Ouroboros Spine bravery comes first
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
for @Rodyn when you have time!! <333

after the conversation with kukutux, shikoba would think of when to tell the man of her choice. of course, a few moons have now passed and have allowed for rodyn to hopefully make a full recovery from his trip. she knew from when her first arrived home that he was brined with salt and blood, and new scars as well. but with several days of rest and good meals, hopefully, he would not turn her away.

it is in the early evening that she seeks him out, a call beckons him to join her at grandfather stone. the sun has been covered by the overcast clouds, offering little warmth to the warrior woman who sat beside the ravine that flowed into the lake. still, she finds peace within this place, listening quietly and waiting for the trader to accompany her.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Hello lovely :D <333

Rodyn had rested and supped, and went back to his regular duties. He would be after the ermine soon enough, but for now. He was simply filling caches for the winter. Making sure that they were fruitful and everyone safe and fed come the long days of winter.

Russet ears are raised to the sound of another, and he lopes towards the motherly Shikoba, first hunter, now star hunter. He had heard the calls from Kukutux himself. Congratulations were in order for the huntress.

A smile lit up his eyes as he met her. It is good to see your face. Lady Hunter Shikoba.

He offered her with a kind face.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
he comes forward triumphantly and the woman can't help but let her tail wag behind her upon seeing his face. she had always liked rodyn, and in many ways, she hoped that mojag would pick up on his personality and mannerisms. despite the fact that inutsuk was not present for many things, rodyn and the rest of the village were able to take the place of the paternal figure for her son. that was something she'd be forever grateful for.

"I greet you, trader rodyn," she offers him politely and the swing of her muzzle invites him to come and sit next to her, "I hope Moonglow has comforted you since your time away."

truly his journeys must have taken him beyond the reaches of the spine. and perhaps even farther than the wilds. she'd have to ask about his trips another time. perhaps not just for his own trade and value to Moonglow, but also for the bride price for the moon woman's own daughter. she wondered how the two decided to want to court one another.

she looks at the river for a moment. "I am star hunter now," she says (although this point is quite obvious after the announcement from kukutux herself), "which means Moonglow needs another first hunter, sivullik, in my place."

she would turn to look at her brother of the spine with a pleased expression on her brow, "Rodyn is to become the next sivullik, after shikoba." she'd pause here now, wondering if he would even accept this position. all she could hope for was that he'd be excited and willing.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn is pleased to see the huntress Shikoba. His own tail returning her greeting. There was great care in his heart for the mother, and he hoped that someday, he could bring her son back to her. And he hoped whereever the young hunter Mojag was, he was healthy and happy.

Rodyn took his spot next to her a small smile on his maw. It has. I left and I missed it greatly, both the pack and all of you. It is good to be home now.

As a youngling he had left his family, and here in this place he was more at home than he had ever been. He loved the people that made up their home, and he loved their home. It was good to be of Moonglow and it's pack mates.

Rodyn didn't understand how it all worked. He and Samani had never spoken of their intentions. It had just been something he had wanted and he was to do what was needed in order to ask to court her, to explain to her that he wanted more than casual friendship or something else.

You are a great hunter, and honorable friend to moonglow. Moonwoman has honored you and I cannot imagine anyone else to be star hunter, but you.

He had assumed it would be Kigipigak that would take up the mantle of Sivullik, but he was surprised, when it was not to be so. He stared at her surprised and then awed. He bowed his head quickly a small smile on his face, cheeks ruddy.

You honor me Lady Shikoba. I will do my best to be a good Sivullik for our pack mates and you.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
"sivullik comes with responsibility," she says to him with a nod, "but I am confident in you." 

rodyn had always proven himself to be competent in many fields, perhaps now excelling in his travels and trades, even more so in his hunting. this would certainly fit well within his new title of first hunter. though, shikoba also knows that her title was questioned and challenged by another tartok who held his own title of sivullik.

and while she hoped rodyn would not be challenged, she must know that he can hold his own.

"our village trusts you," her eyes look towards him in a warning manner, "but others may challenge you, in or out of moonglow." she looks to her own shoulder, where the wound from tulimaq remained hidden. "I was challenged by another sivullik who stayed with moonglow in winter, during last season circle." she recounts this with many feelings that swarm around her. "rodyn must be able to protect himself, his title, and his home if time comes."

shikoba would be there, along with sun man and moon woman. but even then, that is not enough at times. moonglow must have hardened teeth, and shikoba must know that rodyn can provide such a service.
[Image: giphy.gif]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ears pressed forward, eyes alert as he listened. Responsibility to feed to provide, but it seemed based upon her words and the way she held herself there was more to it, than hunting. So he waited.

