Lion Head Mesa Hail, Pharaoh!
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
It had been a number of days since he had last tip-toed the borders of Akashingo. This day, he comes from the north-east, with a large otter in his jaws and fresh slices to his neckline. Perhaps he would be greeted by one of their scouts or guard, maybe someone who had come upon his gifts and scent prior. Either way, Naberius has decided the time had come to present himself. And after setting down the kill, he sits himself and calls out for the mesa's people.
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
74 Posts
Ooc — Teo
A call drew Bayek to their northeastern borders. As he approached the stranger at the end of their land, he caught the wetmeat scent of the otter. His eyes roamed the handsome shape of the other wolf with mild interest. A robust figure with bright eyes and a sun touched body. 

Greetings, traveler, Bayek said with a thin-lipped smile. What brings you to Akashingo’s borders? And with such a prize.
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
sorry for going MIA. Life has been rough. Naberius still wishes to join if someone off NPC want to pop in!

The first to arrive was a male older then he, colored darkly to which he stood out in the lands of red sands. His eyes were an odd color, unnatural, and were vibrant. They stood out just as much as his pelt did in these lands. 

It is a request to join its numbers. I have spent weeks around the plains and steppes and have want to call this place home. Naberius hoped, perhaps, his gifts laden with his scent might bring good favor before he could come to fully prove his worth among them. I am Naberius Cyrus, from the Land of Sun and Sand.
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
Toula had been busy in preparations of her upcoming coronation. in all but name, now, it seemed she was the one to rule Akashingo; after her talks with Senmut, there was much on her mind. after a long bath, and being groomed, Toula and her retinue went to pray; she headed towards the borders, dressed even still in the dark furs of mourning this chillier hour, to speak with Khonsu. 
now she must ask him to look after Makono! in her mouth were things to deliver from her own travels away—things she thought Khonsu might appreciate. for some time she sat and spoke with Him, and—feeling heard—she left with a weight lifted from her shoulders. 
but it was then she saw the figure of a stranger, with one of their Mazoi. she heard his speech, and it seemed the soldier was swift to defer to her, stepping back with a bow and settling behind her. 
she saw the gifts, and her eyes brightened with pleasure at the sight of them. before anything else was said, one of her fellahin announced her—providing her name and title to the man called Naberius. such gifts you bring! she commended after, eyes returning then to the handsome stranger. young though she was, it seemed overnight she had come to appreciate these things—though she has always been a lover of beauty. 
tell me of yourself, Naberius—and of the land of Sand and Sun! she requested; it sounded a place much like this, and so she did not think him a stranger of their ways. where had he fallen, upon their hierarchy? was he a lord? a prince? perhaps a Mazoi if none of those things—she sensed their strength in him!
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Another arrived, dressed into the air of royalty. The manner in which the older man stepped aside confirming as such. She held rank over he, yet, of what height? Naberius took the time to further assess as she spoke. 

She was blonde, darker shades cloaking her backside like a cape. She was young, no more then a yearling girl, yet to blossom into womanhood. Her eyes were vibrant, like the waters of home. His smile deepened. For Akashingo's bounty. He knew of their members, she was one of four now. He had hunted with one prior, had brought gifts prior and hoped that some rumor may have spread. Perhaps not- either way...

I was born at the height of heat as prince, youngest of two sons and many beautiful daughters. He admits, for he is prince, he is not heir, hence, his ability to freely leave his homeland to pursue his own goals. My birth home is a grand oasis of tropical trees and clear turquoise waters, surrounded by golden sands all around until you reach the coast, at an hours travel south. 

While my brother prepares for his seat to throne, I had decided to journey north- to explore, to learn and to expand the name of Cyrus by creating many beautiful daughters of my own. Though he had bed a number of women already (love was open and free in his home) he had yet any worth to call wife nor any to hold his seed, that he knew...
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
his words did much to please her, as did his actions. one look to her fellahin, and they were gathering the items to bring back with them so that she need not carry any. Akashingo thanks you, she speaks warmly, delighted with this.
oh! and he is a prince! welll, does he not look like one? handsome, in a roguish way, and stately—the way he carried himself... she did not doubt it, not for a moment. how beautiful it sounds! she only wished that she could have seen such a place. she might have been able to, once, as the youngest daughter—but now all of the responsibilities have fallen to her to remain, to rule. until Makono returned, at least...
but she could not suggest this, nor admit such things, lest she undermine her own place here; beyond this, Toula had truly always loved home most of all, even if she (unlike her sister) had never dreamt of becoming Pharaoh. nor had she yet dreamt of children as he had, but she was yet so young!
in what way do you come here, Naberius of the land of Sand and Sun? is it your want, to have your daughters here? Toula hummed, and then lifted her head a measure, smiling softly, or have you come for our celebration of Spring, and to witness my coronation? fpr she knew the event was now being spoken of, but she did not yet know how far the words reached!
that she, with these things, sought a worthy suitor!
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
There is a dipping of his head, lowering it beyond her own in both respect and gratitude to her kind remarks in the thought of his birth home. She was young and the world had not yet soured her, hardened her. When she spoke, her voice was light and airy. And was happy and polite and did not seem to hold herself in the same manner of haughty nature as many others had before her. Perhaps, still then, she could see herself as more then just ruler and still be herself

But alas, he kept himself from looking her up and down as he lifts his skull again, from undressing her with his eyes, though the fiery suggestion might have still glinted there in his bi-colored eyes. She was far too young to have, just yet. That would be quite the cradle robbing, wouldn't it? 

