October 06, 2018, 02:39 PM
Breath ragged and paws sore, the mountain of a wolf looked over the plateau with a tiresome gaze; amber eyes falling to the spot that marked the border of Easthollow in the distance. He was home. Greyback had gone off and looked for Morningside after the mysterious fire, only to learn they had fled north in haste to escape. Finding them had not been easy for the older wolf, neither had receiving the news their leaders had vanished and their pack was falling apart...
Walking downwards across the meadow and letting the grass part before and beneath his body sent chills down the man's cool fur. Winter had been tickling the end of Autumn for the past month as he traveled, laying fresh snow on the ground and kicking in the response for a denser coat of fur. Now slightly larger than before, Greyback looked well fed and round like a bear before hibernation. His figure was easily see able against the dead backdrop of dying grass and overcast skies.
He crossed the border without a care, knowing this was his home. In his jaws hung the lithe body of a black hare, fat itself like him from the weather. He had caught it on the way back as a gift for @Valette upon returning- though it wasn't just because she might be hungry.
He set the hare gently in the grass and lifted his head upward to let out a long, almost ululating howl to signal his arrival.
Walking downwards across the meadow and letting the grass part before and beneath his body sent chills down the man's cool fur. Winter had been tickling the end of Autumn for the past month as he traveled, laying fresh snow on the ground and kicking in the response for a denser coat of fur. Now slightly larger than before, Greyback looked well fed and round like a bear before hibernation. His figure was easily see able against the dead backdrop of dying grass and overcast skies.
He crossed the border without a care, knowing this was his home. In his jaws hung the lithe body of a black hare, fat itself like him from the weather. He had caught it on the way back as a gift for @Valette upon returning- though it wasn't just because she might be hungry.
He set the hare gently in the grass and lifted his head upward to let out a long, almost ululating howl to signal his arrival.
October 07, 2018, 03:48 AM
Valette had quite something to think about after talking with Ira. She had been very clear about what she thought about her father. Greyback wasn't returning. Valette didn't want to believe it but then again, the men in her life didn't give her a good track record. Her father, her brother, Reek, Mason, and Ezekiel all left at one point. Steady died so she didn't count that one but also a male she lost.
She was extremely worried for Greyback's safety but also an added worry if he was going to leave Easthollow. Valette would be extremely disappointed if he would never return. She was lounging with her children when she heard the howl. Instantly she jumped up and all her worries were forgotten. She rushed towards the howl, her heart leaping and beating excitedly. He was back!
Valette came running from the forest out on the plains towards the large shape that was approaching. Greyback looked even bigger, maybe she was mistaken. She ran faster now her eyes had locked down on him. "You're back!" she called out once she was closer and needed to start to brake. She pushed her paws into the ground and managed to brake fairly well. She instantly came up to greet him. She couldn't help herself and pushed her face in his fluffy mane. "You're back," she whispered more to herself in realization.
She realized that her greeting might have been a bit excessive. But then again, she didn't think he would return after talking to Ira. Guilt was getting to her a bit as she thought of Steady. With a flush on her cheek she pulled back and battered her hazel green eyes at him. He was really back. She kind of wanted to bury her face in that fluffy fur again. She missed special contact, that more intimate contact with someone. Was it bad that she was searching for that with another? She pushed those thoughts away again. No. Stark. "How dare you stay away so long!! I thought something happened and then Ira said you wouldn't come back! And— I was just worried," she admitted.
She was extremely worried for Greyback's safety but also an added worry if he was going to leave Easthollow. Valette would be extremely disappointed if he would never return. She was lounging with her children when she heard the howl. Instantly she jumped up and all her worries were forgotten. She rushed towards the howl, her heart leaping and beating excitedly. He was back!
Valette came running from the forest out on the plains towards the large shape that was approaching. Greyback looked even bigger, maybe she was mistaken. She ran faster now her eyes had locked down on him. "You're back!" she called out once she was closer and needed to start to brake. She pushed her paws into the ground and managed to brake fairly well. She instantly came up to greet him. She couldn't help herself and pushed her face in his fluffy mane. "You're back," she whispered more to herself in realization.
She realized that her greeting might have been a bit excessive. But then again, she didn't think he would return after talking to Ira. Guilt was getting to her a bit as she thought of Steady. With a flush on her cheek she pulled back and battered her hazel green eyes at him. He was really back. She kind of wanted to bury her face in that fluffy fur again. She missed special contact, that more intimate contact with someone. Was it bad that she was searching for that with another? She pushed those thoughts away again. No. Stark. "How dare you stay away so long!! I thought something happened and then Ira said you wouldn't come back! And— I was just worried," she admitted.

October 07, 2018, 09:36 AM

After howling Greyback looked feverishly at the tree line and meadow around him. Would Valette appear first? If so - where? He kept still as he waited, his tail wagging slightly with anticipation. It was only when he saw the chocolate brown figure emerged from the treeline of the forest that he stopped and looked up, his eyes wide with awe.
