Noctisardor Bypass lottau
Den Mother*
1,313 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
All Welcome 
maybe @Ezra? <3

bees flew in twined paths overhead a wolf carrying away honeycomb from its lowest reaches. not much was there, but it would be more than enough for a good taste.
as the afternoon moved toward evening, heda readjusted her grasp upon the sweet offering, chuffing out to any pups within earshot.
21 Posts
Ooc — delaney
his energy from the day had yet to wane, still rife with the buoyed rush of giggles even as he pants from the latest game of tag.

but quietly and quickly, ezra slips out of the game at hearing his mother's chuff.

it doesn't take him long to find her; greeting her with a boyish smile and a furious wag of his tail that does not necessarily match the pants he takes as he tries to catch his breath. but he does catch his breath.

wha' dat mama? he asks, attention latching onto the honeycomb she's brought as if it were a shiny bauble and he a curious magpie.
Den Mother*
1,313 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
setting it down, heda beamed to see ezra's approach. "it's a bit of honeycomb, baby," she told him, showing the boy the amber liquid in the hexagonal rows. "sweet and so good! try some."
sitting to watch, heda propped her chin on a crooked forepaw and observed ezra "what sorts of things do you think about?" the young mother asked after a moment.
21 Posts
Ooc — delaney
she calls it honeycomb and ezra blinks at the weird looking, sweet smelling honeycomb with a tilt of his head; studious. he hesitates only for a small second before he takes a small bite of the honeycomb piece, his expression a myriad of things as he experiences the soft crush of it's structure and the sticky honey that coats his tongue in a floral sweetness.

's good! he announces his decision upon it, despite his face making some serious expressions, not unlike a baby trying a new flavorful food for the first time.

he takes another bite, chewing in a way that could be considered thoughtful though his thoughts at this age were easily scattered like a leaf caught in the wind.

she asks him, then what he thought about and ezra, not really at an age where he had deep, meaningful thoughts or conversations shrugs his shoulders.

bugs. pwetty wocks. pwaying.
Den Mother*
1,313 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
her laugh was pure delight as ezra enjoyed one of the best things that god had ever designed for his beloved creation. and she watched as he thought carefully about her question.
"what sorts of rocks and bugs do you like, ezra?" heda continued carefully. he was too little to truly have articulate thoughts, or be able to say them. but what he could say were things that she wanted to know.