Rodyn was surprised and then spoke softly. I have not fought. But I was taught too. I know how to protect those i care for and myself. But one can always learn something new correct? So, perhaps some lessons will not go amiss. Perhaps you can teach me or Sun man?

He wasn't certain if Moonwoman knew how to fight, he imagined so. But she already had many duties to take care of. He did not wish to add more.

Rodyn felt there was no shame in asking for help, especially from the star hunter herself. He would learn, and he would do what was asked of him. Because his home and the people inside it meant everything.

This home and these wolves, mean everything to me, Lady Shikoba. So I would use my last breath to protect them.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
she liked what she heard so far, though one could always brush up on their old skills. shikoba has not had to enforce her teeth upon others in quite some time, perhaps this peace would remain or be challenged later with her new title. 

"sun man surely would, as well as I." aiolos would have more reason for the terms of ensuring that his daughter will be well kept and protected by the trader. a father will do almost anything at times to ensure that his daughter is happy and safe with the men she chooses to surround herself with. for shikoba, it would merely be to ensure that rodyn would have no fear if challenged or faced with spars and wars. 

sivullik was no light title, the village would begin to look to him for guidance.

"but for now, celebrate. lessons later. perhaps Samani would like to hear of this." she would say this to him in an encouraging tone. the man ought to simply cherish the moment that trust from the higher-ups has now flowed down to him. perhaps they could organize a hunt for a nearby herd for the new titles earned in such a short span of days. moonglow was changing despite the spine staying still. 

the village remained strong, perhaps not by the teeth that surrounded them but instead by the bonds between each member. they were strong, as they always have been. unity is something that can be difficult to achieve, yet it appears the village goes on with ease. shikoba is thankful for the fact that such competent and strong wolves make their homes here.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't know if what he was saying was the right thing, and he was not entirely bothered if it were not. He knew these things to be truth, that he would do what was asked, that he would protect if he could. That he was willing to learn. They were his truths, and he found no shame in offering them to the agouti she wolf who trusted him.

Russet red toes scuffed the dirt and he smiled shyly. I hope she will like to hear of it. I wish to share all things with her.

It was as close as he would get to admitting how he felt about her. Moonwoman had bade him not tell, until he knew 100% what he wanted, and that he had the price that they had bade of him. He was still working on some of it, but that was alright. He would get there someday. Rather soon if he was not mistaken.

Rodyn bowed his head again to the woman and gave her a soft nudge to her shoulder, a lick to her chin in deference.

I will tell you again that you honor me Lady Shikoba and your trust is not misplaced. Thank you.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
last from me! congrats to rodyn for his promotion <333

shikoba was curious about many things when it came to the russet man. of course, her main interest was in his ability to take over her position. rodyn has always come off as promising, and while shikoba has the utmost faith in him, she will have to test him herself one of these days when it came to it. while she did not think he'd prove himself unworthy of the title, she wanted to know what type of fighter he was. hopefully, one with honor and one who lacked fear.

he seemed tight-lipped about Samani, so shikoba would not push it. instead, she returns the contact with a simple brush of her nose against his shoulder. "you honor Moonglow by being here," she would tell him with a dip of her nose, "we are all proud."

here she would stand to stretch and then cast one final look to rodyn. "I will tell moon woman, then. all of Moonglow will come to recognize you as sivullik." a promise to him, she would ensure that no one comes to speak a word against this shift in the ranks.

and with that, she'd offer a smile and be off to let rodyn decide what to do next with his evening. she would of course meet with him later for lessons, but for now let him enjoy the spoils of the news.
[Image: giphy.gif]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thank you <3 <3 <3

Rodyn would gladly go a few rounds with her, when she wanted. He didn't mind. He would relish to lesson, to learn more about both her and her fighting style and what was expected him.

Rodyn stepped the way he had come, a small smile on his face. He had done well, proven himself. And Shikoba had honored him greatly. It made his heart dance lightly in his chest. He was proving his worth to the pack he loved, and it filled him with glee.