Big Salmon Lake Little Fishy Bite
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
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Rodyn stepped black tipped toes into sight of the lake. Ears swiveled from one side to the next. Yellow gaze taking in the lake. Creatures flew and ran and slithered near the cool banks of the large lake.

Careful steps and gentle lapping waves he waded in. Up to his chest then he waited. Watching the salmon that swam beneath its surface.

He offered a prayer and a plea to sedna and then waited. Ears forward, eyes on the settling bottom
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
snatching this!! <3

It was unusual for the sivullik to find herself away from the protection of the spine. especially away from her son. But Shikoba needed time to think of recent transpiring with the thoughts of her husband lingering. She viewed this to be a waste of time, however, and decided that she ought to put her talent to use.

Mojag has hunted squirrels, and soon he will chase deer. But Shikoba decides it is time to revisit her fishing talents. When red meat runs dry, there will always be scales that swim. And with that, she left the spine and found herself at the lake where the salmon call home.

She could see someone else was already there, though she decided to give them space and enter the lake through a different area. She was much smaller than the man before her, though his scent held onto Moonglow. perhaps this was someone she had yet to met.

Though her position as the first hunter demands formalities, Shikoba puts her stomach and her son first and wades into the water. She wasn't nearly out as deep as he was, but that didn't mean the fish wouldn't come near her, so long as she was still. Now, she'd wait and hopefully have something to bring home.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
oh yay!! <3 rolled a 4 on a discord 1d6, 4 to 6 success

Rodyn was momentarily distracted by the wolf that showed up. Though he sensed no aggression or irritation and she gave him space. She was smaller than he, more agile. And she seemed to know what to do.

A bit of a second later her scent hit him. He smelled moonglow and Mojag. He wagged his russet plume in greeting. They were both hunters and there was time for formalities later.

He went back to his fishing. Snaking muzzle forward, he struck and pulled a salmon from the river. He bit doen hard until it no longer wiggled.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
the man had caught one with easy success it seemed. now shikoba isn't one for competition, but considering her title of Moonglow, she ought to be able to provide a polite example as to why she is first hunter and not anyone else. so with that, she sets herself to be determined to catch something today.

the water ripples grow smaller as they leave rodyn and come near her, though thankfully the salmon take little notice. a small school had found her legs and belly to be some sort of underwater architecture, as they swirl around her legs as if they were stone pillars holding up some beautiful building. 

but this building would come crashing down as the woman dives deep into the water with her head, completely submerging herself to grab ahold of something. feeling the intense and wicked slaps of the caudal fin against her cheek and throat, she knew she had caught ahold of something. the fish she pulled out is comparable in size to any other, though, with her smaller frame, it is easy to mistake her catch as being much bigger.

it flails about vigorously and the woman turns to lope back ashore. her gait is springy and light, despite the heavy bounty between her teeth. and after she gives a good crunch against the scaly animal, she waits to see if rodyn comes ashore too. her plume wags softly in patience.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was not one for competition. He knew the lure of it and he supposed he'd been competitive with Virien and Bula, but nothing major. He was not after first hunter. He simply wanted to carve out his own space and give back.

Rodyn was not one to submerge himself, but he found her tactic fun and decided he would try it next time. Her fish was large in her jaws.

Rodyn followed her to shore and gently lay the fish down. He waved his own russet tail again. With kind yellow eyes he offered a smile whilst averting his gaze and adjusting his posture. She was higher in the ranks than he.

Hello. I'm Rodyn. I don't belive we met, but I had the pleasure to hunt squirrel with Mojag.

Mojag had been originally searching for his tataa. Rodyn had managed to get him after a squirrel and saw him home. Though he had trailed behind, nervous as he hadn't been moonglow yet.

He could smell mojag on her. He should find the little hunter again.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
The large man introduces himself kindly, and after a vigorous shake to rid the excess water from her pelt, Shikoba does the same thing. She noticed his posture and aversion and felt pleased with the display. One may consider her as a bit of a traditionalist, but Shikoba has worked hard for her title and does not mind if others show their respect.

