Sun Mote Copse and your heartbeat is heard three rooms over
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
It was difficult to remain solemn and down-trodden, when Wraen saw Towhee's joy at meeting her two adopted children again. She did not say anything, giving the trio time to have their moment of reunion. Her own thoughts returned to Elfie. If these two had returned after few days of absence, there was still hope that the boy would find his way back home as well. There was no reason, why she and the rest of the Firebirds should not have the same happy event, as did the former Asterism Grove wolves. 

"What do you plan to do now?" she asked the two, when it felt right to interrupt. They were still adolescents and probably needed some support of the adults until spring - true - but this also meant that they could make their own decisions. "I can offer you a place in Firebirds ranks, if you wish to join, but I must warn you ahead of time - I cannot promise any miracles. We can and will help you to get on by as much as possibly, but any extras will depend on your hard work," better be harsh and honest from the get go than have disappointment later.
Messages In This Thread
and your heartbeat is heard three rooms over - by Dorea - November 22, 2019, 12:05 PM
RE: and your heartbeat is heard three rooms over - by Wraen - November 23, 2019, 06:27 PM
RE: and your heartbeat is heard three rooms over - by Towhee - November 25, 2019, 10:02 AM
RE: and your heartbeat is heard three rooms over - by Dorea - November 28, 2019, 11:56 PM
RE: and your heartbeat is heard three rooms over - by Wraen - December 14, 2019, 05:11 PM
RE: and your heartbeat is heard three rooms over - by Towhee - December 16, 2019, 12:02 PM
RE: and your heartbeat is heard three rooms over - by Dorea - December 16, 2019, 01:32 PM
RE: and your heartbeat is heard three rooms over - by Wraen - December 20, 2019, 05:38 PM
RE: and your heartbeat is heard three rooms over - by Towhee - December 21, 2019, 10:54 AM