Shy Deer Steppes he runs, wishing he could fly
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
All Welcome 
backdated to the 24th - at the edge of the steppes close to Haunted Woods. attn: @Vengeance @Alison @Hela

The first item on the agenda was to find the children that had gone missing during the last big series of quakes. Moonshadow was searching for her daughter, but with Cassiopeia gone, it seemed that Hela had slipped through the cracks. . .and as her aunt, Maegi thought it should be her to take the initiative. She was loath to leave the forest and her own children, but it would only be for a little while. Just a short trip, and hopefully a return with the girl in tow.

She was no great shakes at tracking, but she used whatever skills she had to follow traces of her niece's scent away from the woods, headed southwest. As she drew closer to another dark line of trees, she began to catch other scents as well. One, in particular, left her quite shaken as it entered her nostrils.

I'm sorry, but I can't let you leave.

The sinister voice echoed through her mind, memories of terrible times gone by. God, had that woman taken Hela? Was the girl being held hostage now? Maegi was incredibly agitated that Serem was a member of a pack so close to Blackfeather Woods; it seemed as if this demon was not one she'd shake so easily.

Steadying herself, she came to a stop at the edge of the steppes and lifted her head to howl, calling for Hela and the forest group's leadership.

And if Serem wanted to come out and greet her, too. . .so be it.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was simply making her rounds of patrols today when a call was sprung forth for their leadership and despite not being amongst the ones called. The raven felt the need to go and investigate. It took her eyes a bit to adjust to the world beyond their fog  forest but as she came closer the wolf was a bit familiar. "May I help you?" She phrased it as a question but the female was looking more towards a demand.

Her eyes tuned into the girls face and then it all became apparent. This was the young wolf she had taken to the mountain. Then her thoughts begin wonder on why she was here so she looked to the female to speak.
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
her name on the wind; she recognized it's source quickly. in a moment, she felt equal parts relief, elation, and fear. she doesn't pause to shift through these feelings, instead, she pivots and flies to the borders, hurts forgotten. she loops around Serem widely, nearly colliding with Maegi as she trembles with relief, planting a plantive kiss on the woman's cheek. "maegi!" she greets, and then pulls back a fraction to peer behind her, as if she might spot Scylla there. the leader has come alone, it seems, and she can not help the disappointment that comes.
Black Hat Org
270 Posts
Ooc — Sparx
Black Hat furrowed his brow at the sound of an unfamiliar voice summoning their leadership along with Hela, of all wolves. Too curious to idly sit by, he made his way to the steppes to investigate, hanging back once he arrived. The white woman was the one who called, and he couldn't help but stare at her mangled state, particularly her face. And he thought he looked rough around the edges.

He watched Hela rush to the wraith's side and shower her in affections that made him resist the urge to gag. This couldn't have been her mother, he heard her mother was confirmed dead. So who was she, a relative? From whence did she hail? Silently, he waited to have his questions answered.
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Indeed, the first wolf to heed her summons was not one that had been included—but one she was loath to see again. Maegi stood quietly, rooted in place, a silent fury coursing through her as the woman spoke. That voice. . .those eyes. . . She was about to answer coldly when her niece burst onto the scene, exuberant with affection.

Hela, she murmured, feeling somewhat weary with relief as she returned the girl's caresses. Once things had settled, she took a step forward, half-shielding the girl from Serem, to whom she now spoke. I'm here to take Hela home, Maegi replied, two-toned eyes fixed, steely, on her kidnapper's face. If she had harmed a single hair on the Fledgeling's head. . .

Another man appeared—a strange creature, with something (a plant?) on his head. She cast him a perplexed look before returning her gaze to Hela. Are you all right? she asked softly, half under her breath.
sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
He was the last to arrive on the scene. He had taken his time to answer this one, it was another stranger at the border and it didn't sound all too urgent, and so, he sauntered through the woods with a slow gate. Once he arrived on the scene, everyone already seemed to have made it here. The stranger who had called them was a woman with a torn face and a janky leg - though her face was not one easily forgotten, the morbid display was hard to ignore, he was unphased. He had seen and done much in his time on this earth, and her face, was oddly enough, nothing new. 

One thing he did observe before she spoke was that Hela was quite close to the female, she must have known the woman from before, maybe it was her birth pack. Which was confirmed not long after as she opened her mouth to speak of bringing her home. 

The Warlord kept quiet. Though he was not fond of just letting one them go, of one of his own saving her and them being let go without any kind of reward in return for her safekeeping until then, all he did was stand and watch. He would wait to see her reaction... What others thought, as his gaze shifted without moving his head from her direction, his peripherals making the observation for him.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She listened to what the female said and watched as the you g pup ran to maegi with affection. She was about to speak up when vengeance came onto the scene but judging by his silence she assumed it was okay for her to continue as much as she wanted to just leave taking the pup she wanted to keep this civil. "That's not up to me to let you. It's his." She pointed to vengeance with her snout and was done speaking for now.
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
she swallows as Maegi makes clear her intention, both relieved and unsettled. she can not imagine going back, nor can she imagine the opposite. she nods quickly at Maegi's question, though when Serem speaks, she finally finds her voice again. "no. it's up to me." and yet, first—

"scylla? is she alright?" she questions, peering back to Maegi. she doesn't much like the small crowd gathering because of her, nor the fact that Maegi is the only blackfeather wolf here. but before she decides what next to do, she needs to know.
Black Hat Org
270 Posts
Ooc — Sparx
He was given a taken aback look from the mangled ghost of a woman that caused him to bite his tongue, much as he loved to bicker. Like she was one to talk! At least she'd made her purpose clear, but he objected to it. Black Hat had plans for this child, his latest slab he wished to mold into his own vision. She would make a fearsome weapon, one far deadlier than the likes of @Radar.

