Fairspell Meadow Newts eye, prickle paws, berries and luck
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Petite dainty body moved throughout the meadow. Calico colored fur bright against the back drop of autumn. Blue eyes searching, always searing as she kept her gaze on the horizon.  The sky cloudy and grey. The Cold weather, forcing her to keep on moving. Winter was almost upon them.

She sniffed for any remnants of any type of herb left to the grounds. And she wanted to take some of the berry bushes back to the pack lands, and grow them there. She had just the thicket in mind. Tail whipping back and forth as she walked, a gentle hum under her breath. 

Despite the coldness of the weather and the mist that clung to her coat. She was in good spirits.
968 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the red priest of akashingo drifted into the snow this day. he had never seen it before, and gaped openly at the floating flakes.

and then he began to shiver. but senmut did not want to return to the palace, not for now. he had come to walk with the gods and to commune, but when he moved his mind to prayer, all he could picture was first nazli, and then makono.

his pulse raced. he did not yet notice the other. "help me focus upon you, Amun."
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw had not been prepared for the snow yet. So it was with both surprise and delight that she stared up at the sky as it fell upon her. White flakes of fluff and ice falling around her face and fur. Alighting upon eyes lashes and whiskers, to chill the calico fur.

She tossed a prayer to Atka, slowly, purposefully under her breath, for it was Atka who was in charge of the new. Of life. It was moments before she realized she was not alone, and it was only on the pleas of a whisper, that she realized thusly.

She turned and met the gaze of another. A medium, muscular thing. With a fur of browns and whites. She dipped her muzzle. 

You speak of the god Amun Ra. Yes?

She didn't know much of this god, only of his origins and that he had once been a god of Air, and then became a god of all in a culture. She had heard his name fleeting in a conversation many years ago.
968 Posts
Ooc — ebony
senmut nearly jumped. "yes." his voice was sharper than he had meant it to be.

the young we'eb smoothed his hackles and looked apologetically at the woman arranged in many pretty hues. his curiosity burned in the next moment. "yes." the bright green of his eyes were searching. "what do you know of Him?"
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Hackles rose i return as he lifted his ruff. Though as he soothed his own, she tried to, but she stared at him distrustfully now. Afraid he would set upon her. So she backed up a little, and then tilted ears forward to listen.

Ash Paw smiled. Not much I am afraid. Just that he is from Egyptian culture, was once the god of the air and then became the king of the gods.

She tilted a downy shoulder. That is all I know.
968 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she was quick and knew the smaller details. senmut nodded quickly.

"who taught you these things?" and his voice was sharper than he meant it. he resided in akashingo and she without. how had she come by this holy name?

it set him less at ease, and now he was mistrustful.
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw hissed in an instance, and pulled herself into a more haughty stance. Blue eyes flashing at him with distrust and anger. A small flare of fury lit along her insides and warmed her enough that her cheeks grew red. 

Azure eyes snapped at him in irritation and she moved to crowd, not caring that he was bigger than she, and he was probably able to hurt her. He had no reason to be so rude.

You have no reason to be rude! She growled out low. I know them, because i know many gods. I know Ares and Mars, and Hades and Zeus, I know Atka and Sos. I know your precious Amun Ra and Ibis and Thoth. So you sir can take your attitude and shove it. The Gods do not belong to only you.

She turned away from him and stalked back the way she had came. Would continue on. Were he to stop her, she wasn't certain what would happen or what she would do.
968 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"but i —!" he exclaimed when she had thrown the names, both known and unknown, toward him.

her back was rigid and turned.

the priest ran to catch up with her, crossing the woman's path. "the only ones i know who understand these names are in akashingo." his bright green eyes were firm. "we are too great not to have spies try their hand. i meant to protect my home is all."

he stepped away, dipping his muzzle briefly in apology.
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw snorted and continued turning. How dare he. He was rude, insufferable. Why were all the men in this wilds so rude with the exception of Quen. Good. She was cursing under her breath, both at him and against him.

He darted in front of her, drawing her up short and she stared at him. I don't even know what Aka-Shin-go is. She growled. Fury darkening her eyes.

You must not be the great. I've not heard of you.

She saw him dip his nose and she dipped her muzzle in return, saying no more. Just watching. Could she continue on her way.
968 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"that way," and now he was lightly offended. 

but not for himself.

"i am only a priest. a holy man. or — i will be. i serve the gods and one day i will join those i love in the Land of Reeds, if i am righteous and good." he blinked.

"are you a priestess?"
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue eyes followed his motion and she saw the large mesa growing in the plain. She sniffed plaintively and then looked back to him as he continued to speak.

But you aren't yet. As a priest and holy man, then you should know very well that the gods do not belong to you, and that you are not to judge others. A mistake I hope you rectify in the future with others.

She dipped her head. Of sorts. I am a healer, hope to be a midwife and I share my own gods with others and any knowledge of I have of others in case someone wishes to worship, but doesn't really like the gods I Follow.
968 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"but they do belong to egypt," the man said, and left it there. he supposed any could worship Amun, so long as they approached in peace and with offerings.

"then know the name of Ta-weret. She is the god of childbirth, of the birthing room. Lady of the Water, She guides the children from their mother." 

senmut sighed reverently.
30 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Hope yall don't mind The Seer joining! If you'd like me to delete this just ping me somewhere <333

Völva followed Ash Paw to find herbs for the stores. 
She hadn't exactly said she was going to follow her, and she didn't really plan on making her presence known unless needed or seen...
But, there was strife in the air as she heard Ash Paw and another. 

A man with a sharp tone, and mistrustful words. 

The Seer would silently come up beside the Mage of Basilica, pale lavender eyes staring at the man, intent to appear as if she was looking into his very soul, as she took place beside Ash Paw.

She knew the mage didn't need backup at the moment, Ash was handling everything just fine, but Völva saw no harm in the extended effort to lend her presence to the interaction.
Her gaze was inquisitive and analytical of the so-called holy man.
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The seer made herself known, toe stepping to Ash's side. Blue eyes met lavender and then she went back to listening to the man of a place called Akashingo. Who felt the gods belonged to egypt.

And if they do belong to egypt? My gods and goddesses belong to the sea, but I still worship them on land. I still give them offerings and send my prayers. Gods can be anywhere, where someone seeks them out. They belong to no single wolf, group or entity. They are all knowing, all beings.

She took his words and dipped her  muzzle. Ta-Weret. Tell me more of her please?
968 Posts
Ooc — ebony
senmut would have answered had not they been joined by a third. for a moment he thought she resembled tavina.

but the similarity ended at black fur and purple eyes. she seemed carved from jet and set far away.

he swallowed and dipped his head. "we know the prayers for them. but Ta-weret, She is for all children. mothers request Her permission when they enter their trials."

senmut avoided both sets of eyes now.