Stone Circle scout
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Ooc — Squeaks
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Vale's world fell mostly into quiet. The tending of borders. Adding hares and fowl to their caches. If one was out early enough, they may even spot her stopping by the stones with a fresh assortment of flowers. A routine that became familiar to her. A routine that was of comfort to her.

Much like any other day, Vale rose and started through the motions. Her path taking her through the prism grove on this day. Gilded eyes lifted to the leaves. Some of which had begun to brighten their yellow hues; vibrant golds and the faintest of oranges had begun to dance in the trees above. They swayed and rattled against the breeze.

Vale paused on her path. A slow breath to fill her lungs. Breaking her routine, she diverted of her path and sat down within the dappled sunlight of a glade. Reclining against the bark of an aspen, Vale closed her eyes and listened.