Dragoncrest Cliffs This sadness it comes in waves
Gentle doesn't mean weak
856 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Etienne had moved on with his life. He missed the family he had lost, like a constant dull ache, but his manman missed them more. So he had determined, that he would push on. He'd get through the heartache, because other's needed to grieve harder. Would he think of them fondly, oh always. But for now. He was making himself useful. A hug when other's felt like crying. Medicine and healing and movements.

He was no fool, he also knew that he was a man. And Men were not thought of as kindly in Sapphique even if they were born to it. It was the way of things. Oh his family loved him, but he would never be as important as Suzu. So he simply worked hard to carve out a place that was just for him. To listen to the more sophisticated gender and do what was needed when it was needed.

Sandy swept paws, moved through the grains of sand. As he searched for seaweed and treasures that the sea would give them. It was near her, that he felt the most calm. The loud vibrations from the ocean were not hard on his mind and ears or his body. No they were more calming than the vibrations he felt from the earth, from his family. Ears twitched and turned and he stopped a brief moment to look out over the sea, a bundle of different colored seaweed at his feet, mindful of the red ones that could hurt.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
861 Posts
Ooc — ebony
sapphique recovered, albeit slowly.
her nephew was growing. she saw how he watched over his baby sisters as well as dedicated himself to his duties along the border. and so she drew closer with a fond expression, saying nothing as she was often quiet these days, but nudging his shoulder.
exchanging a grin with him, mireille moved off into the sea, wading until the foam touched her shoulders. here she often thought of her mother, and today was no different.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
856 Posts
Ooc — Danni
As always the world continued to revolve. Duties continued to be done and wolves continued to leave. IT was as if they were all disconnected a bit from the tragedies now that had befallen their gentle coast and sandy shores.

He thought briefly of Chani and Chiro and was about to turn and head back to his manman when he crossed paths with his matant Mireille. A nudge to his shoulder and he returned a soft whine in answer. He watched her with golden eyes.

He followed behind her, too letting the cold of the ocean lay them both bear. It pressed against him, swelling and stirring. And it made his chest tighten. Granme Erzulie had loved the ocean.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
861 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille said nothing, only drew eti in closer for this strong communion with the sea.
"erzulie believed dat t'ere be lwa in t'ese waters. in de worl'. listening spirits." she sniffed a little. "i t'ink sobo knew about dem too."
were they to know, after all? was it theirs to know?
Gentle doesn't mean weak
856 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti was near her and then against her and a soft sigh and sniffle curled from his maw and throat. Though his ears perked forward as his auntie began to speak.

I don't know of dem. 'er didn't get to teac' me, but I can feel de vibrations of de ground and of all of you. Is dat w'at you be meanin?

He thought of the way it hurt to have his family sad. How loud noises hurt his ears. How the silence is what helped ot keep him calm. He didn't know if this was just a condition of him personally or if meant more, but well it had always been there.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
861 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille nodded after a moment's consideration. "dat must be, eti. how long have you felt like dis?" it was easy to focus upon this, upon this potential of magick when sapphique had lost so much.
"what does it feel like?" the obsidian murmured a moment later, gaze drifting back to the eternal ocean.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
856 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti moved away from her shy for a moment, unsure. He just thought he was broken. As long as I can remember. Loud noises 'ave always be 'urting me. And I can always tell w'en someone is upset.

He frowned in thought. Like a rumble in my paws and in my 'eart. I can tell w'en a storm is coming by the way the ground moves, and w'en you is all 'urtin' I can feel it or at least usually guess w'at emotion it be.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
861 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille nodded quietly. "dat be it, den."
interesting that maman had passed down her skills to this one, the child who resembled her.
she put an arm around his shoulders. "do t'ese t'ings say anytin' else?" about her mother. about her brother. about sapphique itself.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
856 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne was uncomfortable. Felt that his matant, only wanted to drill him. To find out how she could use what he knew to better Sapphique and a small piece of him broke further. But he said nothing, simply smiled.

When would they love him just for him? not for what he could do? Or how he could help? Or that he looked like granme. He knew that he was a boy and they were not thought of as much as the girls, but.

He forced the thoughts away and focused on what his auntie had asked. No Matant. Just feelin's and the ground vibrations. Dat be all. I'm sorry.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
861 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille shook her head. "never sorry, sea urchin," she chuckled aloud. "come on. i bet i can fin' a treatie for you."
erzulie, in that moment, smiling her cinnamon-edged smile upon them both.
a wind caught at her fur, tugging it.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
856 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He smiled, though his heart still felt heavy, possibly heavier than it had. Okay.

He bounded after her, a small laugh in his maw. Trying to push the thoughts away from his head. There was time to ruminate on the at a different time.