Sky Mesa I don’t need additional lives.
596 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
All Welcome 
Adolescence had changed Anselm. His budding hormones altered his patience, and pressed him to pursue new challenges. 

@Wylla had given birth to a single cub. Anselm left a fat hare at her doorstep, pausing long enough to listen to Ilse’s soft voice within. Anselm would grow to love her, he knew this — but for now he wrestled with feelings of conflict, replacement, and love. 

He swore he would not let Ilse grow to never know her older brothers. 

Then there was the matter of Etienne. Even thinking the boy’s name fostered an ugly sensation in Anselm. 

He pushed south. 

Parts of the southern border had collapsed in the rain. Anselm navigated the new footholds with interest, the sweeping valleys opening out to a golden plain shadowed by an impossibly tall plateau. 

He made its summit his destination — planning to throw his voice off the highest cliff in a fit of powerful teenage angst.
161 Posts
Ooc — Kai
Dark woman had headed to a new part of the Sandland, ever in search of Plants and of Prey to bring back to her tribe. To Healerkin, to Tribekin.

Her brother, though her tongue did not know the word. It mattered not. 

Long legs padded upward, tasting the sky with a lolling pant, stopping when she saw an Other not far ahead. Not of Tribekin, not coyot or coyjackal. 

Other was wolf, the scent hot on the wind. The black hybrid was understandably scared, but decided to get to the bottom of why Wolf was here before yip-yap-bark for assistance. 

What Wolf do here?
i'll be your mother and i'll hold your hand
you should know i'll be there for you
Harta is welcome in all threads!
596 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Anselm’s eyes were fixed ahead, but a voice called from behind. 

He turned around and for a moment misidentified the dark coyote as Meridian — but upon examination, other than their heritage, they had little in common. This one sported a monotone pelt, framed by a pair of glinting golden eyes. 

Anselm’s rifling hackles settled. They were in neutral territory — and while Meridian had experienced him at his worst, that had been in his own home. Outside of Paleo he had little reason for aggression. 

Still, coyotes were not a favored sight of his and he spared her only a glance before he kept walking. The summit wouldn’t walk itself, and he had romantic ideas about throwing his voice off the mesa’s peak. Vhat does it look like I am doing?
161 Posts
Ooc — Kai
Kusuma no know, why Kusuma ask. 

her head tilted. This was an interesting wolf. The coyjackal held little resentment for wolves, though to be frank she did not have the best history with them. But all of sandland was Tribeland. 

Wolf must know other coyot may not like Wolf in sandland. May show tooth. Keep in head. she struggled to form that first sentence in its entirety, stretching her knowledge of how to pronounce words. Common was hard, but it was the language of the world she found herself in and Kusuma did her best. Wolf do no harm to Kusuma? 

dark woman did not move other than to sit down. What Wolf call self?
i'll be your mother and i'll hold your hand
you should know i'll be there for you
Harta is welcome in all threads!
596 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Anselm was dedicated to reaching the summit - even so, what the coyote shared behind him gave him pause.

Excuse me, what? He halted and turned back to Kusuma. Bits of shale tumbled down the slope.

Parsing her speech was hard enough, but the intention was clear. He rose to his full height with a cocksure flick of a tail. Vhat will they do to stop me, bark? Yip yap? He scoffed incredulously. He assumed she was Kusuma - she looked a neat picture sitting there in the rubble.  Not if you don’t bother me.

He turned back around, resuming his prowl up the steep slope.