Redsand Canyon Runs on dreams and gasoline
2,040 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
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Since Minne and Tierra’s encounter, Fennec had scouted southward herself, but she hadn’t encountered the coyotes that attacked her younger sister. She knew that going herself was no smarter but she was careful and listened attentively, ready to run the instant she encountered any kind of trouble. They just needed to know if the threat still lay there.

She hadn’t found anything. Either they’d gotten what they were looking for and left or they were holed up somewhere outside the territory and would return. Either way, the presence of more wolves was the most likely way to deter them.

Fennec lingered in the trees, tasting the air and listening. She relaxed, then turned, hoping to explore a bit further before night fell. After she would return to the den and share what she found.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
585 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He'd been cognizant of the threat and had scouted, and his trail now brought him head to head with his mother. He recognized her scent from well off, and trotted closer, giving a whuff and wagging his tail to alert her to all senses except sight.

Ma, Killdeer murmured, and nuzzled her cheek when he was close enough. Find anything? Anyone?

The night was vast and still around them; he felt the canyon walls high and steep, a wall surrounding Mereo, blocking full view of the night sky. It was frigid, and he saw his breath.

But there was a small beacon of warmth, between the two of them.
2,040 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She recognized her son's stride right away and therefore wasn't startled by his approach. Not yet. I don't think they stuck around. She finished taking the scent, then lifted her head and turned. Not a trace or a whisper of trouble. If they do turn up, and we're outnumbered, I don't intend to stick around and fight. But I wouldn't mind leading them back and letting everyone else get in on the fun. She smiled at him with a glint of tooth showing.

Fennec had no qualms about killing coyotes. She'd done it before and doubtless would do it again. She wasn't sure what her son's experience with such things was and was suddenly curious. He'd been fierce a few times when he was young, on the borders of the Caldera, but she hadn't heard much of his experiences since.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
585 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He turned his ear to listen, then pressed forward, alarmed. Outnumbered? Are there that many, Mom? he asked, a not-so-faint note of panic suffusing his tone. He took a few deep breaths, trying to compose himself. Scrawny coyotes—they could take them.

Killdeer swiped his tongue over his jowls. I'm glad you're okay, he replied. I talked to the other wolf you fought them off with.

The pretty girl. His heart still raced slightly, thinking of her.
2,040 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Three, apparently. I wasn't there, or I'd have known better than to try to take three alone. Your aunt, though.... Fennec's expression showed exactly what she thought of Tierra's instincts.

She and Minne got pretty banged up, so we're going to go careful. I doubt they stuck around long after eating though. She reassured him quickly, noting the nerves he'd had. She didn't actually mind that he showed a little more caution. She'd gotten herself into some stupid fights when she was younger too, and only the presence of Wraen (and others) had saved her those times.

How was Minne? That must have been who he talked to, if he'd thought she went and not Tierra.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
585 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Wait. . . He'd gotten bad intel, obviously. What kind of a soldier was he? Sorry, Ma. I thought it was you, not Tierra. 

He wondered if his aunt-cousin-whatever was okay. They didn't talk; she rubbed him the wrong way. 

Killdeer's face bloomed into a smile. Banged up, but hanging in there, he replied, tail wagging slightly. I like her. She's got a good sense of humor.

Was that a flutter in his stomach? Surely not.
2,040 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It was an easy mistake, she supposed, but she still smirked a bit at it. Of all the wolves to be mistaken for. She supposed she should take it as a compliment, though she would have known better than to go in with those odds.

Oh, yeah? You like her, huh? Fennec couldn’t help poking a little fun, though she dismissed it quickly with a laugh. Unlike her mom she wasn’t interested in digging - not unless Killer wanted to share.

I’ve talked with her a few times. She seems nice, and excited to get involved. I think she could have better taste in friends, but I hope she heals up okay. Her smile would indicate that she was (mostly) joking. Minne had gotten hurt because of Tierra, though, so it wasn’t as if it was a lie.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
585 Posts
Ooc — mercury
I do, Ma, he admitted genuinely, but then gave a cheeky laugh at her aside about friends. Right? I. . .don't really like Tierra. She talks too much, and she's full of herself.

So different from her brother—and he wasn't afraid to say so. I miss Caracal, he sighed. I wonder where he is.

The two patrolled in silence until Fennec responded, Killdeer comfortable enough to relish the relative peace and quiet of the night.
2,040 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
gonna fade this <3 feel free to archive if you like!

She was glad that Tierra was her sister and not her daughter, and that she’d instead struck the jackpot with Killdeer. She wasn’t a huge fan of Caracal either, partially unfairly due to her son’s choice to wander. But she was smart enough to keep those opinions under wraps. At least her younger brother seemed somewhat genuine (if idiotic at times).

I’m sure he’ll stop in soon, and if he comes to see mom, she’ll send him your way. She replied with a sure smile, then continued on. And you won’t distract me that easily! I want to hear more about this talk you had. What did Minne say?

She’d listen to whatever Killdeer wanted her to hear, mostly to suss out if the feelings were mutual. Though she wouldn’t pry if he begged her down… only ever teasingly. Fennec was the last wolf to think she should be offering dating advice, but she liked to think her mistakes had shown her a thing or two worth knowing.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!