Redhawk Caldera hucklewine
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
the little island was pockmarked with fat raindrops today. teya had taken @Sorana down to the water's edge, showing her how the fish jumped out of the lake each time an insect was washed into the current. she'd howled for @Hymnal not long ago, remembering maia's words that the older girl had wanted to act as big sister to her daughter as well.
where was reyes? maybe he too had found some relief in some forest with some unknown person. the idea sickened her despite her own hypocrisy.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
738 Posts
Ooc — Me
Chapter 8

Day 73 of established existance 
Camouflage and stealth practice ongoing. 1/5 prison-break sessions succesful. Previous hide-out discovered and neutralized. Alternative routes are being assessed. 

Situation: clever plans in progress
Mood: motivated

End of update

Rain had come as a relief after many days of heat, that had rendered Dwin's long list of things she wanted to do very short and ineffective. She had been sluggish, tired and irritable and more than once her siblings had served as an outlet of pent up frustration. These outbursts, of course, were immediately corrected by her parents or, whoever happened to watch the children in their absence. Dwin took offence and spent the rest of the time outside, having her back turned to everyone.

However, she quickly forgot all of her grievances, once the rain began and temperature dropped to acceptable level. She had sat at the den entrance, watching raindrops fall and create puddles and rivulets in the playground. A while later, when she noticed that her family was sleeping, she snuck outside and had fun playing in the mud. She splashed in the water, rolled heartily around and was having time of her life. 

A howl not too far from, where she had been staying, rose in the air. She waited a bit, then tipped her head back and responded with a call of her own. Coming! Without a second glance back (or asking permission to leave) she took off to find the caller. 
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya was surprised to hear a response, because it did not come from hymnal. she trotted to meet the respondent, who turned out to be little ceridwin. soaked with rain and brightly-faced, it seemed she had escaped from maia.
loosing a long howl to tell maia and eljay that she was with 'dwin, teya stooped down. "i see a very big fish in de lake. i think i need help getting him," she said quite somberly, though there was a little twinkle in her eyes.
some elation after such a time of dragging would be welcome.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
738 Posts
Ooc — Me
The thing with Dwin being small was that she recognized very few adults by their faces. Mom, dad and her siblings were exceptions, because they spent the most time with her. The rest - she categorized them by feet. Therefore to her Teya was not a lady with a pleasant and good-natured expression and beautiful blue eyes. No. She was Two-White-Two-Brown paws that were often covered in lake-scented mud smell. Easy, right? :D

"The Big One?"
Dwin was all ears and quickly scanned the surrounding area, just in case that beast was hiding somewhere near. @Maia had told her a story about a big fish that could eat naughty puppies, who wandered too close to the lake edge without supervision. Except rather than deterring Dwin from going there, it made her all the more determined to see it for herself. If Teya was going to catch that puppy-eating beast - Dwin sure as hell wanted to help. 

"Let's do it!" she stomped her paws in excitement and bounded towards the lake to see, if there were any Big Fish prints there.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ceridwin ran off, and teya kept on her heels. the water was dangerous when it swelled with rain. but the raven was an expert swimmer. "not so close," she warned the girl, "but look." shimmering in the mud were two scales scraped from a gigantic fish belly.
"it come out on bank," she explained, gaze marvelling. "was hunting." there were tiny chipmunk pawprints which halted abruptly at the scene of the scales.
"it come out of water, grab little animal, go back in." she passed her eyes over the lake surface, looking closely for the large shadow which would mark its presence, but she saw nothing.
738 Posts
Ooc — Me
Dwin and warnings were two mutually exclusive terms. They rarely bode well in the same sentence. She splashed happily in the shallow water, pulled out a strand of weed out, nosed it excitedly and only, when Teya pointed out to the scales on the bank, did her attention turn back to the task at hand. 

She inspected them thoroughly, but there was a tad bit of disappointment in her eyes, when she turned to look at the Raven. "That's it?" she asked. Kind of a very small for the gigantic fish she had imagined her prey to be. "How we get to the den?" 
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya chuckled. "no. that only scales. from belly. it what the fish wear on his body," she explained, shaking out her fur. "the fish bigger than that." the girl questioned her. teya grinned. "his den is under the water where we cannot go. we must bring him to us."
she mused for a moment.
"we need bait. you know what bait is?" she asked of 'dwin, blinking a little in the downpour as she tucked the girl closer. "rain very good for fishing."
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
738 Posts
Ooc — Me
"That's fur?" 'Dwin tilted her head to the side, when she asked this, then looked down at the scales in disbelief. Nah... it did not seem likely. In her mind fish were like wolves, who lived underwater. Uglier though. "How much bigger?" she asked next, furrowing her brow, while trying to recall the biggest living thing she had seen up until now. Bronco came to her mind first. 

"DAD!" she exclaimed merrily in response to Teya's question about, what a bait was. It was not that poor old Eljay's daughter was going to sacrifice him for the sake of greater good (freeing world of puppy-eating fish-monsters). She simply did not understand the word and mistook it for "bite". By now all her family members had suffered from her set of tiny pointy teeth. And dad being the charitable soul he was, occasionally took the brunt of her sneak-attacks and "defurrisation" efforts.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya laughed. "it true, kind of. your dad very nice." eljay could probably get fish to walk out of the water onto dry land, his bedside manner was so great. she mused. "have you seen otter?" the little animals lived beside the lake as well as the riverway which wound through the caldera. "bigger than otter."
teya grinned and crept along. eventually she stopped again, motioning toward the water where a large fin had broken the surface.
"you see that!?" she exulted to ceridwin.
738 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Otter? What's that?" Dwin shook her head, wondering, if it was another kind of fish. To be true - even though she had probably tried some of the lake-goods by now, she had never paid much attention to, what they actually looked like. If she had - indeed paid attention - she had not asked for a name. By putting these two facts together it was clear that Dwin had a very vague idea of, what fish actually were. 

Dwin had been lost in thoughts just long enough to miss the sight of the fin and, when she finally did look, it was no longer to be seen. She shot a glance at Teya, then back at the rippling surface of the water: "Where?"
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya peered at her little niece a bit. how didn't she know what an otter was? curious as this seemed to be, however, the raven was sadly too focused on their quarry to question much — for now.
in the days to come, however, she might ascertain that the girl needed a proper fishing lesson.
"it went down. under water." she hummed to herself. "need big, big worm, 'dwin. can you help me find one?"
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