Noctisardor Bypass delete the microwave
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Ooc — Kat
All Welcome 
She wasn’t dying, yet Javelina had no intentions of leaving Rivenwood now that she was here. Nor did she plan to leave @Glaukos’s side anytime soon either. She didn’t mind if he mounted her—she welcomed it at every opportunity—but she felt safe from unwanted suitors as long as she was near the bear-like man.

This morning, she fished a fat trout out of a familiar stream and dropped it at his giant feet. Javelina smiled and settled down beside him, tucking all four limbs beneath herself like a loafing cat. She just stared at the side of his face for a moment, thinking a thousand thoughts, voicing none of them.

Then, she did voice one of them, saying, I have a question. Before I ask it, I want you to know there’s no wrong answer.
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seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The man had done as he was told, and then again, and again, expecting to grow more comfortable with the intimacy each time it was asked of him, but that did not happen. That isn't to say Glaukos failed to enjoy himself or impart goodness to Jav, hardly that. He didn't feel any strong connection either way.

And in the aftermath, when she had risen first to get water or a bite to eat, Glaukos was in a half-sleep, reminiscing the previous hours while also trying to focus and plan for the coming days.

He was roused by the wet slap of a fish as it was presented to him. Javelina wanted to talk about something - and so he rumbled, asserting that he was listening, while he grabbed the fish and began to fill his empty belly.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
One corner of her mouth lifted at that rumble. Glaukos really was a handsome man. She felt less needy—sated, momentarily—but she still found herself drawn to his brawny size, the cut of his jaw and all his manly sounds and smells. Javelina felt deeply attracted to him, though she wouldn’t let her hormones totally overrule her reasoning.

What happens next? For you, I mean?
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seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
They were somehow on the same wavelength. He was busy pulling apart the fish and lapping at the fresh blood from the belly, but his ears turned, and when he had washed his mouth with red and was satisfied, he looked at her.

I meant to head home. It wasn't much of an answer, but he still ruminated over what to do with himself. Their togetherness didn't change much for him. Is that what she wanted to hear? They held no connection to one another except this new and physical thing, but Glaukos didn't know what to do with that.

I'm... Not so great on my own. He admitted this openly, but did not explain beyond it. Glaukos didn't want there to be miscommunication either, though. What do you want? From him, from this home she sought that was empty - he watched her now, wondering.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Her stomach sank a little at his reply, admittedly. Javelina marshaled herself. She had never needed anyone, at least not since leaving this place. She didn’t need him. Yes, she wanted him—right now, at least—but she could figure this out on her own if it came down to it.

Where’s home again? she asked gently, though she distinctly remembered how he’d answered that question the first time: “I’m between places right now.” I think I want to stay here in Rivenwood. This is my home. It always has been, even though… I spent the last two years trying to forget all about it. And I am very good at being on my own, she added with a little smile, so you’re not obligated to stay here with me.

He’d be welcome, of course, if he wanted that. But Javelina pressed her lips together. Glaukos already had a home. She’d already asked enough of him. She wouldn’t keep him from it.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
When asked about home he swallowed the wedge of fish he had been eating and looked as if he might speak, his mouth open; but then he considered what his answer could be, and closed his mouth with a thoughtful click of teeth. The only place that came to mind was Mereo — but that no longer existed. Then he thought of the woods where they'd camped, but that hadn't been much of anything. Guess it could be anywhere.

In that case, why not stay? He doubted anyone from his old life ever thought of him, or missed him. It didn't pain Glaukos at all to think of settling down in one place, either. Javelina offered up this place, this Rivenwood, and he found it was as good a place as any to sleep, to eat. To maybe be warmed in the night.

Do you want me to stay? He tucked the inedible remains of the fish off to one side, and then watched her earnestly. This man without purpose, without a place of his own — the soldier accustomed to orders. He knew it was no obligation. Maybe he just wanted to know someone actually gave a shit.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Her two-toned eyes narrowed a little at his response, out of confusion rather than suspicion. How could he head home if he apparently didn’t have a home? She studied his expression, saw the way his mouth opened only to close again. Javelina remained silent, sensing there was more to come and giving him as much time as he needed to think.

Yes, she replied candidly, at least until this passes. If you wanted to stay longer than that… yeah, she continued on a whooshing exhale, I’d be happy to have you here. I just don’t want you to feel obligated, if there’s somewhere else you’d rather be.

She felt hopeful now. Javelina wetted her lips and found herself reaching down for the discarded fishtail. She toyed with it, though her eyes stayed fixed on Glaukos. She saw no point in bringing up the distant and inevitable outcome of their coupling if he wasn’t going to be around to see it, but if he stayed
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Even as dimwitted as he could be, Glaukos could tell he was being irritating. Or, he thought he was; his answers didn't have the answers that were required. He drew a deep breath and tried to be candid. There was one place, but I don't think I'm expected to return or anything. That probably didn't help matters. He felt compelled to explain.

Look — I wasn't the best person to be around when I was younger. As a kid, I mean. Then I was a soldier and it became expected that I follow orders, and it was easier for me that way. But that place is gone now. I've been wandering since, more or less. This information wouldn't change the circumstances of right now, so he felt he could speak freely about it.

