The Heartwood You want me to stay
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
All Welcome 
Setting: Night — 22:43
Weather: light rain, cloudy, heavy fog

Santiago had informed @Eldritch of his brief departure from the lands he now calls his temporary home. He’d be back, but he needs to continue his search for his mate, or his other one, Clarence. He wonders almost all the time what trouble he’s probably gotten himself into. He knows he’s horribly soft, but still with so many edges. He’s probably living his best life is a sweet little pack, fat and healthy. Or so he hopes. 

He wouldn’t know for sure until he finds him. Until then, he steps through this wretched land. It’s ripe with burnt and fallen trees, charred and lifeless. Rains drizzles over him, wetting his pelt. It bothers the many scabs over his ruined face and his cropped ears flick back in irritation. His face isn’t completely healed yet. The wounds have scabbed over and some of the smaller cuts have finally begun to scar. His left eye remains useless, his lid permanently closed. It hurts too much to open it. 

With his head hung even with wide shoulders, he trudges onward. Stepping over fallen trees and miscellaneous debris on the barren ground. His ghostly single eyed gaze stretches over the misty horizon, only able to see about thirty feet in front of him. He wanders aimlessly.
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Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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She wandered afield today in search of poppy seeds. Meerkat didn't actually need painkillers—her paw felt more or less fine now—but she craved the relaxation they offered her, especially lately. She couldn't really put her finger on why but the whole situation with Bronco and the expecting Fennec made her feel... weird. She was excited for them and the prospect of nephews and nieces but, still, every time she thought about the relationship between her brother and sister, some strange emotion subsumed her.

Meerkat would like an escape from it, at least for a little bit. Her search led her toward Firefly Glen. She skirted along its eastern edge, peering into the territory without actually entering it. Even after all this time, she wasn't ready. Maybe she would never be able to return but particularly not today, when her mind was already in such an odd place.

Night fell and the weather took a turn as she approached the charred remnants of The Heartwood. She bypassed the old and rotten pumpkin patch, attracted to some red flowers blooming among the dark debris. Meerkat was no botanist but she'd learned that poppies were red. She paused over the crimson blossoms, though she saw no sign of black seeds. These must be another type of flower.

She continued walking, pausing and squinting into the misty night when a faintly familiar scent threaded through her nose.
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383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
The reaper moves silently, head hung low on his shoulders, pelt beginning to soak through. he blinks the rain from his remaining good eye and winces as the soft droplets of rain pidder padder over his scabbed wounds. it's fairly dark, what with the clouded over sky that would usually be a home to thousands of bright and twinkling stars and the beautiful moon itself. No, not tonight though. Gloom has set in, in an already eerie graveyard of scorched trees, only remnants of life that used to be. a few signs of life shows through though — a pretty flower here and there and the occasional sapling of the early stages of what will later be a strong oak tree.

His eye scans the foggy ground, but instead of finding more lifeless trees, he finds something much more interesting. A sun kissed wolf that looks horribly familiar. he wracks his brain for a moment thinking of where he knows her. Then it hits him. The shy woman that came to greet Eldritch in her sanctuary. He can't help it, the slightest upwards tilt of his ruined lips spreads over his maw — a wicked grin no matter how small it is.

He wastes little time moving towards her. He needs some entertainment and he would be wrong to not take advantage of the spooky weather to try and get a good scare out of her. So, as he efficiently moves in behind her, he shows himself only a couple meters away.

"Lost, sunshine?" He purrs in that accented lilt, voice rough from disuse. "Necesida ayuda?" Though he asks what would be a helpful question, the mischievous glint in his single eyed stare says that he doesn't intend on helping her at all.

Hover for translation.
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Sun Mote Copse
1,989 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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She turned at the very same instant a voice spoke from behind her, making her jump. Meerkat whirled, blinking hard when she saw the figure looming just a few feet away. It was eerie how close he'd gotten without her hearing so much as a footfall. She shrank back a step, freezing when she realized he wasn't totally unfamiliar.

They hadn't met, not really, but this was one of Eldritch's two remaining companions. Just because they shared a mutual acquaintance did not soothe Meerkat's nerves as she realized he was leering at her. She loved meeting people and considered herself friendly and outgoing, though there was something still deeply unsettling about this wolf.

"No," she replied slowly, "I know my way around here." As she spoke, her warm brown eyes tracked over his various scars and wounds. Suddenly she wondered if she wasn't being prejudiced. Maybe his disfigurement made him come across as sinister when he wasn't at all. Then again, Meerkat liked to think she could trust her instincts, which were definitely rubbed the wrong way by this guy.

"I never caught your name, the last time," Meerkat said cautiously. "You're a friend of Eldritch's, right? So am I," or at least she liked to think so. The woman had introduced her to poppy seeds, after all, and helped her out more than once.
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383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
He shamelessly laughs when he sees her jump. The deep sound rolling off his tongue easily, almost smoothly. So she knows her way around her then. That’s good, ‘cause he sure doesn’t. He never ventured this way when he called the Nightwalkers his home so long ago. Perhaps she could be useful in more ways than just entertainment. He doesn’t say much to her first words though, only grunts out a hum of acknowledgment, signaling that he heard her.

