Northstar Vale Sweet Taste
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Rodyn had been successful in his visits with other packs and hunting thus far. There were still a few things that he would need to figure out, and not all packs were as willing to speak with him as others. Though he still blamed the snotty child that had called a false threat of him for that one. Though he tried to tuck it to the back of his mind. He had done nothing wrong in that regard. He had stayed far away from the pack and had even brought a gift, that the youngling had certainly taken quickly, despite his almost getting Rodyn killed.

Rodyn shifted and stopped many feet from the borders. He was almost far enough away that they couldn't see him and he lifted his mouth in song to the leaders of the pack @Aresenio @Tamar, or whomever wished to answer.

At his feet a tree branch with four fish on to share with this pack and to offer his trades.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Oh, Danni… I’m so sorry to have you wait this long! >w< I didn’t get the tag for some reason. <33 I hope it’s okay.

There was a call on the edge of their claim that drew Arsenio’s attention away from the lake shore. He shifted on his paws, eyeing the spot where he had hoped to fish for his wife and their children. When the voice reached his ears, the Greek man knew that he could not wait. So, his sturdy legs pushed him to their borders to meet the stranger who had called out to them.

A man waited patiently with a stick and several fish at his paws. Arsenio eyed the food with a small smirk. At first, he wondered if this stranger was hoping to buy his place in Epoch. As the mercenary drew closer, he smelled that the wolf already carried the scent of a pack on his coat.

Greetings, fisherman. You have arrived on the edge of Epoch. I am Arsenio. The redstone figure nodded his head and swished his tail favorably. How might I assist you?
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
You're fine lovely. No hurry <3

Rodyn was about to pack it in and leave, when he was came upon. He couldn't help the small flinch at his shoulder, when a large male came to the border edge. However, this one met him with less arsenic and didn't take what he had caught in favor of a lie.

Rodyn bowed his head. I'm Rodyn Ardeth, Trader and hunter of Moonglow. I've brought a gift for you and yours.

Rodyn shifted and curled his tail tighter around his black paws. As I said I am a trader/hunter for my pack and I have been given a task before winter to catch certain furs and offer my assistance to other packs. Trades of fur, meat, or even stories in return for my hunting prowess for you and yours. It is to secure my future in my pack and show that I am able to fully and without prejudice ply my trade.

Rodyn lifted his head then, a tilt of pride in his face. I'm a fair hunter, quite adept. I would like to offer my services to you, for a hunt. Whether it be stag or small game. I am also a fair fisher.

Would you have need of assistance in this regard? I can also share what information I have gathered from other packs surrounding you.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The Arche listened to the man at his borders. He was a trader who had been sent from his pack to journey the land and return with goods. It was honest work, as far as Arsenio could tell. He had known men who had traveled the long sea roads of his home with wares to share with the soldiers and the families that they met. The concept was not so foreign to him that he might shrug Rodyn away.

A fine offer, Rodyn of Moonglow. Your home must think highly of you to send you on such a challenging job.

Arsenio thought of his children and his wife. He wanted to make sure that they were safe. If this man used his trader title as a ruse to enter claimed territory, he would be facing the fangs of Epoch’s leader. They needed meats, however. They had two families in their ranks and children needed a great deal of sustenance to grow strong.

Very well, come. Let us walk the vale and I will discuss a trade with you. Perhaps we have goods your home will benefit from, hm? Arsenio motioned with his snout for Rodyn to enter.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had never heard of a trader, but it seemed that many packs had. So it was no longer with surprise that he was accepted so readily. The russet hunter supposed in part it had to do with the fact that he was honest and spoke his truth immediately.

A small smile lit up his maw. I like to think they do. I certainly think highly of them. And he did. HE loved his pack and his people.

Rodyn stepped near the other, though he kept himself continually neutral. He would not sour a meeting, with body language, that he may not have meant to use.

We live in the mountains. But some of our former members are from waterways. And there is also game and herbals that we may not have ready access too. I am tasked to find ermine furs and stag furs. But we will take with good intentions whatever it is you wish to offer us and want me to give in return.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It was a noble thing, what the tradesman did. He seemed like the earth had hardened him, that he had walked many miles on his rough paw pads. Arsenio had known that life, many years of it. What the redstone wolf had offered in his youth had been his fangs and his brawn. It seemed a sharper skillset to have a talent in hunting and gathering. The wolf who visited them from Moonglow was surely a treasured member of their ranks.

We have many herbs in the vale that will be of use to you and your kin. We may have game that you do not see often on the mountain. I am happy to share if you will work to fill our caches while you stay. In return, you may sleep inside the vale and mingle with the members of Epoch.

It seemed like a fair trade. The man would need a place to sleep for a night or two. He would need to hunt for his skins and furs. There would be time enough to gather the proper medicines that he could carry home. If the tradesman accepted, it would be a fruitful visit.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had been tried and tested on this foray into the wilds and into trading. Though he would not trade it, and if it got him closer to earning the respect of his leaders and hopefully his father and mother in law, he would do it ten fold. There was a determination in his stride. Rodyn knew he could have offered his back for fighting. But he preferred the pursuit of food. Felt this was what he was best suited to give.

