Ouroboros Spine tulukkam ittuk
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,276 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
All Welcome 
The checker is gonna get him so here is a vague post to prevent that...

It was different being here while healthy, knowing also that he could not return to the plateau. Expecting to turn a corner and see Sakhmet; or to visit one place or another, expecting her to be there for a meeting, only to find her gone.

Kigipigak knew it was foolish of him to think these things. She would not know that he had given up on the plateau - nor would her parents, who had vanished around the same time. All that Kigipigak could do now was move on.

He felt a deep sadness the likes of which had never affected him before, pining for something he could not have, and spent the hours post-inception to the village making a mental map of the communal places. Finding the quickest route between these areas. Discerning which scents belonged to which people, and especially, which areas to avoid.

Kukutux was nowhere to be found and Kigipigak knew it was because of her state as a mother, caring for her new daughters. That at least brought some good feeling back to him. Kigipigak was glad for her good fortune, and only wished in a covetous sense, that he could share in it somehow.

One day maybe, if somehow Sakhmet returned.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
hope you don't mind me stealing this! <3

several days have passed after the birth of the twins. shikoba often busies herself with endless tasks, usually including remarking the borders practically every day as she weaves through the territory. though today, her sights were more fixed onto hunting. she had spotted a pair of foxes, most likely a male and his mate, scuttling around the base of moonglow.

while one may leave these beings alone, shikoba is on a level of high alert. with kukutux's new brood and soon to come löté's, there is good reason to be extra cautious of the other animals within the territory. besides, fox pelt make for wonderful beds when treated and cured properly. shikoba thinks of this opportunity of getting 2 birds with one stone -- she dismisses moonglow of their foreign invaders while providing new material for kukutux and löté. 

on her way, she notices a large male in her horizon. a coat made of snowdrift and... what's this? shikoba peers for a moment to notice the scars on his face, causing a ripple of sensitivity over her own. another face marked by life's unpredictability. with a slow trot, she calls out to him in a warm greeting, hoping to get his attention.
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Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,276 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
He is not lost in thought for long. The sound of a chuff alerts Kigipigak of company and as he turns to look around, he spots the approaching wolf — she is the color of an autumn leaf pile, but far more substantial.

Kigipigak's tail raises slightly and waves behind his hocks. I greet you, he says. The stranger looks as weathered by fate as himself, with a network of scars across their face. Kigipigak takes one glance upon them but does not let his eye linger; he does not want them to feel alienated; besides, she has likely seen the curving scars upon his own body by this point.

He looks around and then back to her. You look like you are on a mission. Can I help?
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
he thankfully seems friendly enough for dear shikoba, his gentle wag and greeting gives her hope that he will be a willing partner in her mission. she dips her head to him politely, "shikoba greets you." he is quite large, larger than the older woman, not to mention he was substantially built. hopefully, the kinsman would prove himself worthy in this quest.

upon his question, the native nods her head with a small smile on the edges of her lips. "foxes, searching for den south of lake by hills," she says to him, casting her head in the direction for a moment, "furs good, bed for Kukutux's puppies." by now, hopefully the man is getting the idea of what shikoba is attempting to lay down. assistance in catching the little devils should never go turned down. "and meat for us."

"still help?" it will surprise her if this man is pacifistic in nature and refuse her offer, though shikoba must learn that not everyone is willing to shed blood for the cause. it would remind her of a past ruler from the clan of ryujin, her past empress.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,276 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Straight to the point, this one. Kigipigak appreciated that. He could be boastful and loud with his own voice but lately he has not felt the inclination. This wolf before him says what is necessary and that is enough; she has a job to do and invites him along.

Kigipigak nods and begins to stride alongside her. Yes, I will help. It would be good to have something else to focus on for a while. Kukutux could benefit from this gift of furs and they would be rid of pests, which would pose a danger to her children if left alone.