"Hello Rodyn," she says, his name surprisingly rolling off her tongue confidently, "I am Shikoba, sivullik to Moonglow." Now he may not be able to notice this, but the woman internally is doing a little happy dance. Her English has become much more fluent with her time spent with Kukutux and Mojag, completing a sentence with almost no mistakes was something worth celebrating to her.

"I have not seen Rodyn before, how long in Moonglow for?" She has been too invested in her personal affairs to take charge of her position. A tad embarrassing for her, as her pride grows within her work. She would have to become more present to make up for her lack of action due to the troubles with her husband.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn shook his own fur. Though he stepped a bit of a ways to the side. Not wishing to soak her through all over again.

Knowledge came into his eyes and he grinned warmly. First hunter. Moon woman said i should seek you out.

And she had. As of yet he had been unable to find her. Granted he'd been doing a lot of hunting out of thr pack lands. So he was pleased to have met her now.

Rodyn fowned in thought. A moon, maybe two. I've been hunting and learning the area. Had it really been a month or two. It had flown.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
Ah, not too long then it seems. Shikoba could give herself just a tad bit of slack then. As the man continues to speak, the woman would nod and hum every now and then to show she was listening. She was glad to know that another pair of capable jaws would be entering the hearth of the spine and help provide for the family. 

"Rodyn seems good with fish, but what else?" Here was an invitation for him to explain his skills, what he excelled in, and perhaps what he needed to work on. Soon enough caribou, deer, and other large prey would have to be stored for the winter caches. The native needed to know if Rodyn would be capable to assist.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn grew quiet. His story done for now. He liked the noises she made. He wondered at them, why she didn't answer. But it was clear she was listening. He liked his new found family. And he was proud to help where he could.

Rodyn grinned. I have hunted deer and fawns, many rabbits. I hunted moose with my family once or twice. It is usually easier to hunt the deer with more than one, but I can handle a fawn myself. I have fought in tandem and in groups. Moon woman has recently taught me to dry out the skins. I have the Scout Trade. Working on the hunting.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
he was quick to begin an explanation of his skills, and while shikoba prefers to stay away from the boastful voices, she has a hard time finding rodyn as such. she'd like to believe that he provides this information because it is helpful for Moonglow, not for his own ability to brag.

"when there is snow and the caribou return, moonglow needs more teeth to hunt." they've been without kigipigak and inutsuk for quite some time. despite the new faces that have joined and the old ones that have left, shikoba feels a tad worried. considering it was her duty to decide what is hunted and what is left, she'd prefer to have a team to work with, besides just her own conscience. "shikoba will need help from all." 

"maybe scouting helps find herd." a smile with the thought, she'd hope that whatever talents the man brings to the table would be overall useful to the entire pack. "can rodyn track?"
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't feel boastful, but he could certainly understand were someone to think he was. Though, he was merely answering a question asked. He wanted Shikoba to know that he would do his best to help her, and that he was skilled enough too.

I've never hunted Caribou, but i've always wanted to try. I would imagine it would be like Elk or Moose? Is it like that? I just hunted an Elk with a neighboring pack wolf, Astraios. I'll gladly help where I can.

He offered another tail wag. As he listened to her next words and question. He dipped his head in a yes.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
ah, good. this man had valuable talent. a pleased hum leaves her. shikoba knew enough on how to track, but it certainly would not hurt to brush up on her skills once again. she can follow in the sand, but the cold often can confuse her sniffer. perhaps rodyn may join her someday in the winter to see where herds travel.

but until then, she focuses on the moment of now. "similar," she says with a nod, "smaller than elk, but strong." caribou was still a great hunt, the hide for the ulaqs and the meat for storage. now that she thinks about it, she'd need to work more to ensure Mojag would have enough. his allergy to rabbit meat would be a hindrance to the other hunting jaws of Moonglow. 

