Bonesplinter Ravine You've been out all night
239 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
All Welcome 

The Ravine. The last leg, and he'd found nothing. No one.

As surprising as it may have seemed, Arashi could admit that he was relieved. He was being a lazy bitch at this point, annoyed beyond reason. If not forced to deal with some wanderer or nearby pack, such a blessing would be gladly accepted.

An hour or two more, maybe. Then he'd return to report to Fury.

242 Posts
Ooc — Bees
small bones and other bits of scavenger junk long ago parted from their meat crunched beneath the mastiff's lumbering pawsteps.

a figure of earthly reds stood starkly against the pure white backdrop.

diesel paused. on her best days she could throw herself teeth first into any trouble, but poor hunting and a long journey wore her down into limp placidity.

a rough bark, repeated tenfold by the ravine's acoustics, announced the flat-faced bitch's presence.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Fury was also patrolling. There was so little time before her children would be born, and so after finding and securing a whelping den, she went to the Ravine. 

Deep, angular and jutting, dangerous. But her paws slowly came to remember it as she picked across the barely-wide-enough ridges. 
Her eye caught Arashi, then the Fawny colored Bitch from all the way in the Taiga.

The rough bark was met on Diesels opposite side by a feral, bestial snarl and fully bared teeth getting way too close.
The pregnancy wouldn't stop her from lunging at Diesel's hocks, aiming quick fangs for the dog's closest hind leg. 
The effort was to injure and maim, to rend and shred and break- hinder the use of the leg she was going for. 

This brazen bitch wouldn't be leaving the valley of the Strath any time soon if Fury had anything to say about it. Let alone the Ravine. 

Imprisonment of the dog was preferred, but she'd kill her no problem if it came down to it.
Fury is in peak condition
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Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
239 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

Near to give in a retreat from the ravine, a deep and heavyset bark sharpened his attention.

So there was someone here. Frankly, it surprised him.. considering how silent it had been thus far.

Another sound came shortly after. 

Fury had arrived. And she was in a defensive mood.

Quicker than any questioning could ensue, the pale Warchief lunged for the flat faced canine.

Arashi needed no beckon, nor order to aid. He was blatantly eager, and it showed.

Summoning a crude snarl, the hound sharply turned toward the path leading for brawn pair. Darkly fur flew by the intruder's sight, not-so pearly white teeth aiming directly for the nape. If Fury intended to grapple with her hocks, then he would go for the primary defense she had. Her teeth. 

242 Posts
Ooc — Bees
amazing how quickly things could go tits up.

her call had barely finished reverberating the last time, when a bestial snarl sounded behind the unprepared dog. her head spun around to see a freight train of white fur and rough, pink scars charge at her, eyes blazing like headlights.

in a matter of seconds, diesel's face was claimed by confusion, quickly giving way to triggered anger, which melted off her wrinkles like a cube of butter dropped into a hot pan.

the word "you" shaped itself on her lips, but had no time to leave the confines of her mouth when dear old scarface lunged at her hindlegs.

no sooner did the former soldier of mereo leap forward to dodge that attack, that she collided with another strong body ahead of herself. her head whipped around to see the earthen figure had approached with intent to join the fight on the white wolf's side, and its white teeth snapped at her face, biting but never finding enough purchase to tear. diesel's maws snapped too, but her attention was torn from one threat to another, so that she could never focus on one for long enough to cause discouraging damage. 

the odds were overwhelmingly against her, but still the auxiliary struggled and fought, her jowls flapping and saliva whipping out her mouth, desperate for even a second of freedom that'd allow her to run.

>hi! for the sake of continuity, i ask that nothing extremely major (imprisonment, permanently crippling injury) happens to diesel ^^
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Fury missed her mark, teeth clicking audibly on air just as Arashi joined in, going for the face. 
The dog struggled against them both, obviously trying to find enough room to run.

Fine then. Let the chase ensue.
The Saint would bite for Diesel's rump, snapping and tearing in an effort to get the bitch to gather the balls to push past one of them so she could run for her life. 

Because if Fury caught her, she'd rip our her tongue to ensure Diesel couldn't tattle on their location. The last thing they needed here was another damned war.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
242 Posts
Ooc — Bees
the snapping of teeth, the tangling of limbs and the colliding of bodies brought back memories of the streets and brawls fought between strays over overturned garbage cans. it made her heart pump blood in a way that pushed out the fear, leaving her running on adrenaline and instinct.

when the desired moment of freedom, the miniscule opening, showed itself, the bitch sprang past the red he-wolf, circled the white she-wolf and ran, ran, ran forwards and towards the opening of the ravine. 

she ran, but a part of her knew her stocky, short-snouted kind was not made for sprinting. already she was snorting, struggling to breathe, but she knew knew knew, despite not knowing what she did to invoke her ire, that this time the scarred cunt would not let her get out alive.

shit shit shit shit
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
The dog sprang past Arashi at first opportunity, and made to run past Fury too. 
The Warchieftain gave immediate chase, gaining on Diesel fast faster faster and incoming.

