Sleepy Fox Hollow Patrouillieren
139 Posts
Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
It was early morning when Emmerich woke and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Paleo was alight with the sounds of prey and the brush of wind in the trees. It would be a good morning to patrol the western edges of their land.

The young guardian lifted his head and called for @Anselm to join him. It had been a while since he had spent quality time with his brother. It sounded as though Anselm had taken a liking to being a scout. Or perhaps he only liked to venture into lands he had not seen before. Emmerich could not be sure. His mind traveled to the woman he had met several months prior.

The girl from Akashingo. She had used many curious words when speaking with him. He wondered what her homeland was like.
596 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Anselm’s sojourn into Naaghai had been something of a pilgrimage. He returned roughshod but in good spirits. 

A howl cut through the soft dewy morning; his brother, somewhere along the western fringes of Paleo. 

Anselm loped towards the source, greeting his brother with a soft wave of his tail and a rough nip of affection.
139 Posts
Ooc — Teo
You've been busy, Emmerich commented, eyeing his brother with a curious gleam in his hawkish yellow eyes. It was good to see that Anselm had kept close to home. All his travels and he always found his way pack to Paleo. The young guardian did not want to see his brother disappear again.

Papa says I must learn about the lands outside of Paleo. To be a better guardian…

Emmerich still wasn't sure if he agreed with this sentiment. The white-hooded boy set their course and began at a swift pace.

Tell me about the places you have been.
596 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Yes. Anselm breathed into his brother's ruff; the scent of pine and home imbued in every silvery hackle.

To the vest, swamps and mountains. To the east, flatlands. There has been a flood south. A pearl-white fang caught on his lower lip as he contemplated. There are coyotes south of us. Maybe you fancy a hunt?

The gleam of Anselm's gaze set on the future warrior in interest.
139 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Anselm was a wealth of information. For the first time, Emmerich was pulled into emotions of jealousy. He wished to go to these places. He wanted to see the things that Anselm had seen. 

A hunt vould be good for me, yes. Let’s bring something big back for Paleo - a feast.  

Emmerich’s hawkish gaze lingered on Anselm. The feelings of jealousy dissipated, leaving the young guardian with a faint smile upon his dark lips. 

I vant to see the coyotes, as vell… 

Could they make a large journey of it?
596 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Anselm caught none of the brief jealousy in Emmerich; his gaze was already focused south. 

He wondered, how did coyote meat taste?

Ve could make a trip of it. Anselm offered in the boyish optimism of a stupid teen. Nevermind it was dangerous. Nevermind they were talking about a topic as grave as murder. 

It would be fun, right?

The pair walked a little further, their figures fading into the sunny gloom of a warm, fleeting summer day.