Dawnlark Plains Sabat
Alpha Female*
926 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
Suffering from a debilitating migraine today, Masquerade went to ground and didn’t emerge until nightfall. Their head still ached but not so terribly. They stretched their legs with a quiet stroll, roaming toward the plains to the south.

They stopped near the middle of the grassland, their breath leaving them in a great sigh that surrounded their head with steam. They meant to hunt, though instead they buckled their legs and sprawled in the frosty grass. Masque sighed again, eyes lifting a little to peer at the waning moon.

MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The darkness and the call of the moon had pulled Etienne from the warmth of where he slept. He hadn't meant to come this far, and yet here he was. It was with surprise and a little bit of trepidation that he continued forward. After all you never knew who was out among the shadows of the night. And he didn't really want to end up on the wrong end of someone's teeth.

He briefly wondered if Anselm would even notice him gone. Then he pressed it aside. It wasn't as if he was going to be gone long, only time to stretch his legs it seemed. Because he wasn't sure what else had driven him into a need to walk.

He was struck by someone fire kissed and looking miserable. They looked familiar but he couldn't place. So with wariness and light paws he approached, but only close enough to be seen.

You bein okay? Yea?
Alpha Female*
926 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
Something moved in the grass, causing their head to snap downward. Their eyes combed the sedge, rimed in crystals that glowed dimly in the moonlight. Their nose twitched, drawing in the frigid air. But Masquerade saw nothing, smelled nothing. They stilled, squinting.

And then they heard another noise, more distantly. They turned and then began rising onto all fours in one fluid movement when they realized a wolf was approaching them. Masque promptly braced their entire body, head lowering and ears falling back, tail pointing rigidly behind them.

Before them stood a young male with markings as distinct as their own and an accent to match. Masquerade stared at him for several beats. They weren’t particularly in the mood for company, though they had to admit they were intrigued.

Who wants to know? they demanded softly, sniffing toward him to capture and catalog his scent.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The wolf moved swiftly into a stance that gave no quarter. Etienne took a few steps back. He wasn't looking to get his throat bit today. No sir.


Then he waited, own nose twitching to gather scent and study them in return. He stood motionless otherwise. Unsure the proper way to even hesitantly approach a wolf so guarded.
Alpha Female*
926 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
The stranger gave them more room, which appeased Masquerade some. He also gave them a name. He didn’t mention a pack, nor any particular reason for his presence here on the plain.

I’m fine, they answered his question, which wasn’t particularly true, though he was a complete stranger. What brings you out this way, Etienne? You’re getting very closed to claimed land.

Masque swallowed thickly after saying those words, glancing at the nearby rise before retraining their marigold gaze steadily on their fellow yearling.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
This one. It was driving him crazy. He knew them, yes.they had hunted with him the bison he thought perhaps. Had it been them? Or had they been the one keeping the children appeased. There had been so many redtail wolves that day. And Eti had been so unsure and scared.

The dark whispers and I want to be listenin' and I know. redtail Rise be dat way. My manman is of Sapphique, we 'ave 'unted wit' dem.
Alpha Female*
926 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
Their eyebrow raised at his first words, which struck Masque as pretty cryptic. He said the name of their pack, which caused their head to tilt ever so slightly. Apparently he was from Sapphique. His mention of the combined pack hunt certainly jogged their memory. It had taken place on this very plain.

I remember. I was there. Were you? they wondered, looking at him a bit more closely now. I stayed back with the pups. Were you one of them?
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne felt the unease of akwardness as the words left his maw. But he couldn't take them bsck and besides. Truthfully they were a little cool he supposed.

He nodded. I was.

The a shake. Non, i was one of de ones runnin at dey 'eels of de bison.

He remembered that day. He had been ao frightened but he had put all his fear into feirceness and had struck true as he could.
Alpha Female*
926 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
Oh, they said at his gentle correction.

Masque tried to remember him, though the details of that day had faded over time. They’d paid much more attention to the youths than the hunters as well. Thinking so hard sort of made their head hurt again, so they let it rest.

We could hunt now, if you want, they suggested after a pensive pause, unless you were busy with something else.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne didn't like to correct exactly, but he also didn't like false narratives and he would always do his best to avoid any confusion. Thus sometimes he corrected. This wolf didn't seem to mind as Anselm did sometimes, so that was alright then.

And he couldn't blame them for not remembering. It had been some time ago, since they had hunted. And he had filled out and lost the baby face.

I will 'unt wit' you.

He dipped his head to them with a small smile. I am not busy.
Alpha Female*
926 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
He agreed to accompany them. Masquerade’s tail flicked as they nodded in acknowledgement, then began ascertaining their frosty surroundings. There were burrows aplenty on these plains. They motioned for Etienne to follow and began to trot toward one they knew, confirming its location by sniffing along the crunchy grass.

The cold air was sharp in their nose, almost stinging. But they smelled rabbits. Between the cold and the late hour, Masque expected they would have to rouse their prey from their warren somehow. Before that thought had even fully processed in their slightly aching brain, something flashed in the grass again.

This time, they sprang without waiting for a proper glimpse of their quarry. Their forepaws landed on something solid and squirming. They fell onto their elbows, trying to pin it before it could escape their haphazard hold. But the creature—a hare, by the scent—bit the Ulfr’s leg, prompting them to yelp in surprise and yank their limb away.

This allowed the rabbit to slip free, though it didn’t go fast or far. The yearling had broken its back, so now it scrambled pitifully toward some dark hole hidden in the grass.

Feel free to have Eti nab it, of course! :)
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienn3 followed behind. Nose to the ground. Weasels, hares squirrels mostly. Highed count being hares of course. But they were often everywhere abundant.

Etienne’s head snapped towards them with the sound long enough to see blood dribbling from Masquerade. He leapt forward to grasp the hare. And finished it with a quick bite.

