Lion Head Mesa She makes the sound
268 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous
An hour before dawn he’d awakened with a craving for his wife, and rather than persuade her sleeping form roughly from her dreams, had escaped to the lowlands to cast his energies into a hunt.

The morning was deep and a grey mist hung thickly over their hunting grounds. The riverking coursed over the trail of a cape hare like a hungry shadow. But it was an opportunistic vulture which fell prey to his jaws, and whose fine honey plumage would make a handsome complement to his woman.

The slain fowl was presented atop a bounty of other riches, all offerings and blessings for the newly wedded gods. Rashepses slunk into their bedchamber to take pleasure in watching @Toula’s lithe, sleeping form.

After a pause he began to touch her, lightly, pressing the flesh of his lips to the peak of her hip.

Bahka nofer, my fair one,” he stirred her, feeling a surge of protective possession.
immortal longings
764 Posts
Ooc — anon
Toula held the news to her heart; after Tavina had shared the news late last evening, she had returned to her chambers to—
ah, Rashepses slept! and how sweet he looked in his slumber, how peaceful… she watched him for but a moment before slinking into their bed and weaseling her way beneath an arm that was always meant to be around her. his slow breaths, both the sound and the feeling of them, soothed her, and she was carried into her dreams.
and in those dreams came four new faces, that each thrilled to see her—one looked upon her with eyes she would know anywhere, and another with a grateful and familiar look in their own. the other two seemed altogether new—but they looked at her with that same love, and she looked upon them with the very same feeling. 
her eyes upon them, their eyes upon her—Toula’s then snapped open as she heard and felt the familiar silk of her husbands voice, the warm breath of it tickling the furs at her hip. 
she turned to look down to him, unable to withhold it for longer than she had! do not forget to greet your children, my love, and she takes a paw of his and places it then over her belly, where they grew!
268 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous

A breath, swallowed, his head wrenched up to see into the face of his wife–

Unmoving, stark, his nails gripped the cold stone underfoot. “Certain?” He whispered, but he knew in the way she looked at him. He needed no verbal affirmation; it was there in the vision of sheer love and exhilaration he saw dancing in her eyes.

He rose to his feet, his legs suddenly weakened. He reached, trembling for his wife’s cheek. His eyes upon her shone, for they were full of tears. Slowly he lowered his lips to brush her’s, just lightly, before passion came and he pressed them harder. He cradled her head in his arms and laughed between kisses.

Toula,” he breathed against the side of her face before pulling back and sliding his paws down to the slight pink swell of her belly. His fingers were gentle, stroking either side curiously. 

“What does it feel like?” He asked, overwhelming love causing his voice to break as he centered a hand over her womb; over their children.
immortal longings
764 Posts
Ooc — anon
she searched his features for each and every indication of what he felt—the sweetness of relief came to her when she realized that he shared in her joy, her excitement. the absence of his fear eradicated each small trace of it that existed in her, the light in his eyes burning it all into oblivion. 
Toula did not know when she started weeping, only that she was—but she was laughing, too, tears of joy! together they wept and they laughed and exchanged the same breaths between kisses, and she held him to her for a long and tender moment. and when he withdrew to explore where their children were then housed, she let him and marveled with him at this miracle they two had created.
two paws came to gently hold the one that rest over her belly, imagining then the blonde-brunette babes that would come! her eyes watered all the more at the thought. wonderful, she breathed, and even with all the sickness did she think this in knowing the reason behind it! I know already that they are strong—they have let us know early they are here and growing! one paw lifts to brush his cheek gently. we are going to be parents, my love! and with him there, she felt safe, she felt sure—yes, they two could do anything!
268 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous
Tears drizzled his face, dropped down onto their joined paws. Gently he lowered himself over her womb where his incipient children slept. The king twined his arms into his wife’s soft sides and lavished her belly with ardent kisses.

“Hi, my little loves,” he murmured and held back astonished tears. His eyes drifted close, unable to see or listen beyond the warm curved body of his mate. “Do you hear me? It’s– your father.”

Nothing beyond the steady rising and falling of Toula’s breaths called, but in that moment Rashepses felt the deathless strength of Amun-Ra pulsate beneath their hands. In Pharaoh's womb rode the gods who would change the earth.

Rashepses knew that along with their mother they would become the center of his world.

Mother– his wife had never glowed with more allure. As if in a dream he moved his lips to her fur. “I love you so much, Toula– gods, how much I love you.”
immortal longings
764 Posts
Ooc — anon
I love you, she echoed—to him, to them! watching him with them then was a wonder. they were not even here, and he was so careful and tender and loving with the first part of their futures together they had built. 
smiling, she said, they hear you—I know that they do, and her smile grows as she says, and I know that they too love you! my darling, I am filled with so much of the feeling that it is a wonder I am not already the size of Tawaret, and she was so eager to be! to be broad and full of their creations. could he picture it? she threw her head back and laughed gayly, the noise rich in her abundant joy!
she drew her arms around his shoulders, pulled him nearer to her face. love, love, love—and lust, still! I am Pharaoh, and I command that we two spend the day in worship in thanks to the Gods! come, devote Yourself to Me, her voice bubbled with mirth, and her gemstone gaze gleamed with happy tears. 

gonna also start us another thread hehe!
268 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous
It was only her voice that soothed his restless waters and softened the gathering troughs that challenged his capacity to be a good father; a devoted husband. He held his world, safely rooted and rocked in his arms.

When commanded he obeyed, breathing desire into being against a gilded shoulder, lifting her more preciously into the crook of himself. Toula’s scent had changed, she was temporal in his lungs. He turned his glance from her belly to her brilliant turquoise eyes, consumed by the cadence of her river. In this driving revery he would not fall lower than his troughs, Semer-wati and Pharaoh were joined by body and soul and the growing reflections of Their children.