Lost Creek Hollow Many shapes and weights to chose from
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller

"How do you plan to move your medical cache, once we start moving?" Wraen asked Hyacinth, who had kindly agreed to accompany Sunspire's beta to the new promised land. Nothing was settled yet, but things did look brighter for the pack on this side of the mountain range. More prey, more land and a lot of distance between them and their nearest enemies.

"I mean - carrying all the herbs or making multiple trips to and fro is time consuming and not particularly effective," she gave her own opinion on the matter, though she was ready to help their resident healer in any way possible.
Messages In This Thread
Many shapes and weights to chose from - by Wraen - September 14, 2018, 02:56 PM
RE: Many shapes and weights to chose from - by Wraen - September 17, 2018, 02:34 PM