She tentatively mentions that she never caught his name back then. Even though she’s a friend of Eldritch’s, that doesn’t mean she’s a friend of his. He’d play nice for now though.

“Something like that.” He hums carelessly. “She healed my wounds, gotta repay her somehow.” Broad shoulders move in a shrugging motion before he contemplates telling her his name. He allows a soft pause to fill the silence until his roughened voice speaks once more. “Santiago.” Then he clarifies. “My name.” Usually Santi for short, but he hasn’t been called it by many people. 

“You look uneasy, cariña.” He purrs with an upwards tip of his chin. “Do I make you nervous?” He questions with a smirk that stretches his wounds a bit too far for comfort. It’s clear his question is purposely intended to make her so and the undying desire to sink his teeth into something fleshy rises. He stops himself quickly though. What with his wounds and the fact that this woman means something to Eldritch, eating the poor girl wouldn’t do anything good for him.
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Sun Mote Copse
1,989 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Only when he offered a name did Meerkat recollect that he'd said something in a strange tongue a moment prior. Now he said another word that she didn't recognize: "cariña." Although it was a pretty word, his use of it sent a little shiver down her spine, especially considering the subsequent question.

The alarm bells in her head really began ringing then, because in the best case scenario, he was teasing her and in the worst case scenario, he had ill intent; either option was malicious. The yearling could feel her fight-or-flight response building, though she stood firm for the moment. Her eyes bored into him, wary of any movement, trying not to look too directly at that terrible smirk on his face.

"Why," she wondered, voice even, "is that what you're trying to do? Make me nervous?" Meerkat felt her heart beating hard in her chest as she hitched in a breath and tried to stay calm and steady.
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383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
He revels in her discomfort. He likes making pretty women squirm after all. Her gaze is hard, focused, watchful, practically dissecting him for any hints of ill intent. Too bad he’s radiating ill intent. He can’t help it. His time in The Ring made him indifferent to others emotions and he swears he’s killed more wolves and dogs than fresh meals he’s hunted. Not this one though, he won’t kill her. He just wants to tease — have a bit of fun maybe. 

When her voice meets his ears he watches her intently, she’s keeping up a brave face but he can tell how uneasy she’s truly feeling. At least it’s working. That means he’s still got it. Or maybe it’s just his fucked up face that’s scaring people off. Usually they like his accent, so it must be his face. After all, it seems like she’s trying to look at his eyes without actually looking. Maybe she doesn’t find him handsome enough. How unfortunate.

He shrugs to her words with that same smirk. “Maybe. It’s entertaining.” The ruined man admits casually.

It’s then that he moves away from her. He has to ease off some or she might just blow away in the wind. So he lazily sidles further away from her, almost going as far as to turn his back on her. 

Turning towards her he allows a low rumble of laughter to bubble up past scarred lips. ¿Qué? It’s working isn’t it? Is it my face?” He accuses gently, accented words slightly slurred as they roll off his tongue. “Too fucked up to look at, huh chica.” He doesn’t say it with sourness in his voice. Rather, it sounds like it doesn’t even bother him at all and he’s just teasing her. Which he definitely is. 

He hardly gives her any time to answer before he’s butting in again.“My bad, I’ll do better next time.” He jokes darkly, referencing the fight with the white witch that made him this way in the first place.
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Sun Mote Copse
1,989 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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His confession made the fur along her backbone stand on end. He was toying with her on purpose, which made Meerkat's stomach clench. But there was another feeling that came over her, swelling in her chest. It was something like indignation. It intensified when he moved away, the whole thing clearly just a game to him, which made Meerkat his plaything.

The yearling tried to lean into this sentiment, build up some bravado to combat the inner quailing. But then he made a remark about his own distorted features. There was no bitterness in his voice, though it gave her pause as she reconsidered her earlier thought. What had happened to him to disfigure him so badly? Was he simply the victim of a cruel world, lashing out at someone he perceived to be weaker in preemptive self-defense?

It probably wasn't that simple (or clichéd). Perhaps he didn't deserve the benefit of the doubt. Regardless, Meerkat knew it wasn't worth the risk. She didn't want to get herself hurt trying to kill some scary stranger with kindness. Still, she didn't know what options she had at the moment and just sort of stood there, unresponsive but watchful. She wished he would go back to the gloom he'd come from.
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383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Her pensive silence is loud. He lets out a quiet hum of contemplation. Oh — so it is my face then. He thinks absentmindedly, almost disappointed at her lack of reaction. Actually, scratch that, definitely disappointed by her lack of reaction. Now, that’s no fun. 

Yet, despite himself he can’t help but burst into a deep bout of laughter. He lowers his head a bit due to how hard he’s laughing actually. A toothy smirk that seems much more easy going rests over his maw now. 

“You’re too serious, cariña. Lighten up some, I’m not gonna eat you. Eldritch would have my ass.” Santi hums as he plants his hocks onto the soil, moving into a sitting position. “Bet I spooked you, huh? You look just about ready to run for your life.” He shrugs then. “I don’t blame you, I would if I were you too.” 

