Swiftcurrent Creek A Visit
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi
All Welcome 

Any creek folk interested in intercepting her? @Reverie for your reference

With a stomach in knots she prowls to the Creek edge. The freelands recede and in the year of her roaming, here was the closest she’d come to another wolf’s claim. Thick odor serves as a persistent reminder of that.

There is hesitation, and in a shallow puddle of snowmelt she catches her scrawny reflection. Feebly she smooths at tufts of wiry undercoat with a hind leg. Gifts dangle by their tails between her teeth. Muskrat. The sour tang was an acquired taste, but Tauris had heard pregnancy gave odd cravings to expecting mothers, so maybe Reverie would like it. A rat for her, and a second to share with her Creek. Though, as a part of the rodent family, one could not be too sure how others would classify an offering of rat. And in truth, it was the only thing she’d manage to catch that morning.

The rats are placed before her paws, she shivers and glances back overshoulder. Her nerve was sinking. It is not too late to turnaround.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She wolf colored in ice and dirt. He moved towards her with a swiftness in his step. Long limbs easily making way through the pack lands. Sky blues traced along her skinny sides, to the unkempt fur, but where she had tried so hard to make herself a little more presentable. Immediately the gentle giant's heart went out to her. She'd even brought gifts. There was something to be said about that.

A soft call as he moved forward. Hello. Eyes twinkled in kindness while he stood neutral, though his tail he kept up and over his back.  I'm Arric.

Then he would wait for the ice and earth queen to speak or run. She looked a little nervous.
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi

A choice was made for her.

He makes his approach with express power, a rippling ridge and flying tail that tells her of his high authority here. A lupine of the deepest onyx and unnaturally large. Before any words can pass between them she coils, tail swaddling her belly, eyes respectfully downcast. She rattles with an involuntary shudder, a consequence of the fear rising up in her throat.

Her eyes dare only to find his shadow as he speaks. He has a jaw that could crush this intruder’s skull, but instead uses it for graceful words. Kind ones. An affable inflection to his warm voice. She chances a glance up while remaining prone.

“Hello… Arric. I am Tauris,” her tongue stumbles over awkward teeth. Rising slightly, she indicates toward the pair of rats between them. “I’ve brought gifts... for the pack of Swiftcurrent Creek,” She noses a carcass towards him. The little rodent was a piteous sight against the scale of his feet. She hoped it was not emblematic of the day to follow.

Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric had taught himself early enough to be a good read of other's and this wolf was scared crapless. He didn't quite know what to do. So with a grace belying his size as always, he settled to his haunches and curled his tail tightly around his paws. He thought about going further and laying upon his belly to ease her anxiety, but that felt foolish and potentially dangerous if she wasn't as mild as she seemed. 

Well Met Tauris. A deep rumble, a smile upon his tongue. I saw that. We thank you. Kind gifts and food are always a welcome addition to a pack. Are you seeking to visit someone, or just learn of the pack? Or are you seeking a home, Tauris?
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi

ooc: feel free to deviate if it’d be in his nature to do so based on arric's thread w/ rev!

She looks into his face, at the consideration there, and as he lowers his stance she unfurls a bit more in return.

Did she seek for home?

She held the question in her mind, turning it. Would she leave a solitary life? To find in his words a solution to the great hunger. To loneliness. A valley plot where her roots might be laid.

It was only after an inordinate amount of time had passed that she cleared her mind of the notion. She came for a purpose.

“I've come to visit a friend, Reverie…  If I may be permitted to do so.”
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He tilts a large head towards her, listens at her words and notices she moves a bit. Unfurls from her fearful position. That was a step in the right direction.  She seemed to be thinking hard. So he passed the time, a curl of his tail against the dirt. Even breathing. He could do this all day.

I can't let you in the pack lands by yourself, but I can either take you to her or call for her?
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi

“I would not rouse her if she is resting…  please would you mind escorting me to her? If customary.” She added, making no presumptions even though Arric himself had offered.