Coronation? Ahh... He sounded pleased, for he had decided to arrive just in time. Though I have met a number which called themselves Akashingo before, none have mentioned your recent rise to power. Shame on them, then, but it seems I have come with very good timing! A happy laughter and wave of his tail. Congratulations..? He leaves room for her to speak her name over these lands which she ruled. 

It was not until she was finished did he answer her question of his intentions. I've kept my eye to this place for some time now and have become familiar with the glorious lands around. I would like to call it home, if it's ruler would have me? And, if daughters so happen to come along... His words trail, a smile and a rolling of his shoulders back. He felt if it was a good place for him it would be a good place for his children but time would tell and of course, they would come to choose their own path as he had, in the long run.
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
SO sorry for my delay, life exploded for a minute there!

the then Amiirad smiled. it is new news. no wonder it did not yet reach you on your travels, she said warmly, thinking even then to shame none. to expect for him to have heard so was perhaps silly, and yet she dreamt it anyway! beyond that, there had been much news. what is the latest you have heard of my lands, then? her lands now, yes, to look after while the Pharaoh was... away! simply away. she would surely return.
there seemed to be a question mark upon... something. surely not her name, which her fellahin had announced? but perhaps, then, her title to be. Toula suspected that perhaps this must be it, but would not humiliate him regardless. her name was a long-winded one, and yet, it was something she found pride in. Muat-riya Isetnofret "Toula", Hemet-nekheb of the Red Sands, she spoke for herself now, and here lifted her head a measure, taking on the demeanor her father oft did with guests. one that bespoke of her own divinity, and yet regarded this one before her like he was the only being on this earth she might ever wish to behold.
and it was not so much an act—she was quite interested in this foreign stranger, and his dreams!
so you do not come here as a guest, Toula sought to confirm, but as a resident. you mean to stay, here her lips curled upward in a pleased smile. yes—she was happy! you will be a neb—a lord, here. royal, as ever—an acknowledgment of your history. its ruler would certainly have you, her tail swayed behind her. an ear turned as a fellahin stepped forward; a soft look, and they departed.
do you wish to retire, or should you like to see one of our altars of worship? she asked, hoping he might humor her and pray with her!
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Oh, your completely fine! It happens. Happened to me just a bit back. Happy to wrap it up, should be a last for me!

Ah. The sound echoes off the redrock, as he listens to the young princess speak on the very recent change of power. If it was only just so recently, he wondered if she stood by the former young Pharoah's side or if already she had fallen from her pedestal.

I have hunted with your followers and was met at the border by your servants. They speak that beautiful young women have accend into their rightful position after the fall of their beloved Pharoah. A pause, then, as it was a good chance to be their father, I am deeply sorrowful of your loss.

While he might have spiced it up a bit, he wasn't completely lying. She was a beautiful young woman and her rise to power meant the death of another's. However, when she repeated her long name, he listened carefully. No, he did not believe it was the one he had heard before- Makono. He would say nothing of it. If she led next to Makono, fine, but of Makono had recently parted this world too, well, it was a bad sorts of turn of events Naberius had no intention to dig up out of the grave. 

There is a smile on his lips and then a chuckle. He folds one long front limb against his chest and allows the other leg to slide forth. A bow to the new young Queen. It is quite the mouthful, Hemet-nekheb, but I shall learn it well, until I might gain the honor of calling you Toula. And he might not ever, but it lay suggested there that he one day would, and would fight to do so until that day. 

Then, lifting as she continues, So you do not come here as a guest. He shakes his head 'no'. But as a resident. You mean to stay. Then a nod of his head in 'yes' as she smiles to this news. So filled with life and laughter! She would do well for those who followed her lead. She was still very young, yes, but surely had her council to guide her through her youth as she gained her experience and made her own mark on the land. Perhaps he would be one of them. 

I both thank you and am grateful to you, Hemet-nekheb. He speaks with toothy grin. His gifts and efforts to appease have not gone without reward. A Neb, Lord of the land and a fitting wolf to be such, having lived among the sands all his life, even if they were a bit different from his own homeland. With their departure and into the heart of their claim, he would add as he follows, Please, lead the way. 
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]