Blackfeather Woods i've got wild, staring eyes
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Being vague about references to Ramsay's stepping down from leadership.

The hierarchy had shifted in ways she hadn't expected. Just like Mou's demotion and subsequent exodus, it left a gap to fill. This time, there was no deliberation. There was one clear choice, in her mind, and Maegi emerged today to seek that choice out, sidling through the trees like the wraith she had become.

She had spent much of her time lately with the children, shirking other duties—even prayer—in favor of mothering. However, she knew she couldn't remain invisible forever. Maegi had responsibilities; Wintersbane's voice, stern, cold, echoed in her mind when she went down the list of all there was to do, to oversee. And this task must be first accomplished.

Frustrated after some time of searching, she lifted her muzzle and called for @Jakoul, her voice insisting on haste. Then she stood quietly in a small, dark clearing, a trickle of water a musical gurgle nearby, and waited for the shadowy woman, tail beating impatiently behind her.
327 Posts
Ooc — siv
She would never make Nona wait very long and so the request for haste was met with a sprint towards the direction of the summoning call. Her lithe legs ate up the ground until she slowed herself a few yards from the familiar form she so dearly found herself devoted to. Her tail, usually stiff between her ankles, swayed in a slow rhythm.

If it was allowed, she would aim to greet the Nona with a gentle touch of her nose to their chin. Either way Jakoul's body pasture made it clear she was curious about why she had been summoned. Especially with such urgency.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She couldn't resist a pleased smile as Jakoul came quickly, heeding the order for haste. It made Maegi feel that much better about what she was going to ask of the woman. She was certain that the shadow would be more than up for the task, but to have that validated in action, consistently, was additional reassurance. This was good. 

Jakoul, she greeted, voice almost a purr. Normally, she'd ask her friend towith walk with her, but Maegi was tired. The situation with Parvati was grinding away at her, and now Ramsay had made himself scarce. Everything was topsy-turvy; she was exhausted as a result. So she stayed put.

I'm sure you've noticed things have changed a bit around here, she said, mouth twisting as she settled back on her haunches. She gave Jakoul a gimlet stare. Ramsay is no longer in leadership. I want you to take his place. You would be responsible for guarding the borders and keeping us all safe and protected. You're the best wolf for the job.

Her ears canted forward, intrigued but insistent. Will you accept?
327 Posts
Ooc — siv
Not once did it cross the Lanta's mind that this is what the call would have summoned. She had grown better at the long words others spoke and Maegi's message was clear to her. Her heart thumped within her chest as she processed what Blackfeather's leader had just shared. A series of emotions flooded through every inch of her.

Fear of failure, that she could not live up to the request well enough and that something might happen to the place she called home.

Love for Maegi trusting her so dearly with such a role of responsibility. A warmness spread in her chest and surely this is where it stemmed from.

Finally there was acceptance and perhaps responsibility for she knew this was what she must do. Her goal had always been to better the place she had grown to call home and making sure it remained flourishing.

Jakoul seemed to become animated by the final realization of things as her head gave a firm nod. Yes. She breathed the response with certainty in her tone. Guard home. Always.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
That was easy enough. Maegi relaxed as Jakoul accepted the post, giving the woman a grateful nod. Thank you, she breathed, eyes fluttering shut for a moment before opening again, warmer than they had been before. It means a lot to me to have you by my side. I'll tell Tundra when I see her next.

That matter thus settled, she fell into silence for a beat before continuing, How are you? How are things within the woods? She had also receded into the shadows as of late, consumed with raising her children. Jakoul was (if Ramsay was no longer up for being the talented sentry he once had been) her most trusted eyes and ears here. What had she seen?
327 Posts
Ooc — siv
She did not speak, there were no words to convey what she felt inside of her. All she could offer was a warm look to the Nona. With how acquainted Jakoul was with her — better than any other in the woods — surely she would be able to recognize a kind look on her usually stoic face.

Quiet. Her own voice was hushed as she informed Maegi of the state of things, a brief frown on her features before it smoothed out again. Visitors were lacking and the wolves that Jakoul encountered outside of the forest did not seem to have an interest in settling down within the woods or learning too much about them. Of course, it likely didn't help that her verbal skills were lacking. You? She questioned with a few slow sways of her tail before it settled to a halt.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Good, Maegi responded, knowing that no news was often the best news. But the silence brought with it a kind of dread, too, for it meant that precious few souls dwelled in the forest. Their numbers were diminishing—had been for some time—but the children remained. How would they feed them?

She shrugged, without words in reply for a long moment. Tired, she admitted, frowning as she turned away, looking through the trees. Angry. Confused as to why Mou left me. Why Ramsay no longer wants to lead.

She felt betrayed, to be completely honest. When they had made plans to retake the woods, they had been inseparable, unstoppable. Now both men had fallen away, leaving Maegi alone at the helm with now Tundra and Jakoul. Both fine women, more than able to lead, but they did not have the heart and soul connection that she had with her brother and her lover.

With time, they may grow stronger. For now, in Maegi's eyes, the future looked somewhat bleak, with the only point of light the children—her children—that suckled at Parvati's breast.
327 Posts
Ooc — siv
There had always been a vulnerableness she felt with the Nona but this moment seemed more tender. The confessional of the Blackfeather leader's inner turmoil, feelings revolving around the shift within their home but most importantly with the close relationships of Maegi. Jakoul could not offer words of advice or touching emotion, her tongue and brain not near skilled enough for such a feat.

She wondered if there was perhaps something else she could offer Nona. Nona ever want...I look. Find. Find Mou or find closure for Maegi. Dig for reasons for it all. It was not a traditional thing to say to someone who was processing the change of relationships and leadership shifts but the new Morta offered it with tenderness in her broken words.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
The offer touched her, even if Maegi knew it was a lost cause. She shook her head, gazing sadly but sweetly at Jakoul, letting the rest of the walls around her crumble down—at least in this moment.

Thank you, she murmured, tail swaying behind her. But I need you here. Your place is here. And if Mou chose to leave. . .he did so for a reason, and maybe I don't want to know why. All of the fears, the thoughts that had haunted her, rose up suddenly.

No. She didn't want those questions answered. She would rather him be a ghost, disappeared without a trace, than a wolf of flesh and blood who had chosen to leave her. If he came back, he'd have to explain himself. But Maegi was losing hope on that front, too.

She gave the new Morta a weak smile, nodding. Thank you, she said again, stronger this time. If you see something out of sorts, let me know. Tundra, too. I'll call you both together in a couple of days to discuss some things.

Unless Jakoul had anything more to say, the Nona would disappear into the shadows, even her palest of pelts swallowed up by the abyss.
327 Posts
Ooc — siv
Although she stayed silent, her body language explained her thoughts. She would not push the topic further and she respected the Nona's choice to not know. It was her right. Then there was the usual order that she held dear. To watch. To report. Her tail gave a few small sways behind her lithe form before her head offered a nod. Be well. She whispered softly and Maegi departed.

The new Morta would disappear back in the woods herself, content to seek out markers needing refreshing.