Lion Head Mesa to speak the name of the dead is to make him live again
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
Limit Two 
For the lovely @Toula !

A rebirth in a land anew. One of red sands, here again upon alike soil. What a coincidence! Or was it? Perhaps fate drew him to this place. The gods, even, despite what little he knew of them.

Firm in posture, Thutmose creeps further within the region, finding it rather enjoyable to feel heated sand sink beneath his feet. 'Twas a reminder of home, but also one of this journey's purpose.

The frequent wafts of unfamiliar, bodily odors announces the presence of inhabitance. He knows he has come to a place where he will find others — but, will they have what it is he seeks? 

Eager for an answer to this, he wastes no time to lift his voice the air, summoning any who would greet him. That is, if any might at all. They could be secluded individuals for all he knew, known to shun those that come knocking at their doorstep. But no assumptions would be made. 

With patience, Thutmose waits. Hopeful, but never insensibly certain.
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
the halls are lively as the fellahin begin their preparations for her grand coronation. the war had ended, and all were safe and well in these halls. Toula feels joy for this, but her heart yearned to speak of this with Makono, and her mother. already she had spoken of it with her departed father. 
and her twin, too. now Senmut’s words rang in her head—that she was the last of a great line! but perhaps it was not true. perhaps the rest were making their way home to her. 
she visited Khonsu; she prayed after them, now. she brought Him the fine gifts of many traders, and other things she thought He might like. it was then a call came, and she looked at the rudimentary sculpture of the God. oh! did He not do this often? the yearling could not help but smile toward Him, before saying her own goodbye and leaving with her retinue to head to the borders. 
and there ahead was a man! one of her fellahin kept her shaded, a long palm frond draped overhead so that the eye of Ra in the heat of the day did not overwhelm. another fellahin announced her, providing to the man Toula’s names and titles. another might have been earned through the conquering of the Lake, but this name would also be given to Senmut, who walked with the army. 
for what reason have you called? she asked him with a smile, after she had been announced. a Mazoi obscured much of her view of him then, but she would let them assess firstly if this stranger was a threat.
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
Someone comes, answering his call. They approach, not alone, but with many. One holds a fern for shade, another stands tall with caution. Servants, they both might be. Which could only mean that the women to address him was of royal blood, or something similar.

Out of respect, also as a sign of his nonthreatening presence, Thutmose keeps his distance, sitting himself as he watches she who one had called queen-to-be

After a moment, he parts his lips, ready to speak his piece. I am Menkhperre Thutmose, son and heir of high commander to the faction of Akhsounu. The place from where I travel is one of red sands, much like this. Be it not an inopportune time to have come, your home has drawn my curiosity. 

A twitch of the ear and a soft blink conclude his introductions. He waits in further silence, posture hardened and unyielding, but not imposing. Thutmose wonders how she may think of his words.
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
he held himself as any commander might, and he spoke the names of their people—but he did not bow! a Mazoi growled to correct this disrespect to their Queen, and Toula looked at him with some wonder. how long had he been apart from them, to forget himself so? she only thought him in desperate need of water, of food, to have done so. she was a shepherd to those sorts, and her eyes were soft upon him as she anticipated this being the reason for his own posture. 
I have heard of them, long ago, Toula said, after a long moment of thinking. you have traveled far! the time is one of peace and prosperity, now. in title, I am Queen—we prepare only for the grand celebration of it, given much has happened in the time between. a war won, children and their people saved, she explained, in words he might understand and respect as a warrior. this, she hoped, might win his further interest and respect. 
she stands a little taller, proud for these accomplishments. what of Akashingo has drawn your interest? for he certainly had her interest, at least!
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
A growl splits the silence. Thutmose does not flinch or cower, gaze remaining firm upon the only here he cared for. It is not arrogance that refrains him from bowing, but purely what is known as customary to his people. Those before him may not understand, but he will not be so quick to explain, lest it be demanded of him.

A triumphant battle before a celebration is good fortune. Or so it is told, He commends the victory, a tinge of respect coloring his burning ogle. 

She is proud. Her posture shows it. It is pride rightfully earned, but he detests it nonetheless. Eagerness to revel in a mere, single victory is naivity at its finest. Thutmose has been taught this, among other lessons. Though, despite his opinion, he would not dare spite her, nor advise she hide her thoughts of delight in the accomplishments she earns.

