Dragoncrest Cliffs éternité
779 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
Read Only 
for @Ravin and @Chantale <3 I don't see a roll for Chantale so go on over to this thread and do yer rolls :D

Two more children had yet to receive their pearls, though their contemporaries had had their celebration a month ago. Ravin had returned and been welcomed back into their fold, though she knew now he likely grieved for the disappearance of his sister who had been lost at sea. Chantale too had experienced the dangers of the ocean that occasionally found their way onto the land. Chacal was grateful that it had not been one of the more deadly jellyfish that had stung her, but knew that her recovery would be painful nonetheless.

It was an important day for them; she called for any who wished to witness the ceremony, though it was normal for some ceremonies to be more modest in nature, especially while grieving or during healing. Suzu had come to witness, always keen to see what colours were found in the oysters that were harvested and to know what they meant. Tousaint approached as well, his cunning gaze curious to know if any might find a finer pearl than his. @Mireille as always had helped Chacal gather the shells, and she invited @Val to oversee the procedure as well, as their Aventurine.

"Ravin an' Chantale,
de day 'as come for you as well,
to pry open your oyster shell
an' see what de sea will tell."

She began.

"T'ree oysters you choose, opened one at a time,
until deep within, a pearl you find.
Show it to de pack an' I will tell you
de meaning of your pearl, an' 'ow it will guide you."
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
Watching you with those eyes
39 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
ravin cracked open his first oyster. it was empty. he moved onto his second which revealed a small and crimson red pearl. he had to stifle a gasp at its beauty. As chacal instructed, he showed his small beauty to the pack. he looked on with sadness though, wishing astera was here
18 Posts
Ooc — box
If you asked Chantale, she was doing great. Sure, she still had the occasional tremors, and random spurts of pain. And when she ran her nose across her fur, she could feel feathering, raised lines across the skin. But she was fine.

She stood proud beside the boy, tipping her head up and giving a shark toothed grin to her auntie. While Ravin went straight in for the oysters, Chantale stared at them for a while, willing them to show her exactly the destiny she wanted.

Shark, shark, shark.

Then, she set to cracking.

Nothing in the first, and she chucked the shell over her shoulder.

Nothing in the second, and Chantale watched Ravin present the red pearl with a distinct curl to her lip.

The third she savaged, only to inhale the pearl inside by accident. A choke, a cough, and she spat the small, black thing onto the sand.

Shark! She willed as she hoisted it high, gleaming between her incisors, taking no care to not swallow it again.
Chantale speaks only in Haitian Creole, she understands English but as she is a little shit, she will not speak it unless she feels it’s necessary. When she does, she has a very thick Creole accent.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
900 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chantale and ravin received their pearls today. mireille helped her sister to oversee this. once more they gathered, once more two children cracked the oysters. ravin procured a bright red orb from the throat of his second shellfish, and mireille craned her neck to see its brilliant hue.
chantale garnered her attention then; the determined snapping of shells and the subsequent choking had her coming forward in a step, but chantale then recovered — and with a black pearl!
mireille did not think she had seen either of these colors before, and glanced to chacal in wonder before offering a grin to both the children.
"If you mess with my family, you mess with me"
169 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
just a cameo to save him from the checker
Theo watched the young get their pearls
Loves his family. Very sweet boy but can get really defensive and protective over his loved ones. Very caring but also an ambitious hunter and fighter.
779 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
This ceremony would never grow old, in Chacal's mind. There were many colours that the pearls could be, and yet she was beginning to notice that some colours were more common than others. She liked this, though- it linked two wolves together, when they became the keeper of the same pearl colour.

Ravin found his pearl in his second oyster, and while it was tiny, it was a fierce red colour. For Chantale came the mysterious black pearl, one that shone in spite of its dark colour. She approached each child with a warm smile.

"Ravin, you be de keeper of de red pearl,
dis hue indicates one who is strong, brave and willful,
it means as a leader, you might be skillful.
De size means you 'ave much loyalty in you;
to your pack, Sapphique, you be true."

She strode to Chantale, smiling faintly- she was relieved the girl had ended up coughing the pearl up, otherwise...It would have been a slightly different reveal in the end.

"Chantale, youo be de keeper of de black pearl.
dis hue means you be wise, independent an' sure-
it means you be mysterious an' capable in nature.
De size means you too 'ave much loyalty in you;
to your pack, Sapphique, you be true."

And thus, both Pebbles became pearls, each with the own treasure.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.