I'm only just starting to get used to this whole... Choices, thing. And he'd gone and chosen to help Javelina, for whatever that was worth. Apparently a lot, given what had happened. If I can be of use to you, I'll stay. That's... that's the best I can offer. So I'll stay.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She continued using the fishtail as a fidget toy, more absently now as she listened to everything Glaukos had to say. It was the most he’d spoken since they’d met a few weeks ago. Javelina hung on every word, and not just because his smoky voice appealed to her so much right now.

When he was finished, she simply smiled and said, Okay.

She let that sit between them for a moment. Of course there was more to say, though she mulled about it for a few moments. Her eyes dropped to fix on the fishtail as she ran it between each of her black toes.

Speaking of the past, I ignored mine completely for the past two years, she shared, raising her eyes to Glaukos’s face, then to their surroundings, so familiar even after all this time. I’m glad I’m home but I’d still rather look forward than back, you know? We could build a future here.

As soon as the words left her mouth, Javelina’s nose wrinkled. She laughed. It was a cheesy thing to say but the sentiment was genuine. She didn’t have any particular expectations of Glaukos but she could definitely work with, “I’ll stay.”

As she thought of how to broach the next topic, the Basilisk found herself laughing as she told him, I used to dislike kids. And men, for that matter. She caught his eye, smiling. Now look at me…
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seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The quiet they shared wasn't an awkward one.

They had gone from complete strangers to having shared their bodies with one another, and now it seemed the rest of their fate would catch up with them. Glaukos did not mind that things were out of order; he was glad to be of use, and so far as he was concerned Javelina had been in a state of profound need which could only be satisfied with himself. Whatever tie he might've had to her, or her children, or to anything between them was vague at best. He had done as he had been told, even if he couldn't justify someone wanting him of all people, and in that way.

She was slow to broach the subject of her own past, not that he minded. They had all the time in the world to get to know one-another. She shared by the way she looked to the space around them, and by the tone of her voice, how this place had been known to her — important, in its ways, but in a painful way. Nobody was here now; any future that sprang to life would be spontaneous, as everything about their pairing had been.

A twitch to Glaukos' lips indicated he had the inclination to smile, but something prevented him from it while Javelina spoke of her changing tastes. In the lull after, he remarks: I was not permitted to like anyone, as a soldier.

Finally he looked away from her, to the ground. I like you though.

Beyond what they had shared, he enjoyed how easy it was to speak with her. How patient she was. The way Jav did not take anything too seriously except what mattered — like fresh provisions, a safe place to rest, and the safety of their surroundings. She was a solitary sort of person, which meshed well with Glaukos.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Well, it’s even more important that you should do what you want then, Javelina told him, eyes shining a little at his admission. I’m glad you want to stay. I really enjoy your company, Glaukos, and not just because I was alone for so long. Furthermore, she continued with another light laugh, I think we make a good team.

She saw no reason to define the relationship further; that was more than enough for her. Javelina finally flicked the fishtail away, thinking of what sorts of parents they’d make. Picturing Glaukos with puppies should’ve been endearing but it was more humorous than anything. She didn’t doubt he would be an excellent provider.

As for herself, Javelina hadn’t seriously contemplated children in quite some time. Truthfully, she was kind of ambivalent. If she did fall pregnant, she would treat the resulting offspring like any of life’s other challenges. Maybe she would enjoy it, maybe she wouldn’t, but she would do her best.

If you did knock me up, she said frankly after a few beats of silence, then I’m glad they were conceived in Rivenwood. I like the thought of them being born and raised here too. I suppose we should start by surveying the territory, make sure it’s safe and suitable for claiming.

She pried her other three legs out from beneath herself and pushed upright, her own scent filling her nose as her mouth burst with red. She flicked an ear and stretched, gaze honed northward. Javelina sensed that there was no one here but she wasn’t certain. She hadn’t ventured very far to find a good fishing spot.
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seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
So, they would stay here. It was as good a place as any for Glaukos; although he held a fleeting thought for Sialuk and Moonspear, the man knew better than to pine for anything different. This was his life now and he had a purpose that would extend beyond this one person: he might very well be a father in the spring, and that would be it's own job. One he did not expect to be well equipped for - but an obligation nonetheless.

He heard Germanicus' voice in his head, then. Something about fatherhood, some memory of the man with his own brood; but swallowed that down and put it aside. He was not ready for it.

I will make patrols a priority. He was a soldier and this was work he knew he was good at. It would keep him occupied. It would also give him ample opportunity to think and perhaps his mind would come around to fatherhood; or, maybe he would change his mind entirely, about everything. Glaukos hoped he knew what he was doing.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
As she stared off into the bypass, she idly wondered why her own scent triggered her synesthesia, when only sounds had ever done so before. Glaukos’s voice broke into this thought and she nodded absently before blinking to a focus and glancing over at him.

Divide and conquer? she said simply, then hesitated and amended, On second thought, maybe we should stick together until this passes. She waved a black foreleg. Just to be safe. And in case we want to tango again, Javelina quipped with a click of her tongue.

She flashed him a cheeky smile, then pressed close for only a moment. Brushing past him, she began to walk toward the periphery. A backward glance didn’t just invite but politely demand he follow her lead.
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seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The first suggestion caused a pit to open in his stomach and threaten to swallow him up. It was as abrupt as it was confusing. Jav swiftly changed her mind and the feeling mostly abated; and with a look, she ordered he follow her.

That was really all it took to tame Glaukos; he was on his feet and marching with her, and keeping his senses primed for any danger. Of course, the promise of more sex was a bonus.