It is from the redsand valley of my homeland that I travel in search of our future — a way to preserve my bloodline. Lips grown dry from the heat, he pauses a moment to slick a layer of saliva across the now stinging cracks. A wife .. children. Thutmose explains, should she have the need to hear his desires in simpler terms.

I know little of Akashingo, but from what I have seen and what you have told, it seems the perfect place to harbor this future and be a place of birth for a new, strengthened generation.
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
he did not explicitly say to her he was here for her own hand. no, his reasons were not dissimilar to Naberius, another royal here—and so, Toula did not think it so. 
such a thing could perhaps be arranged, Sphinx, Toula reveals with a small smile, should you be open and willing to learning our ways. here, all bow before their Queen and their Pharaoh, the Amiir and the Amiirad, and their Erpa-Ha, important information for him to know—could he stomach such? we are devout to the Gods here, but such a thing is not enforced upon you should you not share the faith. it is asked, however, that you at least respect it, her ears press forward, keen to hear his own thoughts on such.
she did not yet share more, not wishing to overwhelm him!
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
Sphinx. Not a familiar term, but he knew what it might mean.

Dipping his head courteously, Thutmose rumbled a small thanks in regard to her acceptance. I am always willing, divine Queen. For especially if our paths may soon entangle, Akashingo will be home to me. And even if not, for the time being, I will consider it such. Whatever duties may befit me, I shall heed the responsibilities and make myself useful where I am able. An offer and a promise, both in one. Devoted, he was, and this would be proven.

She then spoke of the gods. I do not often openly express my faith, but this does not mean I scorn it. There are some gods I know of, and some I do not. Perhaps you might teach me? She held the knowledge, but perhaps not desire for the task. It was an invitation of his curiousity all the same.
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
he could be Mazoi, from the look of him—but he was royal, and would be titled like the foreign dignitary that he was. his desire to aid Akashingo in the ways that he could, however, warmed her to him. I would be most grateful, she said in earnest. 
and that he was at least willing to learn of the Gods that he might not know did him further favors! to which Gods have you prayed? she wondered, and, not needing to think long on it, Toula said I would be happy to teach you more! with a sway of her tail. the Gods had, and always would be, important to her. Iset had become like another mother, and sister, all in one when both had gone from her life! and Toula knew she was well protected by Her.
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
She seemed pleased by his offer to assist where he could, which then pleased him. What good was he if only to stand within these walls as a suitor and nothing more?

I know of Isis, mostly— ... in time of a soldier's passing, we gather to call upon Isis, in hopes that she may aid a fallen soldier's spirit so that they may find peace. When buried, their spirits are lost and alone. She is what gives us faith that this will not be truth for our own. In Akhsounu, she was known as "mother of the great sands". Watcher and nurturer of the dead. 

And then there is Horus. It is in a time of battle that we seek his guidance. When morals are lost, we think of his fiercness. No battle is won without vision of victory. His strength is what flows in us, offering said vision 

Only two, he knew of. But his reasoning did not seem flawed. Both were respectable deities. The queen would know this, and hopefully not scorn him for being knowledgeable of so few.
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
Isis. Iset by another name. she smiles. I am named for Her, she reveals, voice warmer now. it is Osiris that many of your soldiers must have met, Her husband. He is the God of the dead, already teaching, though happier for it. happy to let him know the greatness of the God. she decided that she would teach him more of Her, to give him an even greater appreciation of the Goddess who in the absence of sister and mother had become both. 
she knew Horus, too. I have prayed to Horus often lately, she candidly admits. and now she would not stop, so persistent was her gratitude. but to know his family was guided by Horus… well, she would pray for them, also. 
it was a comfort to know he communed with Them at all, any of Them. his knowledge could grow.
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
The dead meet Osiris. Her words must be true. I imagine they would have, then, He agrees.

Why to Horus? Have you worries of war, or the aftermath of the one that has recently been put to rest? A concerned frown formed upon his expression, a pressing look in his gaze. If it was not worry of the past, he wondered, what new chaos had found Akashingo so soon?