She gathers herself together. She would be more vulnerable within the pack bounds, though surely not with Arric as acting attendant, regardless of which rank he held.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He nodded and motioned her to come along. He'd stop at the nearest cache and deposit her gifts. As kind and honorable as he could be. He had no intention of shaming her for the small offerings, because they were offerings, gifts from one who perhaps had not the prowess or time to fell anything larger.

Did you travel far? He asked as they walked, head moving to and fro as they walked keeping an eye on the borders and the pack lands. Mincing his steps so he didn't outpace her.
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi

She grips the rattails with her teeth and places herself at Arric’s flank, eyes held low and wary, lest she inadvertently challenge a Creek wolf with her staring.

The ground is a bed of dried leaves, netted with the prints of varying kinsmen. She wonders about the wolves here, what kinds of rituals they observed, or if they have banded together for the mere convenience in doing so.

She draws a cursory glance at Arric’s profile when he speaks. He is hard and angular, like obsidian stone, but thoughtful in the eye as he surveys his grounds.

Her own words, lacking diplomatic tact, are carefully measured, testing each one in her head before permitting herself to speak them aloud.

“We are neighbors; I live in the valley. But I am from far North of here,” She explains, a slight muffling in her voice as the rattails draw against it. She thinks of an appropriate question to ask of him in return-  without being too nosey. “And you, Arric? How long have you run with the Creek?”
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric moved quietly and listened as she spoke and moved. She was a graceful thing. Soft and weary, also wary. He didn't know how to help this, but he would do his best. 

Arric shook his head. I only recently came at the end of spring almost summer. But my father lived in these wilds before my birth. In this pack land territory actually. Did you just meet @Reverie?

They wouldn't have far to go before he could get her to Reverie's side. Rev had a habit of dragging new wolves home. Of making friends where there had been nothing before. She was that type of wolf. He only wished she could be better emotionally, truly see her worth.
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi

“Your homeland is beautiful,” She comments, raising her eyes a little more now to see the trees as they ambled along. “I can imagine why you’d want to come back.” The green valley was a reprieve from her natal land of ice and stone. Tauris had no plans to leave it.

Her ears brushed fondly with the girl’s name.

“Her’s was the first friendly face I’d met in the valley.” Then with a little concern, “How has she been faring?”
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He nodded as he looked around. I agree. I grew up hearing of it's beauty and after dad died. I had to come and see for myself.

A gentle tilt of his head and ear towards her, azure eyes taking her in for a minute and then returning to the foliage.

 A soft sigh. I'm not sure. Rev tends to keep things to herself. I try and help, but I can only do so much. I hope that you bring her joy with your visit.
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi

She nodded stiffly, her grip on the rattail tightening. She wasn’t sure if she could bring Reverie much joy right now, in truth, but a little peace, perhaps.

“If nothing else, I bring a snack,” She gestures with her chin and grins a little sheepishly as the incredibly unappealing rodents begin to whirl together.

Arric made no comment on the state of Reverie’s pregnancy, which she hoped was a good thing, that all was progressing smoothly in the weeks that spanned their last meeting.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
This wolf was running scared. IT bothered Arric. Who had damaged all these ladies and why had they done it. Honestly, it pissed him off a little bit. He chuckled deep and warm as was customary for him. 

That you did.

Arric had nothing to say about Reverie's pregnancy, because he hadn't known when the girls had met. So he didn't know if she even knew of it. So that was for Rev to talk to her about. Finally, they made it to where Reverie would be and he moved further away and settled down easily into his belly. 

Go visit. Take as long as you need. Honest. I have patience in spades. And I'll escort you out or what have you when you're done.

Go ahead and assume that she is free to visit with Rev and Arric will be there keeping an eye, but largely removed form their entire conversation. YOu can do a new thread or what have you. Thank you for this thread <3
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi

thank you so much for joining danni! <3 @Reverie would you like to BTS the visit since so much is going on? We can do a follow-up thread after present drama, or however you feel works best given your current timeline!

Her mouth curls and she dips her head gratefully to her onyx escort, who in her eyes was now a little less frightening despite his intimidating stature. "Thank you, Arric."

Then she turns to peer into a darkened space where Reverie awaits. Nose testing for a familiar scent, eyes lifting to search the darkness for a golden silhouette.