He leans in closer this time, ghostly gaze locking on her own. “C’mon, you need more confidence, cariña. Yell at me, tell me all about how disrespectful I’m being. I don’t think you have it in you.” He dares back. He wants to see if he can actually rile up this docile little creature.
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Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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The sudden burst of laughter made her flinch, her eyes widening only to narrow an instant later. She remained mum as he teased her some more, trying to get a reaction out of her. Meerkat recoiled when he leaned in closer, though her eyes maintained a sharp focus on his maimed face.

"No," she replied with more fortitude than she actually felt. The small quiver in her legs might give her away. "No, thank you." Meerkat wished she was brave enough to turn and go, yet she remained rooted to the spot, fearful that any action of hers would invite a reaction from him.

Surely if she turned her back and tried to walk away, he wouldn't just let her leave. Meerkat still hoped he would disembark on his own. Hopefully if she refused to play along, he would get bored and leave. She didn't hold her breath, though, and began contemplating the merits of making a run for it.

Then another option occurred to her. Before she could think it through, Meerkat blurted, "I'm going to go back to Redhawk Caldera now. You're going to leave me alone, so there won't be any trouble between our packs. Does that sound like a plan?" She hated the shakiness in her voice, her limbs feeling like jelly as she essentially threatened him.
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383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
She’s practically shaking in her boots and it brings the sick bastard great satisfaction. He feeds off of it. He fed off of it when he was in The Ring and he feeds off of it even now, so many years later. One would think age would calm down his manic bloodlust, but it doesn’t seem like that’s going to be happening anytime soon. So as she politely says no to both of his offers he raises his brows to her and gives her an unimpressed look. So weak. No confidence. No fight. So very disappointing. 

The as she speaks more her voice echoes contained fear in the way it trembles oh so slightly. Yet, despite her fear, a barely veiled threat falls from her pretty lips. It makes his own maw turn up in a daring smile, his brows rise even more and he dips his head in interest.

“Oh? That’s brave. It’s too bad I have no allegiance to anyone, huh?” He says confidently back, his own threat chasing her fears. “My mistakes are mine, I don’t think you have the guts to blame your little friend.” 

Then he stands quickly, something that’s sure to spook her. Ruined lips pull back to reveal dangerous fangs as he does a short lunge towards her. He hopes it scares her enough to run. Though he definitely doesn’t feel like chasing, he wants to see that spark of electric panic shoot through those eyes.

Run, Forest, run.
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Sun Mote Copse
1,989 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Master Ambassador
She should've guessed that her subtle threat might excite him. Meerkat swallowed, letting out a breath as she took in his words. He called her out on her bluff, although it wasn't, at least not entirely. She didn't want to bring trouble to Eldritch, which was why she'd never breathed a word about Ivory Rose to her mother.

But there was nothing stopping her from giving Towhee this wolf's name, description and location. The yearling knew about her mother's history with the former residents of Blackfeather Woods. It wouldn't take much to rouse Towhee's wrath toward any inhabitants causing trouble. All she needed to do was make sure the Sovereign knew not to target the black she-wolf who'd helped her...

Before she could formulate another thought, Santiago lunged toward her. Meerkat instinctively sprang out of reach, or so she hoped. Once she began moving, she didn't stop. It was very likely he wanted her to run, though she really had no choice but to play into his hands at the moment. It was her best possible chance at getting out of this situation.
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383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
After Santi lunges at her, he sees her tense form pop like a coiled spring. She’s off! He chuckles lowly to himself. He didn’t come close to biting her, he truly didn’t want to, but he did want to scare her. So when she runs off he shakes his head, smile still stuck to his face. 

Well, there’s goes his fun.

He doesn’t even flinch to chase her, he doesn’t feel like it. He’s been walking too long anyways and his paws ache. So with one last look in her direction, he goes on his merry way — smile on his lips. He hopes he sees her again someday. He might just be nice to her then.
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Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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She didn't know if she'd ever run so fast in her life, though Meerkat didn't really give it much thought. She didn't think about much of anything as she fled, all her attention paid to any sounds of pursuit behind her. It was a little difficult to hear, given her own ragged breathing, the dense fog and the fact that only one of her ears worked.

The yearling ran until she saw the shore of Big Salmon Lake ahead of her, the glassy surface reflecting the waning moon. Only then did she slow and jerk her head over one pale shoulder to check behind her. She saw nothing but darkness and swirling fog. Meerkat planted her feet and pivoted to face backward.

The night was silent and still, save for her panting. Willing her heartbeat to calm, the yearling turned and began loping around the lake. Now her mind began to spin. Should she wake Towhee when she got home, tell her what had happened? Or should she sleep on it, making a judgment call in the morning?

After all, she really didn't want to bring war to Eldritch's doorstep. Meerkat bit at her lip as she reached the caldera's familiar slopes. She wanted to beeline toward the Hobbit Hole, though she decided to go sit by Tailfeather Creek and think for a bit instead. There was no way she was sleeping anytime soon.
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