Ankyra Sound And even though I listened, I never heard a word they said.
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
Logically, everything she said made sense.  Puppies made a pack vulnerable for a time, a reason she had never had particulately sought them in the past, but in the long run they bound a pack tighter.  And they were numbers, plain and simple.  Rosalyn nodded.  She didn't agree to the logic of staying within the pack - if she joined with a male who was a stranger, he would never know of the children who resulted.  But her own goals weren't even sure yet.

Erzulie will have them, she responded, smiling with a somewhat rare feeling for a moment before smoothed back to a more careless expression.  I have no doubt I could handle it.  But it may be for the best I don't.  She wasn't sure yet; there was still that worry that she would feel apart from children she had no part in making, but it was countered by the strangeness the thought of motherhood inspired in her.  It was as if her mind had a disconnect; she couldn't even picture herself caring for a child that was her own.  If she couldn't picture it, could she do it?
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RE: And even though I listened, I never heard a word they said. - by Rosalyn - February 03, 2019, 05:20 PM