Herbalists' Cache Snowhawk
36 Posts
Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
Maybe @Etienne?

It had been several days since the healer had wrapped his ankle in cobwebs and spat his poultice onto it. Nicodem had ventured only a short distance. He learned that keeping to the shadows of the cache and the nearby water sources was his best means of nourishment. All the while he worried about Deja and where his trouble-making “brother” had run off to.

The shadow slipped into the shade of the trees. His dark coat was a cloak of warmth against the summer sun. Once he had found peace beneath a large tree, Nico lifted his snout and howled out for the healer he had met.
194 Posts
Ooc — ‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅
Moon Runner hunted alone this morning. A trail made by black-tail deer enticed the yearling to trek beyond the Rise’s territory, though she knew it impossible to take down one in her current state. Though no longer sick, the girl had a slim and willowy physique due to her battle with an infection. Perhaps her fate would turn… a piece of carrion or an abandoned fawn would be easy pickings.

However, her route changed when she picked up Father’s scent. It seemed he had explored the neighboring forest named Herbalist Cache.

Suddenly, a nearby howl put Moon Runner on alert. Should she retreat?

She paused, statuesque, until the naivety and curiosity of youth bade her forward.

She crept through the understory until she saw a black male wolf reposed beneath the trees.

Moon Runner’s heart jumped. She wanted it to be Tall Shadow. But it was clear, after a second look, that it was not Redtail’s Berserkr.

Red Eye? The spirit thought. Her den-brother had dispersed long ago.

It was then Moon Runner saw him turn his head, and caught the flash of his silver and gold eyes. It reminded her of Icemelt – the white wolf she had met a few weeks before.

Who did he call for? The spirit wondered. How many of his kin were nearby?

Moon Runner did not know the character of this stranger so she was hesitant to reveal herself. The young woman decided to put plenty of distance between them when she finally stepped from her cover of mountain laurel.

She chuffed, her voice curious.

Who are you? her spirit asked.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,038 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne had heard the call and part of him had hoped to hear it. Because he had worried after the wounded boy.

But upon his arrival he was not alone, and he settled his items to his paw and he waited. Quietly, watching, wary.

He wasn't sure what to do or what to say. And he didn't want to cause a ruckus.
36 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The first to appear was not the healer.

Nicodem visibly tensed. His dark shoulders became sharp. His head lowered, drawing in the scent of the earth into his mind so that he might discern if this stranger had come from a nearby pack. They carried a scent but it was not familiar to the young shadow. His mismatched gaze blinked curiously. A wary wave of his tail was offered before the woman stepped to reveal herself - a good distance stretched between them.

A soft chuff was offered. Nicodem was expressing that he was not a threat. If Deja were there, he would have approached differently. The other boy always had a bit of a hot head.

Another scent, this one more familiar, lifted the two-colored gaze of the dark young man. He searched. Eti was there. He could sense it. The young wolf could not make him out in the shade.
194 Posts
Ooc — ‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅
The young male’s features were hard-lined and inkjet like a piece of obsidian. She could see the tension in his body become taught like her own -- their guards raised until they could appraise the other’s demeanor. In a way, Moon Runner felt as if she looked at her own reflection…. they spoke the same wild language.

He echoed her own call. Moon Runner’s spirit was confident but cautious. She would not put herself in harms way.

Her ears cupped towards him and her expression was bright and interested.

Moon Runner approached, but on the bias. Walking head-on towards a stranger would have been a precursor to conflict.

Her tail wagged softly as her nose raised to take scent from the air.

Who are you? Her spirit asked again.

It was then she detected the presence of another nearby by smell. Her advance halted and Moon Runner wondered if it was wise to flee.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,038 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne stepped further into the fading light. And he settled to his haunches. Apparent for both the wolves to see, but also clearly staying away until invited further. HE didn't wish to scare either one. And these yooung ones seemed skittish. It made him sad and he wondered breifly what they had been through to make them this way.

He and his siblings until they were a little older, and even now approached others with a wary delight.
194 Posts
Ooc — ‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅
Sorry @Etienne I’m gonna write Moon Runner out so we can archive this :)

In the end, Moon Runner’s flight instincts overrode her curiosity. It felt too perilous to confront two strange males so far away from the Rise. She couldn’t help but wonder, however, if Father had run into them as well.

Moon Runner turned around and wheeled away, swift as the wind.