But he kept his tongue under lock and key for now, waiting for the opportune moment to release it from its toothy prison and coax his prized weapon-to-be back to Nightwalkers — to him. Hela could believe the choice was hers, but Black Hat was the puppeteer behind the curtain pulling the strings.

He always was.
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Her eyes narrowed further as Serem spoke, but she paid the woman no more mind as Hela piped up; Maegi's lips curved in a small smile as the girl asserted her authority. A Melonii through and through, she thought, and then corrected herself, slight. A child of Blackfeather. For they all were worthy.

I haven't seen Scylla, she murmured, face falling again. Nor your father. I'm not sure if they're hidden away, grieving, or looking for you, or. . . She let the other possibilities go unsaid. There was no need to dwell on the most gruesome hypotheticals.

Her countenance was soft, unguarded, as she stared at her niece. Will you come home with me, Hela? Maegi asked, for there was a strange vibe to the air around them. Like these strangers had sank metaphorical, spiritual fangs into the girl, for better or for worse.
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
permission to skip!
the vanishing of her sister is a blow, and she can not hide the dismay writ across her face. vaati, she does not care for; having left her life just as swiftly as having entered it, and offered her very little in the meanwhile. she allows herself to hope, just this once, that perhaps Vaati has taken her sister somewhere safe, somewhere—

she meets her aunt's gaze evenly as she poses her question, and her first instinct is a yes. she loves her aunt, and maegi appears all to be what she has left. but then she sees her mother's empty eyes, the man's warning, all the ghosts that lingered there. of Black Hat, promised to make her strong, all the other's here, and Vengeance. I know enough. he didn't. and this might be the wrong place, but she knew then she could not go back. "no. I think—I will stay here." her voice is soft, but firm, and there is a trace of longing in her gaze still. but she only longs for what was, and knows she can never, ever, have that again. swallowing, "blackfeather can't be my home. not now." not without her mother, not without scylla, not without the security that seemed so fragile now. all this she wants maegi to know but does not say, not in front of the others gathered here.
Black Hat Org
270 Posts
Ooc — Sparx
He kept his expression flat, but pride bloomed in his chest knowing he didn't even need to persuade Hela to choose them, having already played his part in tying her to their heinous band of villains — a place where she could form new connections to replace those lost and find new meaning in her life.

Seeing no need, he did not speak, instead awaiting Maegi's response to her decision. He expected resistance, and he'd step in if necessary, but Black Hat was confident there would be no changing the girl's mind.
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
It went beyond every instinct to remain stoic in the face of what came next. At Hela's "no," her face darkened, and a thousand different counterpoints rang through her mind.

Your home is Blackfeather! Your family is Blackfeather!
Traitor! Traitor!
She's leaving, just like the rest.
What about ME?
What's wrong with me?
Traitor! How dare she follow Serem!
Maegi failed her
my fault my fault my fault
Traitor! Blood traitor—

It was only a moment before she snapped back to herself, but when she did, the only thing that left her lips was, I see. Silence, then, for a few heartbeats longer, her eyes moving over the wolves assembled. It would do no good to fight this. She was outnumbered, and Hela would only resent her for it.

No, best to let her go. They all left. . .they all left.

Take care, Hela, Maegi said, though there was no semblance of warmth in her voice. She would not react, but she would not approve of the decision, either. You know where to find us if you change your mind.

Without a word to the rest of them, she turned on her heel and departed, ears swiveling backwards to catch the sound of anybody following. Not once did she look back, and only when she was safely within the sanctum of her forest did she let herself break down, despondent at having lost yet another part of her heart.
sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
While he sat in silence, Vengeance was certain this would be the last they would see of the young Hela. There was nothing he could do but hope that his previous words would spur on a decision preferably in their favor - that they would make her stronger than Blackfeather ever could. (even if he really wasn't what caused her to stay, he thinks so ;) )

The twisted woman's reaction and new tone had Vengeance watching her carefully. Though she refused to let it show, he could tell, even slightly, that she was not happy with the decision. Outnumbered, he doubted she would lunge and begin a fight - but he was ready. Not knowing what kind of woman she was. How stable, or unstable her mind was. Should she choose to try and take Hela by force, he would involve himself.

One the woman with the ripped face had departed, Vengeance began his own departure from the little impromptu meeting. Not without offering the young lady Hela a nod, giving her the briefest moment of acknowledgement before heading back to his den. Seems like they will house the young lady for a little while longer... a little while longer for him to mold her and perhaps indoctrinate her into one of them.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She felt proud in the girls decision to stay with them and she gave a small smirk when she made it. Not caring if Maegi seen it before she departed. The dark woman saw Vengeance leaving and thought it best for her to do the same and with that Serem went back to her day.
”Common” "Spanish"
Black Hat Org
270 Posts
Ooc — Sparx
Maegi gave the girl a cold farewell and turned to leave with great reluctance, but she made the smart choice. He grinned down at Hela. You're a true Nightwalker now, my pupil, Black Hat cooed, stepping forward to nudge her shoulder with his before turning to saunter back to the Haunted Woods with pep in his step.
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