Not being able to contain himself, he broke into a trot; his heart beat fast as he watched her sprint towards him with energy. It had been so long, and it was then that Greyback noticed how much he had missed her. Perhaps more than one should between friends...
"You're back!"
The cry of the alpha caught on Greyback's ears and he quickly perked them. He knew it was a statement. He opened his mouth to reply back but was caught off guard by the weight in his fur and the warmth against him. Everything froze around him as he became aware of the situation. Valette was hugging him!
Greyback lowered his head down, silver fur lightly pressing into her as he rested his face against her shoulder blades; his cold nose prodding her fur. It had been so long since he had contact like this, and he missed it deeply. With his jaws parted, he gave a lick to the fur of her shoulder as she whispered in repeat.
"I'm back," He replied just as softly before pulling away as she did. He smiled down at her, his amber peach eyes meeting her hazel ones. They were beautiful he thought as she battered them at him. Was something in her eye? He couldn't help but lean forward and press another lick to the crown of her head before her words.
"How dare you stay away so long!! I thought something happened and then Ira said you wouldn't come back! And— I was just worried,"
He rose his brows and looked wide-eyed at her for a few seconds, not knowing if he was in trouble or not. She seemed upset, but as she continued to talk she confessed she was worried. All shock disappeared from the man's face as she confessed that. He was embarrassed he made her worry, even more so to cause her to think something happened. Ira was also another surprise. They had been talking...and she told Valette that he wouldn't come back?
Greyback shook his head and let out a deep chuckle. "I'm sorry Valette. Some issues came up while traveling but..., listen?" He lowered his head so he could see more of her face, or perhaps that she could see his. "I'll always come back— you have my word."
Not being able to contain himself, he broke into a trot; his heart beat fast as he watched her sprint towards him with energy. It had been so long, and it was then that Greyback noticed how much he had missed her. Perhaps more than one should between friends...
"You're back!"
The cry of the alpha caught on Greyback's ears and he quickly perked them. He knew it was a statement. He opened his mouth to reply back but was caught off guard by the weight in his fur and the warmth against him. Everything froze around him as he became aware of the situation. Valette was hugging him!
Greyback lowered his head down, silver fur lightly pressing into her as he rested his face against her shoulder blades; his cold nose prodding her fur. It had been so long since he had contact like this, and he missed it deeply. With his jaws parted, he gave a lick to the fur of her shoulder as she whispered in repeat.
"I'm back," He replied just as softly before pulling away as she did. He smiled down at her, his amber peach eyes meeting her hazel ones. They were beautiful he thought as she battered them at him. Was something in her eye? He couldn't help but lean forward and press another lick to the crown of her head before her words.
"How dare you stay away so long!! I thought something happened and then Ira said you wouldn't come back! And— I was just worried,"
He rose his brows and looked wide-eyed at her for a few seconds, not knowing if he was in trouble or not. She seemed upset, but as she continued to talk she confessed she was worried. All shock disappeared from the man's face as she confessed that. He was embarrassed he made her worry, even more so to cause her to think something happened. Ira was also another surprise. They had been talking...and she told Valette that he wouldn't come back?
Greyback shook his head and let out a deep chuckle. "I'm sorry Valette. Some issues came up while traveling but..., listen?" He lowered his head so he could see more of her face, or perhaps that she could see his. "I'll always come back— you have my word."
October 07, 2018, 01:35 PM
Such wonderful Artwork, I can't say it enough <3
Valette couldn't believe that as she stood before Greyback that she still felt the licks tingling after the male gave them to her. She could feel the fuzzy tingles on her shoulder, and on top of her head where he had licked her again. She could feel her face heat up but that wouldn't show on the outside, that was a convenience.
Valette almost wanted to think that he looked rather cute when he was shocked, but that quickly left his face when she had admitted that she had been worried. She dipped her head, though she could only hear Ira's words. He had left before, and he would do it again. Valette was glad that she could prove Greyback's daughter wrong. Valette told her that she believed in Greyback's return. Then why had she so much trouble believing his promise?
However, when she looked into his amber colored eyes she wanted to believe him. She was quite soft-hearted. She just nodded in response. "Good to know," she just verbally confirmed. The chocolate female wanted to bury her face against his fur again. She couldn't forget how soft that hug felt. She realized how much she craved this type of attention. She had been continuously working and making sure her children were fed or learning something. None of that contact was what she felt now.
The female cleared her throat. "What kind of issues came up?," she asked then. "And.. what about our allies? Are they alright?" Valette hoped they were but then again, maybe Greyback didn't find them. Oh boy, then she would have to mourn so many friends. She looked slightly anxious at the verdict. He didn't smell burned or smoky. Maybe there wasn't even anything wrong with them. She was eager to hear about his travels.

