Redsand Canyon Could you tell me again what you did this for? [1]
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
694 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
1/5 Warrior thread. Open!

Sleep came too easily once he was situated. It wasn't even a choice: Sivugat found a secluded place among the rocks that was out of the sun, smelled little like other wolves, and could fit his heavy-set body, and promptly passed out.
His dreams were frenetic. It was like he was falling forever, or sinking. There were sounds like a hornet's nest all around him - loudly hissing - and at some point or another, the face of a wolf, or a bear, and many teeth; a mouth that opened and then a gasp, as water poured from the bear's gullet.

When the boy woke he did not know where he was. The sun had moved; he was too hot, and spot-lit between spires of red. His heart was racing and his head was pounding, but it was the heat that really did him in. His tongue felt dry - so he hoisted himself to his feet again and began to prowl along, hunting for water to ease his immense thirst.

His fur stuck up every which way, while a dark puddle of drool (or maybe blood) was left behind on the stone floor where he had earlier collapsed - but Sivugat didn't notice this at all.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
The boy she named, she also watched. 
Watched when he fell asleep, watched when he rose again with an obvious thirst. 
Nyra followed behind him with paws quiet by habit more than intent, and came to her pupil's flank with a soft chuff. 
"The canyon we call home holds its share of treasures. There's a few places you can find water if you know where to look." She offered on the assumption he was looking for water, looking around the russet spires as if gauging their exact location within. 
A few moments later, Nyra gestured a direction with her muzzle and began to head for one of their hidden oasises. A glance to Fang was the silent thrum of expectation, for him to follow her.
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seraphs sob at vermin fangs
694 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
To one side - perhaps his wounded side - there came the familiar voice of the woman. When he heard it he startled, slanting a look her way, grimacing, until he saw who it was. Not Kukutux - the other pale wolf, the one who wished to use him.

She moved off in one direction but had made an indication that he should follow, so he did. The boy was sullen and slow; following Nyra was too familiar, it reminded him of walking alongside the boar-witch before Avicus.

As he marched his steps punched the earth and around them both rose the red dust.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
The Shieldmaiden led Fang through the seemingly barren canyon, a casual stride where the young man beside her stomped.
Nyra felt what she assumed was rage, wavering off his aura. 

Eventually, she traversed the way through some bushes to the Bloodsoaked Beach, standing aside so he could get to the water. 
"Drink first. Then, we spar." Nyra said gently.
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seraphs sob at vermin fangs
694 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Was he thirsty? Yes. Did he feel safe enough to drink with this behemoth of a woman watching his every move? Unlikely. Her order was met with the lift of his front lip, the clicking of those teeth there, as he clasped the air in a light show of defiance. Bristling now all over, and hunched, Sivugat kept his eyes upon Nyra's torso - even now avoidant of her eyes and of the potential to offend beyond this simple refusal - and waited for her to do strike out at him.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
She watched him bare his teeth, to which her intense gaze lit with madfire. 
The thrill of combat coursed through her blood.
Smoothly, Nyra hunched into a predatory stance, prowling arc-like around Fang.


Nyra arced her teeth for Fang's ribs as she came toward him. Her goal was to teach, to mold.
Not to punish or torture. 

She wanted to see what he could do.
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seraphs sob at vermin fangs
694 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The woman would not be tested. She reacted with a clear lunge and snaking grasp of his furs, pinching at his shoulder and his neck in quick succession, surprisingly agile.

Still, he rumbled at her. This was nothing compared to what he had been through - she was not striking him to draw blood, which was the kind of violence Sivugat understood. Perhaps the only kind that mattered.

He rose to his full height and bore the weight of her presence, and when his vision was full of the white coat of the woman he snapped again, this time with purpose, to warn her away.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Nyra, of course, knew nothing of the violence Fang had obdured in the past. 
Thus her more gentle nature at the moment. 
At least until he rose in what she saw as a challenge. 
At his warning snap and growl, she snarled and rose to her own full height, and arced her teeth for his cheek with bloodthirsty intent.
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