Moonwoman would like this trade, she is a healer. I will help to fill your caches. Gladly. What would you like me ot hunt for you and yours first?

A smile lit up his eyes. And he shifted eager to begin. This would be a new challenge. New game that he hadn't seen before maybe. What fun.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The man asked what he might fill their caches with first. Arsenio smiled warmly at him.

There are a number of small game animals, voles and beavers, otters. The trees are shelter to deer. The mountains will bring goats down to feed on the foliage, he gestured toward their natural borders – tall rocky mountain peaks that protected the vale. It was a beautiful territory. The grounds were full of a variety of prey.

Rabbits have been a good hunt in the clearings.

Arsenio wondered what prey the tradesman preferred to stalk. His role as a hunter was a valuable one. The mercenary did not think that he would be poor at tracking any of the creatures that Arsenio had described. Still, he imagined that most hunters had their preferences.

In the early morning hours, when the sun has only just started to share its light… I have seen a stag drink from the water. He is the most curious shade of gold and his head carries many points on his crown. The redstone wolf glanced toward their visitor. I will show him to you tomorrow morning. I do not wish for the stag to be hunted. Is that understood?
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The leader spoke of the abundancy of game in their small hollow here. Many of the ones that Rodyn knew. Voles would be too small for the caches, beavers and otters wouldn't be so bad, but he had already killed many brother otters. He felt sad to kill more. Though he heard deer and goats. He could possibly kill a deer or a goat himself, he was learning quickly how to herd them.

Rodyn nodded. I will aim for a small deer or a goat first. And the skins of both would be warm for any littles or family. Especially the goat fur, it is wiry and soft and warm. That way you have much in the winter, and then the smaller game. This way I can make sure to fill them well for the coming cold months for you and yours.

Rodyn listened with keen interest and he smiled. Do not worry, Sir. I would not kill a king of the forest such as that.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The man mentioned skins to be used from his kills. Arsenio thought this was a smart thing. He smiled toothily, nodding his head in approval.

Yes, very good. Are you good with skinning them? You can show me how you do this, yes?

The redstone figure would not want to miss out on such a skill. He wondered if Tamar was already versed in this trade. If she was not, Arsenio hoped that he could take some knowledge home to her. The thought of lining their family den in warm furs was pleasing to the man. He would like to imagine his family keeping warm during the frigid winter nights, tucked away in their pelted dens.

How long have you been a tradesman, Rodyn? Arsenio imagined that he had lived his entire life learning these skills.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled, crooked and endearing and gave a nod. Yes Moonwoman taught me. It is time consuming, but well worth it, and if you save enough you can outfit everyone with soft places to sleep, a barrier between cold earth and warm bodies.

Rodyn's eyes shone brightly when he spoke of his trades and what he was taught. Had it really not been long since he had been doing this. Going from one place to the next? It felt like a dream.

A soft hrm lit out of his throat as he thought of an answer. I have been hunting my entire life. I have been making things also my entire life. I just recently took up mantle of trader for my pack. It is an honorable position. And one I enjoy.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I wish to learn this skill from you while you are here. You may take any herbs that you find back to your Moonwoman, in exchange.

Arsenio wished to learn how to keep the furs of their prey. He wanted to take this knowledge to Tamar and ask that she teach him how she used to prepare the homes for the soldiers in Mereo. She had tended to their home, as well. It was not a one-wolf task, not anymore. The redstone man wished to learn so that he could offer things to their children, to those who made their homes within the vale, to their friends’ children.

I believe you are a very skilled individual. Your home will be proud to have you in their ranks, Rodyn. I am certain of it. Your journey will bring you knowledge, as well. When you return to your people, it will be as a wiser man.

Arsenio paused where the vale flattened before reaching one of the lakes. He approached the edge of the water and drank, waiting to see if his company would share in it.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A smile lit up his yellow eyes and colored his face. It will be my pleasure to teach you this. When I hunt the first goat I will show this to you. I appreciate that. She would like herbs. Especially if they do not grow on their mountain. However, I would need to beg assistance, as I am no healer.

Rodyn had been confused, when Moonwoman had first shown him this task, but he had quickly learned to like it. It was a way to free his mind, and give back to his found family. Mostly the woman of the village did it, but there was no shame if a man did. It was just the way things fell sometimes.

You must also have a sweet treat, next time berries come in season. If you strip the tallow from the skin and eat it with berries. It is a very rich and savory, yet sweet snack. I think you and your little ones will like it.

Rodyn thought fondly of the day, Kukutux had shown him such a thing. It had been delicious and he liked to share it with any and all he could. Much like he enjoyed sharing most anything he knew how to do.

Rodyn bent his head to the water and eyed it with knowing eyes. Licking the droplets from his mouth and nuzzle, he nodded at it.

