Ocean's Breath Plateau Cutscene to the Same Horizon
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Limit Two 
Heph had been following the trails in and out of Moontide's territory. Staying no more than a couple day's journey back since their return from Sapphique. She missed Samani, but the other wolf was near and she understood the need to be near family. The herds moved like the wind and though that meant that she had plenty of miles beneath her paws she was looking forward to hunting, perhaps sometime in the near future. Always things to do, she wished to visit Atka again, maybe see if Dreven was still as charming as ever and give them something to welcome them to their new home. She doubted they had been able to bring all their caches. The trail had gone cold a little while ago and she was wandering in sweeping arcs to see if she could pick it back up again but she was beginning to think that she would simply have to give up on that particular task.

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,376 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn himself missed Samani like a limb. It was almost like the bride price journey all over again. But he knew why and what she was doing, and he loved her all the more fiercely for it. But it hurt. Gods did it hurt. So soon into their new lives and she was needed elsewhere. But this was the way of things when you were as close knit as MOonglow. So all he could do was keep the home fires burning for her.

He heard a noise and lifted his head to see his dear friend coming closer. He chuffed a gentle greeting and weaved his tail as he went to bump her gently with his head.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph noticed her path had put her on course with Rodyn perhaps later than she might have anticipated, but she was glad to see him all the same. A smile and she let her own tail swish in greeting before returning his greeting with a head bump of her own. "How are you?" Though the pack itself was still new a part of her felt that she had been a part of it forever, everything had slotted into place so naturally. She should have known that that balance of things could not last but she could not help missing it all the same. Perhaps she herself had changed more than she had thought, more than just joining a pack, making friends, forging connections she was sorry to see stretched either by time or distance.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,376 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn chuckled. I'm alright. Just keeping the home fires burning for Samani.

Rodyn loved the pack they had made. The home they had began. He missed her, but knew what she was doing was worth it and it made her happy to help her mother. But boy he hadn't realized how much he liked having her within easy reach.

How about you? Heph? Meeting all kinds of packs? Forging new trails?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph smiled, "Mmmm I miss her, but I think she'd be horrified if she came back to find the place down to ashes." Light laughter accompanied his own. She felt that Samani would be back, or rather she hoped it. While she understood family well enough and was glad that Samani lived close enough to beat able to be a part of Moonglow and Moonspear both she still feel the absence of a friend.

Heph nodded her head in response, her usual heavy inflection giving her words a hint of humor, but she answered plainly. "Well you know me." But her voice evened out. "I went west to the Two Rivers Isle pack, and met with a wolf named Ulrich who seemed interested in both trade and an alliance. And then east to neighbors, Hjodrfell, that are actually fairly close. The wolf I spoke to there seemed more skeptical, her name was Solveig, and said she would come to visit herself. I think she is worried that with Moonglow, Moontide, and Moonspear that we will end up competing for hunting grounds. I also came across Rhaegal and a little while later Vaire, I believe they're interested in founding a pack quite nearby actually. Ahhh I met Chakliux, the one you told me about, it seems his son, Quennell is missing, and Lote is back." She laughed a bit at how long winded she had become "I guess I did more wandering than I thought."
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,376 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He chuckled. She would be horrified and he couldn't help the mental image that came to him then. Samani would be so angry. You're not wrong. he chuckled again.

Rodyn listened with interest and a smirk on his face, though a kind one. I think you may have gone all over.

He settled to his haunches and studied his friend and then spoke softly. Actually Heph I have a question for you. Samani and I spoke before she left and we were actually wondering if you'd want to join us in leadership. Second in command. We were waiting until we got more settled, but Samani is helping her parents. Void is probably leaving. I think now would be a good time to elevate you, but only if it's something you'd like. I know you like your freedoms and you may not have as many as often if you take it up.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Samani had joked about it back when the pack had been new and fresh and she had thought that was all it was, so she was still surprised. For a moment her gaze flickered over Rodyn as if to check that he was indeed the wolf with whom she was speaking and not distorted in some odd dreamscape. But a heartbeat passed and she answered, more easily than she had anticipated. "I'd be honored." She knew that she liked to wander, but she felt that she was finding a balance - a way to be close to the wolves who mattered to her as well as get the earth to move beneath her.

And standing in this land where the tides were always changing, wolves coming and going she did not doubt that change would find its way to her whether she moved or not. "If you had asked me at the start I might have worried, but I think these past few months have proven to me that I enjoy having stretches of time in familiar territory." And there was perhaps more honesty in that than she would have admitted in mere passing, after all it was difficult to articulate just how much it had settled her mind to have a place that was safe and well defended and she could call hers in a way once again. A sense of security that she had forgotten. "I'll do my best not to let you or Samani down." Her smile was genuine if a bit nervous, after all it was not just the leadership of the pack asking this of her but a friend as well, one she did not want to let down.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,376 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had wanted Heph for leadership since Samani had spoken to him of it and Heph had agreed to come with them. She just fit the role well. Void would have too, but sometimes he was too hot headed to be able to think rationally.

He smiled and let his breath out. You had me worried for a minute there. HE teased quietly.

Rodyn nudged her. You could never let us down, Heph. Of that I'm certain.

He knew that, because no matter what. Heph would make sure to take care of them and their pack. Even if she made a wrong choice at some point, he had no doubt that it would be teh choice she thought was best for the pack or her friends. Heph was level headed and kind,and learning to be both ambassador and trader. She would do well.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph chuckled a bit, but smiled wide. "I'll try not to take that as a challenge." She teased back, but was still warmed by the sentiment all the same. Rodyn and Samani had founded a pack she was proud to be a part of, full of kindness as well as skill, and she was sure that working alongside them she would only grow gladder at her decision to stay.

But her mind turned to something he had said earlier about Void. "You said Void might be leaving? I thought he just recently found someone he brought to Moontide?" Though she was not necessarily one for gossip, least of all the malicious kind, she was curious and a bit confused. Though she had admittedly not spoken much with him she thought that the black-furred canine had been set on staying near Rodyn and starting a family.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,376 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A bark of a laugh and he shook his head at his friend. He had been lucky when he had fallen in love with Samani, and lucky when she had fallen in love with him. And he was lucky now and before to have met Heph. Whoever was watching over him, and blessing him with good wolves around him. He hoped they were well.

Rodyn nodded his head. Void has always had a very strong want to be a leader in his own right. To have his own pack, his own mate. He has recently met a female Meylodi, who he seems to care about a great deal and they have asked to start their own pack. I have given them leave to stay as long as they take to form their own, but then yes he'll be leaving. Which was always the goal I believe. To form his own home.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph hummed a bit, she supposed that made sense. Now having found Moontide, the wolves surrounding her, she could not easily imagine leaving but if she had another goal that necessitated her leaving she could understand that well enough. She smiled and nodded her head "They'll make good allies then." Wherever they settled she would have to travel there eventually if their packs were to become close. Since, as far as she knew, Void was not a son or daughter of Moonglow she was not sure whether he would start another sister pack but if he went with Rodyn's blessing then she thought it likely that they would remain on good terms. It would be a whole new territory to explore.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,376 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled softly. I always knew in a way taht Void being here would be temporary. He'd reach his goals if he tried hard enough. I'm proud of the wolf he has become, based upon the wolf he was, and yes. they will make good allies.

He smiled. And thank you again Heph for stepping into leadership with us.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded. Though she did not know Void very well he did not seem like a wolf who lacked will so she could understand his assessment. Grinning her smile was warm. "It goes both ways." Leadership in Moontide was as much an honor as a joy.

I'm good with fading here or in a bit if you are? <3