The snowy alpha snapped at Diesel's heels, hearing her struggle to breathe as she tried to outrun them wolves at her ankles.

Giving one last burst to her sprint, Fury aimed her fangs on Diesel's leg in an effort to trip her. If this succeeded, Fury would then like lightning descend upon the dog with savage fangs aimed at the face, aimed at silencing the mouth of the intruder as much as possible. 

If she failed though, she would keep chasing until Diesel gave out, and then deliver wrath without mercy.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
242 Posts
Ooc — Bees

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: graphic violence and description of injury 

shit shit shit shit

with each beat of her heart the dog put power into her legs, struggling against the peculiar anatomy of her breathing canals. yet, the distance between she and those who, for reasons she'd decided to ponder later, made of her a quarry and victim, grew no larger.

diesel was no coward. she was a child of violence, muzzled and corrected at an early age, still turned feral by life beyond the reach of her masters. she sought the snapping of teeth and roars of anger as if they were the grandest of songs, and all the training beneath the tutelage of the imperator of mereo only made of her a more cocksure fighter - and still she knew this would be nothing like the spars with her brothers-in-arms nor the brawls of her youth. 

she was made puplike and dwarfish before the might of the white wolf.

she hated herself for that. for the natural order of things, which put her cousins above herself in the food chain. a proud thought struck her, that she should turn and face those that snapped at her heels. even so, in the finely crushed purée of her brain she knew that would make of her an open-throated corpse, to join the other remains which crunched and snapped beneath her feet (and twice as loud beneath the paws of her pursuers).

and so it was that she was mid-leap, the exit to the ravine wide and inviting before her eyes, when the scarfaced wolf-bitch's teeth found her left hindleg, and outstretched she fell into the snow, in a way that knocked the air out her lungs.

and then the wolf was upon her.

diesel fought, of course. with mixed desperation and indignatious rage she bit and clawed and pushed, yet the bulk of the beast seemed impervious. in her attempts to protect her neck, her vitals, she only left the true target unguarded. when scarface's jaws clamped down on her cheek from the fleshy inside and the loose outside, the bitch nearly blacked out with pain.

and that was even before she began to tear.

the agony she felt diesel would remember for the remainder of her days, and would miss the draping flesh of her jowls and those two morals dug out, thinking herself more beautiful once, before her yellowed teeth gleamed from an open cheek.

the warchief's countenance was red by the end of it, her victim's glistening dark and sticky with blood. diesel rasped, and blood bubbled forth from her ruined face.

the loose flesh which decorated her muzzle, the left side of it at least, was torn off, revealing the row of redwash bottom teeth, two of which were now missing. the dog could not tell where warm blood began and searing pain ended, each pump trough her body making her face throb worse than the last.

her eyes were misty, wet.

"flees." it was a brooklike and incomprehensible sound, what her voice was reduced to. "flees." she repeated, but nothing followed the plea, for the speaker herself was no longer able to think clear enough to come up with her terms of surrender.

the blood made a serrated, crimson halo about her head.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Fury succeeded in her grab, and quickly descended upon the dog with ferocity and malice. 
Diesel was wise to defend her throat, but Fury grinned over her bared teeth at the unguarded, ugly face, where she made it even uglier by tearing skin and muscle from its place upon Diesel's mouth. 

Cheek tissue was ripped away without care, taking two teeth with it. 

Fury wished with bloodthirst to continue, to finish the dog off there and then. But a cruel part of her also wished to drag Diesel to the borders and make her live with the reality of her error. 

Blood haloed Diesel's head, and Fury ultimately decided to give enough pity to her intruder to aim rough yet oddly careful teeth for Diesel's nape. Assuming the dog didn't try to fight her again and make things difficult, Fury intended to, over the course of time, drag Diesel from the Ravine, from the Strath as well, and drop the disfigured-faced dog somewhere within the vastness of the Cedar Sweep.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
242 Posts
Ooc — Bees
diesel had gone limp, drifting in and out of unconsciousness. she could no longer feel her face, instead having been overtaken by a numbness which only served to make her more disoriented. the former street dog made no movements with which she would obstruct the scarred wolf's rough handling of the intruder. her thoughts were barely coherent enough to comprehend what was happening. for a moment, she even thought it was her mother carrying her so roughly by the nape.

after she was deposited within the forest, it took her several hours to stir awake, by which time the woods were engulfed in a thick darkness.

she thought it all a dream, until she tasted the clots of congealed blood, and felt such a deep hatred within her breast she thought to run back and face the one who did her in so.

instead, she headed east.

that's it for me. @Arashi and Fury feel free to do whatever you want with this thread pre or post timeskip, ty greatly for making my ugly puppy even uglier <3