I thank you for your kind words. This is good fishing. If you do not have small prey, fish can always fill your caches.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It overjoyed him that Rodyn would agree to teach him the art of preserving hides. He felt that he would have something exciting to share with Tamar, when he saw her later. It would be something that he could teach to his children. The redstone man hoped that the tradition was not something they held dear. He was so pleased with it that he hoped he would teach anyone who would listen.

The tradesman spoke of berries in the warmer months. Arsenio smiled, nodding his head. He had smelled them during his first expedition to the vale, when he had scouted with Kallik. It would be nice to share the sweetness of those fruits when they were ripe again. A tip was offered. Rodyn gave instructions for a special sweet treat. The Arche listened closely, keeping the information for later.

I will try it. I will let you know if my children love it. He meant that.

After the man inspected the water, he looked pleased. He said that even if there was not as much small game in the vale, they would be able to stock the caches with fish. Arsenio felt that they were blessed in their home. It was a fruitful location, protected and warm.

Tell me, have you hunted anything remarkable on your travels?
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
As far as Rodyn was aware, the art of preserving hides was not sacred. However, he did know that some of the songs that Moonwoman, Callyope would sing were. They were work songs, passed down from woman to woman. Rodyn didn't know these things. But that was okay. Samani did.

Rodyn chuckled, a hearty laugh. I look forward to hearing of it. I will like to hear of their adventures. Littles are a blessing.

Rodyn settled to his haunches as he thought of an answer. Nothing exceptionally remarkable. I have hunted brother otter in swamps and lakes, i have hunted deer and goats and stags in the mountains and the meadows. Rabbits in valleys. I have hunted weasels and ermine in the deep evergreen forests, and fished for salmon in the bright rivers of our lands.

Rodyn smiled. I enjoy hunting. To me it is like a religion a worship of the world around me. To provide, to hunt, to share.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Rodyn did not need to tell Arsenio how much hunting meant to him. It was clear in the way he spoke of his skill. The tradesman had respect for all things, even the animals that he used to feed his village. The Greek man had never heard another wolf speak on his craft that way. He admired it, quietly. There were few things that he found surprising, but the reverence in the Moonhunter was just that.

You have children of your own?

If Arsenio didn’t know any better, he would have pegged the man for a father. He had the look to him. If he wasn’t then, he wouldn’t have to wish for long. There would be no doubt that such a skilled individual would have a long list of women or men who found him desirable.

Forgive me, if not… you seem the fatherly type. You had said something about… ah, ‘littles’, he added with a toothy smile.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn went into hunting as he did with all things, though perhaps a little more reverance than most things. But there was a careful way he went about things. The way he moved and thought and tried to provide. It was just a soul deep thing for him.

Rodyn smiled and shook his head. No I have not been fortunate in that regard, but perhaps some day if my bride wants to that is. It should be her choice after all. I like little ones though. We had quite a few on the mountain this last season and I was lucky enough to be able to share in their growth.

Rodyn didn't know of anyone that liked him as of yet, cept maybe Samani, and he hadn't out right asked her. Was trying to wait for the end of his bride price. He was so close though. Soon. Soon.

Rodyn chuckled. Littles are blessings to not only their parents, but their pack mates and all should treat them as the treasures that they are.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Would you like to backdate a thread so Rodyn can show him how to do the skins? ^^ I could make the starter! I don't mind at all. <3

The way that the tradesman spoke, it sounded as though he had a good deal of respect for women. This was important to Arsenio, after living in the halls of Akashingo. He did not wish to be in the presence of another man who thought so little of womankind. More than his respect for their better halves, Rodyn also spoke as a man who had helped his people raise their little ones into good wolves. It was clear to the Arche that this tradesman was a highly valued figure in his home.

We agree on many things, Rodyn. My children are my heartbeat, my wife is the blood in my veins. I do not know what I would be without them. The other young ones in our ranks are treasured, too. Though I did not make them, I see that they are bursting with potential.

Arsenio’s smile did not flicker or fade. He had grown to love those in Epoch. They were outnumbered by their pups, but those pups would grow into wolves who could learn and then teach in their pack. He would have been a fool to ignore how special they were.

Please, feel free to roam the vale. When you are ready to show me that goat skin, I will come to you.

All that talk of his family had made Arsenio miss them. He wanted to see them, to tell them how much they made his heart grow. He looked to the tradesman, ready to let him free within Epoch.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gladly and yes please start. I plan to have a few more backdated threads in and around the area. Though for the purpose of the thread. The goat hunt will be BTS. <3

The trader had been raised by a mother and a father, more so a mother who determined that he would always respect women. That he wouldn't be terrible. All of his siblings were taught this. All of them.

The hunter wasn't certain how his pack mates felt of him. They all seemed to like him and they gave him praise and honor, but he had never asked. He liked to think he was good and kind and a fair pack mate. If nothing else.

A small smile worked it's way along his maw. That is good. I'm glad to hear that you and yours are happy and hale.

Thank you for your kindness and to allow me to walk among your wolves for a short time. I will fill your caches.

He bowed his head with a small nod. And then turned from the Patriarch of Epoch, straight towards the woods. He would get started on his promise. He would honor his word, the first few to get would be a goat and a small deer.