You okay? Dat rascal bit you good. I can put reed on it, maybe find someting for infection.
Alpha Female*
926 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
They hissed through their teeth, their warm tongue pressing to the wound as their eyes followed the rabbit’s movements. Etienne quickly put a stop to them, leaving the carcass on the ground as he turned his concerned attention to Masquerade.

I’m fine, they said on a sigh, inspecting the painful but shallow bite wound. Pressing to their full height, they asked, Did you want to go for a second one, so there’s one for each of us? Or maybe we could just split this one.

They were keen to leave some food for Carrion and Sky, in particular, although the former probably wouldn’t have much interest in the fresh kill. Half a rabbit would make a decent meal for their stubborn younger brother.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It seemed that they didn't want help and though he wanted to press he didn't. A quick nod.

I would like to 'ave one to be putting in a cache so if you be up for it.

Etienne wagged his tail genially and waites. It would be good to take one home.

I will flus' dis time?
Alpha Female*
926 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
I’m up for it, Masque assured with a curt nod. Sure.

But then their headache returned with sudden and savage ferocity, sending a bolt of pain through their temple. Masquerade’s teeth clenched as their face twisted, a little gasp of pain escaping them.

Sorry, I, they grunted as the wave ebbed a little, get these headaches sometimes. Masque didn’t plan to say anything else about it but Etienne was an ally and a good hunting partner, so they elaborated, Ever since I headbutted an intruder by accident.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne was immediately on guard when they gasped. He shifted to study them with practiced eye. A frown marred hia golden masked face.

How long ago was dis? May i see your eyes? Or can i be gettin' closer?

He didn't want to cause outrage or panic amd he could try and help. If it wasn't long ago a concussion could be reasonable if it was a more horrifying thing it could be. Internal bleeding, fractures. All terrible. And uncurable.
Alpha Female*
926 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
Etienne asked a series of questions. Masquerade did not answer right away, wincing their way through another pulse of pain. When it passed, they drew in a breath and moved closer to him, slightly hesitantly.

What can you find out by looking at my eyes? they wondered. It happened in later summer, early fall. I can’t remember exactly.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti felt bad that he was peppering her with questions, when clearly she didn't feel well. But he couldn't make a diagnosis without it.

Sometimes if you be 'avin' a concussion your eyes don't be dilsting rite. Doug' it been a w'ile i may not be able to tell dat way.

Etienne studied her eyes were a little strange, but nothing like they would have been that first time.

Did you loose consciousness? Or feel anyting give way?
Alpha Female*
926 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
Etienne said some words Masque didn’t know: “concussion,” “dilate.” They shifted uncomfortably, trying to suss out their meaning through his behavior and other contextual clues. But then he pressed them with more questions.

Give way? they echoed, slightly horrified at the mere thought before quickly adding, No, nothing like that. But I did lose consciousness. I don’t know how long I was out for… maybe a few minutes.

Their bright eyes skittered over his face, wondering what he saw in them. Were they dilating the way they should? Masquerade would have no way of knowing, even if they knew what that term meant. And what about a concussion?

I assume you must be a Haelend—a healer, they remarked while they awaited a prognosis.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Though they dilsted because it was far too long from.They were slow. And he could see other small clues, though he wouldn't have been able to explain.

A small smile and a nod. Dat I am. I'd rat'er put de world toget'er agin t'an tear it apart.

He curled hia paw into the dirt as he let the truth out. He was not ashamed of his path, but some did not appreciate it.

If dis ever 'appens agin to you or someone you be knowin' de black small part of de eye is pupil. It grows bigger an' smaller wit' lite and darkness. You close an open, watc' and if it does not do dis. Bad 'ead injury no sleepin' for few hours. And watc' dem for two days, more if de be losin' consciousness like you.

He nodded. I would be sayin' you 'ad bad concussion. And it will 'urt for few more weeks. But you be okay as long as you don't 'urt it agin rite now. I'ave medicine in fox 'ollow if you'd like. I can try and find some sround 'ere but I may not muc' of our plant life is fading for winter to take over.
Alpha Female*
926 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
He confirmed their suspicion, then said quite a bit more about their ailment. Masquerade listened to every word he said, filing them away. They felt a flicker of fear when he mentioned avoiding sleep following a concussion. They couldn’t really remember those first few hours after the incident, though Masque supposed it didn’t really matter now. They knew what to (not) do should something similar occur in the future.

Fox Hollow? they repeated, head tilting. I thought Sapphique lived… Masquerade pointed toward the rocky coastline, invisible in the distant darkness, then shook their head. I don’t think I need anything but… well, time, it sounds like. Thank you, though. They paused again. I don’t think I’m up to any more hunting tonight, after all. You’re welcome to take the rabbit.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne felt bad to be throwing so much at the wolf here. But they had gone too long without treatment they were lucky, extremely lucky.

Etienne grimaced. Dey do. I left tlq'en my granm Roz died. I was 'eartbroken n I love my family an' dey love me, but I needed time. Now i be 'elpin' Anselm.

A Soft nod. I 'ope your pain goes away soon.
Alpha Female*
926 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
He was no longer part of Sapphique. Masquerade met this information with a blink, then wondered where the hollow was located. But they refrained from asking, especially since they didn’t want to overlook the mention of his heartbreak and loss.

I’m sorry you went—are going—through that, they said a little awkwardly, also wondering about Anselm but deciding against asking about that too. I hope yours does as well, Masque said softly.

Nodding for him to claim his kill, they waved their tail and motioned toward the rise. They hated to head home empty-handed, especially during such a trying time for their younger siblings, but more than anything, Masque wanted to seek out someplace safe to ride out the dregs of their latest headache.

Take care of yourself, Etienne.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)