask for official permission. Just in case. Besides, telling others about the fact that they would have another family was pretty neat, so if nothing else, it would give him a chance to do that.

She'll say yes, right? Eljay asked @Maia as they set off together to find @Ibis. His last conversation with Towhee still lay heavily on his mind. He'd never in a million years expected her to say 'no' either, and yet she had, even without him explicitly asking. It'd made Eljay grow a lot more wary, especially considering his suspicions surrounding their leader-elect's own situation. What if she, like Towhee, denied them or told them they were selfish for wanting to bring more children into the pack..?

if you have time for another <3 (if not, maybe it can be arranged behind the scenes)
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh wow, this was really really happening! When Eljay first asked her about asking Ibis, Maia had agreed, but now she was nervous as well. For a... well, a lot of a lot of reasons. And probably the least of those was if Ibis would say yes because she was pretty sure she would. Besides, she always had Wraen as a backup if not?

The whole making kids thing... and then having the kids thing... She was nervous in the best way. Eljay had experience with this but she didn't in any way, shape, or form.

Yeah, definitely. Maia replied, trying to put the bulk of her cheerful optimism into that. What if it turns out I can't either, though, like Wraen? Would he still... . Okay so that wasn't what they were here to find out and she was so not going down that route right now. C'mon brain, this was totally fine.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Ibis had been investigating areas of the fen, feeling antsy and wanting seclusion more and more, when she heard voices. They were nervous voices but Ibis could not yet discern what they were discussing. She knew her duty was to change her interest here, seeking those voices out rather than to hide, and while she kept an eye out for a place to build a hideaway her attention was on the pair of wolves.

As she waddled in to view Ibis called out, Good day! Then she thought, what if she was intruding? This brought a small, shy smile to her face. She recognized her aunt a moment later as well as the youthful man, and wagged her tail a bit.

Maia, Eljay. What are you up to?
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,124 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay could sense that Maia was nervous, too. He wasn't aware it was a different kind of anxiety that Maia was facing. He thought she was also nervous that they might not get the 'yes' that they hoped for. Even though she said 'yeah' and 'definitely', he was afraid that she wasn't as sure as she tried to let on. What if they'd receive a 'no'? Then they would have to figure out what to do next. Would they have to leave? And where would they even go? They could start their own pack, but then, who would follow them? Would there be enough wolves to care for the puppies? And what if —

He was slashed from his internal worrying by Ibis arriving suddenly and a little too quickly for his liking. He wasn't mentally prepared just yet! Eljay forced a quick smile to his face, though it was clear that he was really, really nervous. His eyes fell on Ibis' rounded sides and he worried that it might dampen their own chances that she was pregnant, too, however selfish and awful that made him feel. After his experiences at Redhawk Caldera, Eljay was terrified that they wouldn't get the right answer.

Hey, he said awkwardly. We, uh — He glanced at Maia and swallowed thickly as he looked back at Ibis. He'd already forgotten she had asked what they were up to, or he might've first said that they'd been looking for Ibis. Well, we wanted to ask if it's okay to — if we can uh, if we could become parents this year. He felt a nervous jitter in his stomach as he asked it and looked at Ibis, trying to spot whether or not she would say yes before she said it (but also hoping she'd say it very quickly).
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She was glad Eljay asked because she wasn't sure she could have gotten the question out so plainly. Even with him asking, she felt her face heat up. For a girl who was as crazy about so many guys as she was, you'd think she'd be fine with this, but she was abruptly realizing she had no clue how any of this stuff worked.

Okay okay. This was just step one, right? Though now if Ibis knew, what if she got excited? And told the others? And then everyone was excited, and then it turned out she couldn't have kids, and then everyone was upset?

Despite her nerves, she still hung on the answer. Because even with that fear, she knew she wanted this, no matter what. And Eljay wanted it possibly even more than she did, which only made her even more determined. One thing at a time.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
The man sounded so unsure. When he finally got the question out Ibis did not know what to do or say, forgetting her role in the immediate window afterwards.

She didn't know much about her aunt except that she was lively, sweet, and so very much like Sarah, who she had known and been fond of, that it sometimes hurt to look at her. As for Eljay... He seemed sweet too, like a boy, despite his obvious age.

They wanted children? They were like children themselves; but Ibis could see no reason to say no, and the moment hung a bit long because she hadn't fully comprehended her role here. Maia was a raven of the counsel - that should have been enough, the leader thought.

Ah, um, we can probably support... that. You. A growing family. Ibis verbally stumbled, blushing as she went. If it would make you happy. Go for it.

Go for it? That didn't sound very adult, or proper. Oh well.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,124 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
It seemed as though they both held their breaths until Ibis finally spoke. It seemed as though eternity had passed in the meantime. Eljay held his breath until she eventually said... yes? Sort of? She seemed very awkward in the situation herself and Eljay felt taken aback. He'd never had a leader that was, well, awkward in any way. Towhee was always cold and calculated and collected. Wiffle was probably the closest to it but even though she was gentler and kinder than any of the other leaders he had ever had, she was still strong and clear, too.

Still, he breathed out in relief and a big smile appeared on his face when finally Ibis gave her blessing to their union. His tail waved a few gentle beats as he said, Thank you! It means a lot to me. Even though it was a bit needless to say, considering it was very visible on him how much it meant to him.
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She was relieved to hear yes though she'd assumed that this would be the answer! She couldn't imagine Ibis saying no. She wasn't even sure she had to ask, actually, but she was glad they did in the end. It felt right.

Thank you! She answered also, grateful and glad that Eljay seemed so thrilled with the answer too. Things had gone differently when he asked before, and she wondered if that was why he'd been so worried now. She was glad his fears were disappated now.