The man did not overtake Shikoba's position, falling in line with her in the lead instead, as she knew the way to where these creatures lurked.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
the large man joins her in stride and shikoba smiles to herself as she guides them towards the southern border of moonglow. "shikoba appreciates, what name to call you?" she asks politely as they travel together. it would be rude to not be able to thank the man with his name after the task is (hopefully) done successfully.

she hopes that he is agile like her, despite the size difference between the two of them, with the quick nature of foxes, the mates may be hard to capture if the wolves are not on their trail. one may think about mourning the loss of the lovers, but it is more kind to be killed together than for one to live alone. foxes mate for life, and it would be cruel to leave a pregnant female alone if that is the case with these two.

the warrior woman slows her pace as she can see the twinges of red and white fur against the stone and grass of the territory. the mates had already began burrowing, perhaps in preparation for starting a family together. 

she turns to kigipigak in hopes of hearing his opinion. "what think, we drive them towards lake, or chase past border? foxes fast, but flee together. we chase together and kill." shikoba usually does little to plan for these things, but she hopes that the man can offer his two cents on the situation before she jumps the gun. strategy can help when you have another set of teeth on your side. driving them towards the lake gives the wolves the chance to know the footing better, but chasing them out perhaps makes a spectacle to any other intruders that this will be their fate, if they try to burrow here.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,276 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
He grins to her. I am called Kigipigak! Backbone in his mother's language, though he does not divulge this. The woman looks very different from the northbred beasts he grew up with, yet her name and general affect make Kigipigak think she is somehow similar, and might know it already.

He doesn ot mean to appraise her as they walk, yet he does so. She does not hold herself with undue pride, swaggering instead with a warrior's strength. Perhaps she held Tartok blood after all; but she was speaking again, and soon Kigipigak's mind was elsewhere.

The tactics of the coming hunt were important details to discern.

If there are only a few, we can separate them. If there are many, I think... to drive them to the water is a good idea. The smaller ones might not think to swim. But then again, if they were well established within the village shadows, they might know more tricks than Kigipigak could imagine. They may use the water to hide themselves or lead us astray.

It would be a fun challenge, at any rate.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
please forgive my late response :'O

she listens closely to the man as he speaks and thinks fondly of his name. it is strong and holds weight, such as the presence of kigipigak. as he speaks his concern, shikoba nods with his words and takes them into heavy consideration. with only being the mated couple and no puppies yet, the duo should be easy to separate if they are caught off guard.

"move together, separate them. foxes quick, go for one that is closest to kigipigak." indeed, it would be a great challenge of the two that would hopefully end with success. one final look at the red parka where shikoba can envision the spirit of the tupilak swimming over the body. suddenly, a sense of blood lust washes over her silently.

a glance to the tundarian, and with a final nod of the head she tells him "go now!" and soon the woman leaps into action, hopefully with the backbone in tow.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,276 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
They were of the same mind: pairing off in the beginning, splitting the foxes in two so that they could be properly routed. It would be easier without additional kits to follow; however, the foxes might not be as aggressive without the added threat of lost children. They might be more keen to disperse than fight back.

There wasn't any more time to think on tactics; Kigipigak saw the gleam of interest in Shikoba and as she turned towards the stink of fox, driving herself towards where they hid, he followed - and then as they broke cover together, the foxes split apart with shrieks and yips. Shikoba shouted something as she leapt to the forefront, but Kigipigak was already tailing the other fox.

He thundered after it. Lurching when it would switch direction or snap its teeth, fleeing before the might of the glacial man. Kigipigak did not look to see what Shikoba was doing - she was capable, eager, and preoccupied.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
shikoba is glad that the large tundarian man joins her today, for the prize of fox fur clouds her mind as she lurches forward. thankfully, he does not need much instruction, for the man seems trained enough to understand how the hunt goes with the elusive nature of the fox. this gives shikoba the peace of mind to be able to focus on her own segment of the hunt.

it is the female that she has chased after, the spry creature shrieks for her mate but does her best to evade the sly-footed native. despite her best attempts, even masters of running can still trip up. the fox loses her footing and soon somersaults forward in a crying mess. she tumbles, but there is no time to escape. a snapping set of teeth grasp ahold of the head, in aim to cut the throat and squeeze the very life from her body.

gruesome, yet swift. it is an acceptable death as there is little cruelty held within the maw of shikoba. she does not watch to see if the fox's mate has taken notice to the mournful cries that leave her before she goes limp. shikoba does not care, however; rather the woman takes up carcass and looks towards kigipigak with hopeful honey eyes.
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