"shikoba hopes mojag may learn to run with Moonglow, when time comes." she had high aspirations for her son, being the first hunter of Moonglow after all. she would expect her son to try his best, as she always does. "has rodyn met him, my son?"
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A small sense of bashfulness ripped through the youth. Rodyn was only 2, just into his 2nd year of adulthood, and though his family had praised and raised. They had not been as proud of him as all of Moonglow seemed to be. It was a nice feeling, being wanted and appreciated. And he supposed his mother and father had wanted him, appreciated his life, but his father had been quick to chase him out, and his mother quick to turn her face away. It was the way of things for the Autumn wolves, but it still felt bad, and hurt his esteem and drew sadness deep within.

Rodyn nodded his head with a smile. I met him before I was a pack mate. He was searching for something called a Taata, but he and I we hunted a squirrel instead. He was as pleased as punch and wanted to bring it home to Anaa, which I believe must be you?

He smiled at the memory. It was a special one to him. I saw him to the borders and then took my leave. I haven't seen him since.

HE realized with a drop of one ear, he hadn't seen the child. He would need to seek him out.

I will need to seek him out. Have him tell me of his hunting adventures since then.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
there is a ripple in the deepest chambers of her heart when she hears him mention the word taata. shikoba does a poor job of hiding her expressions and it would be clear to the young man that she visibly stiffened. her little son, who promised everything was alright in his world, had searched for his father.

the woman has felt confused in the many moons that have passed with the absence of inutsuk. she's not quite sure what to make of everything that has come to light, whether she is to discard his title and name, or if she is to wait and die hoping. 

"yes, I am anaa, mother. tataa, father, has... been missing" she confides to the younger man in a quiet voice. she almost feels embarrassed about this aspect of her struggling marriage, but perhaps rodyn would spare her a sliver of sympathy. "but, I am glad Mojag met Rodyn," she says with a more hopeful tone, "Mojag needs others in life, besides Anaa and cousins."

she could not expect this man to automatically accept a familiar role to her son, but just knowing that her son has other adults to look up to in a good manner was enough to please the mother. she looks to the fish for a moment. "will Rodyn go with Shikoba back to Moonglow? To store fish?"
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn realized a beat to late, that what he had to say, would cause the friendly she wolf distress. It was there, clear in the lines of her body and the sadness, and heaviness on her face. It bespoke of a trial she had been warring deep within, and his heart went out to her.

Rodyn's ears press to his skull. And if she would allow he would touch her briefly to convey his sorriness at the sadness of their conversation. I will be glad to help in anyway I can with Mojag. He's a bright young boy and I find his character fun. He is a sweet boy, and I bet you're proud of him. Rodyn wagged his tail, though his eyes still belied slight sadness at her predicament, it wasn't fair that she and Mojag would need to go through this.

Yes I will come back with you. He smiled and bent forward to grasp his fish. He would offer to carry hers, but knew she would not accept that. She was a first hunter, and seemed very proud of her role in Moonglow, and he would not seek to demean her in anyway, by offering help for something she would have preferred to do.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
okay i am obsessed with how sweet rodyn is :'D fade here? would love more threads with him <3 

his touch would be granted, and for a moment the woman would lean into him. kukutux must be heavy on the thoughts shikoba has, perhaps it was best to give moon woman a break from her all too reoccurring concerns.

as per his statement, shikoba nods her head softly. "yes, anaa very proud of mojag. I hope he is kind in life, like rodyn." she would only hope that this boy's parents would be proud of him, despite all that might have transpired between his time with them and now. but if they didn't, then shikoba would take on that role.

she would take up her catch if all was well and walk beside the young man on their way back home.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Aww thank you. <3 I tried to make him the opposite of all male toxicity lol. I love how Shikoba is harsh and yet so gentle. She is very well rounded and I will be glad to have threads with her and Rodyn :D 

Rodyn would gladly take the burden of self from her. He would offer whatever she needed to get her through. He didn't mind sharing the burden off of Moonwoman, for she was a good wolf all her own. Every wolf in Moonglow was, and he was proud to call it home.

Rodyn lay one ear down and one up, a embarrassed yet pleased expression on his face. He was no saint. He was certain he wasn't the greatest around, but he sure tried to be the kindest. Though he imagined his father would have found him too soft, and too kind. Though he liked to think his mother would be proud of the person he was.