We'll help however we can too. With everything. She didn't know who else was planning on a family, but if there was anything they could all do together, she would. She wasn't about to take this for granted.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Ibis was a little bit overwhelmed with their good cheer, which only layered upon the awkwardness she had been feeling earlier. It would be nice to have someone else around to help her; better yet, having children of a similar age when hers were born. It would be a lot of work to keep everyone safe and fed but they would do their best, together.

Of course! Ibis exclaimed, laughing softly. It sort of makes all of this feel.. so permanent. Brecheliant, I mean. Like we're really settled here for good. It had been ages since Ibis had really felt tied to any one place; she still pined for the Emberwood some days, or the Empire, and rarely for the Willows from her childhood. Having somewhere stable for the next generation was a blessing.

If you need anything I'll be here, too. They were one big happy family now, right?
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,124 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Maia echoed his thanks and offered that they'd help with anything if it were needed. Eljay nodded to confirm that. He smiled when Ibis said that having children made Brecheliant feel like something more than just a group of wolves settling here for a while — that it made it into a place they settled for good. A legacy, perhaps; but maybe that was the bit of him that saw Redhawk in other wolves and packs.

He smiled softly, looking simply content with the decisions and how everything went. Yeah, he said eventually, a late voiced agreement to Maia's offer of help. After all, once Maia was pregnant it would fall on his shoulders mostly to help out where he could. Eventually he said, Are there any other, uhm, expecting? As a midwife, it was probably about time that he started looking into that so he could help out everyone in the pack, and not just his own mate; even though the thought of work, albeit not at Redhawk Caldera itself, made him feel anxious. The puppies wouldn't wait for his stress to cool it, though.
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Eljay could offer way more help than she could, and not only because if things went well, she'd have enough of her own worries to deal with. She didn't like the idea so much of him diving in the same way he had in the Caldera when it came to being a midwife, but that was only a protective response to seeing how upset he'd been after. She didn't think anyone here would need that much. At least... she hoped not. She was too proud of the fact that he could offer, though, to even hint that she worried.

Instead she watched proudly, falling silent, but leaning in slightly while she listened. The hard part was done and she just... let that sink in for a moment. They were really doing this! It honestly did make Brecheliant seem more real... and a little surreal, too, all at the same time.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Ibis' personal bubble got smaller and smaller every day. The question of others growing a family and in effect strengthening Brecheliant, well, that was a surprise. She hadn't really thought about it.

When she considered things now, she could only shake her head and give a light shrug. Wraen, maybe. I haven't heard from anyone else about it. And she wasn't close to anyone, not enough to be part of that conversation on a more friendly level, she admitted to herself. To be honest I've been distracted.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,124 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay could not help but chuckle a little when Ibis said 'Wraen, maybe.' He offered, I think she prefers to stay a 'cool aunt'. He remembered he had asked her; back in the Copse, and she had been very decisive about it then. And here, when he had shared his thoughts about having children, and she had said again that she would rather mentor than parent.

Ibis admitted to having been distracted. Oh, uhm... Eljay mumbled uncertainly, not really sure what to say to that. Was it an invitation to delve deeper? A question of sorts? Or was it just something he should take into stride and wave away? He glanced at Maia, hoping she knew what to do with it.
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia opened her mouth to also refute it, then fell silent. She didn't know who knew or who Wraen would want to know, and that wasn't really her thing to say. Maybe she'd tell Eljay eventually, but maybe not. A part of her wondered if maybe he could help her sister but then another thought maybe Wraen wouldn't want the help. She'd seemed pretty okay with the way things were.

Ibis seemed okay at first look, but as she said she was distracted, Maia took a closer one. Is everything alright? Probably not, with everything, but her aunt hadn't been paying all that great of attention either.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Realizing a bit late that her comment had made them both nervous, Ibis smiled and tried to act dismissive of their worries. It hadn't been her intent to cause any upset.

Everything is fine. I forgot what a strain pregnancy can feel like, is all. Adding to that her loneliness and self imposed segregation from the rest of the pack, and the truth was glaringly obvious: it was a stressful, distracting time for Ibis.

I should go and rest. Do not worry about me - you both have exciting times ahead. It will be nice to see more life flourishing within Brecheliant. She was excited for them. Their match made sense, even if it brought a rise of subtle jealousy to Ibis' own wounded heart.

Take care, she murmurs as a farewell, moving on the way she had come, to resume whatever she had been doing prior.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,124 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay nodded when Ibis said that she'd forgotten how tough pregnancies were. If you need anything, just let me know, he offered right away. It seemed that Ibis wasn't having the best time, and without a mate to care for her he just wanted to be sure that his leader and pack mate was not going under. He mentally noted that he should look after her and bring her some food while he still could, before Maia would be pregnant, too.

Then Ibis said she would go and rest, and Eljay nodded at her. Take care Ibis, I hope you will feel a bit more refreshed after resting. See you later! Then he nosed Maia with an excited smile on his face, clearly very hyped that they now had official permission and could try when the, well, the mood hit them.
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Okay. Maia took it at face value though she wasn't sure she entirely believed nothing was wrong. Ibis seemed tired, and she was glad that Eljay seemed more than willing to help her out as well. He would have the idea himself to hunt for her, but she'd be encouraging it, wishing she could do something too. She'd help to hunt while she could, but eventually she would be just as confined to nearby.

And thank you, again. She said, echoing Eljay's sentiments with a nod and a smile and watching Ibis turn to go. Then she looked at Eljay and all of that disappeared in the excitement of his smile and the absolute, resounding echo of her own, leading him away to talk, with excited chatter, about kids and the future and everything it might bring.