October 08, 2018, 02:28 PM
you know....for tension
Since the departure of her father, Ira had taken up some of the patrols around the border so Valette could tend to other matters. She too would heard the howl, but would take a bit longer to get to the male's location. By the time she reached the clearing she noticed her Alpha bolting out to greet him in an overly eager manner. Her eyes narrowed as Grey dipped down to return the embrace, and found herself retreating a few paces back into the undergrowth of the forest.
I suppose now history repeats itself...
Ira waited a few more moments to see how the scene would pan out, but would ultimately leave with a hard huff through her nose for their own privacy and the lack of desire for her fears to be confirmed.
I suppose now history repeats itself...
Ira waited a few more moments to see how the scene would pan out, but would ultimately leave with a hard huff through her nose for their own privacy and the lack of desire for her fears to be confirmed.
October 13, 2018, 10:22 PM
sorry for late reply!
"What kind of issues came up? And.. what about our allies? Are they alright?"
Greyback listened as Valette cleared her throat and asked her questions. Morningside, right. The man couldn't help but let a out a sigh and shake his head at the situation. "I'm afraid Morningside is not well," 'not well' was an understatement; more like it was on the brink of collapse.
Greyback thought about his long journey to them, and the wolves he had met; the overall aura that surrounded them was vivid within his mind. "The fire had eaten away their lands, It's all ash and charred land now. They reside north of us- Phoenix Maplewood if I remember correctly." He responded, concern deeply embedded in his words. He wondered if Valette knew of the place. She was a scout after all.
He waited for her to reply, knowing that it would be a lot to take in. "They will not last much longer. Their alphas have vanished and all of the health that remains is pups- pups, Valette!" Greyback looked at her with a worried expression. He always had a soft spot for young ones. Imagining them without parents pained him greatly. At least his own had a sire. "They don't have any mothers, and their warriors and medic are badly wounded."
Greyback backed up and paced around to settle his mind, a habit that had stuck with him throughout his life.
October 16, 2018, 07:46 AM
Valette was clueless about Ira seeing her with Greyback and if she would have known that Greyback's daughter was watching, she would not have cared how it might have looked. Because at this moment she was just so happy to have him back safely. Greyback quickly got to the point. Morningside was not being alright at all. "Oh no!" Valette looked worried about her friends. They suffered so much already.
"Phoenix! I know where that is. I've lived there when I was little. My mother lies buried there," she spoke. It was a good home to have. They would be alright there with the prey and the nutritious lands. She wanted to relax but Greyback still looked tense, plus, his voice was layered with deep concern. She wanted to ask if there was more but he already continued. The news was bad. The alpha's left. What about Dawn? And no adults in good shape to hunt. Oh no, those poor children!!
Valette's mother instinct instantly overwhelmed her. She would adopt them instantly. "Oh no! I should go there right away and offer Easthollow as their home," she spoke without hesitation. They had good working wolves and since her own young ones were more independent she could take care of some more. "We will take them in," she added. "Will they disband? We can offer a home for adults as well." Damn, she realized that it would have been wise for her to travel to Morningside to make those decisions instantly.
"Did you tell them you would return?" If Greyback promised he would be back for the pups then she might go in his place since he looked worn from traveling. Why didn't he take the pups with him this instant? Maybe they wouldn't want to come. Valette took a quick sigh to calm herself down. "Thank you for telling me, Greyback. I'm glad you are back safely. I will go myself and will bring as many refugees as I can," she spoke decisively.
"Phoenix! I know where that is. I've lived there when I was little. My mother lies buried there," she spoke. It was a good home to have. They would be alright there with the prey and the nutritious lands. She wanted to relax but Greyback still looked tense, plus, his voice was layered with deep concern. She wanted to ask if there was more but he already continued. The news was bad. The alpha's left. What about Dawn? And no adults in good shape to hunt. Oh no, those poor children!!
Valette's mother instinct instantly overwhelmed her. She would adopt them instantly. "Oh no! I should go there right away and offer Easthollow as their home," she spoke without hesitation. They had good working wolves and since her own young ones were more independent she could take care of some more. "We will take them in," she added. "Will they disband? We can offer a home for adults as well." Damn, she realized that it would have been wise for her to travel to Morningside to make those decisions instantly.
"Did you tell them you would return?" If Greyback promised he would be back for the pups then she might go in his place since he looked worn from traveling. Why didn't he take the pups with him this instant? Maybe they wouldn't want to come. Valette took a quick sigh to calm herself down. "Thank you for telling me, Greyback. I'm glad you are back safely. I will go myself and will bring as many refugees as I can," she spoke decisively.

October 16, 2018, 09:52 AM
Greyback relaxed as Valette explained they would take Morningside wolves in. He was glad that he could count on her for sharing his same empathy for others, and was thrilled that she knew where Phoenix Maplewood was. It had taken him a while to find the place due to his poor tracking skills but he had hope that Valette would make it there and back within a short time.
As it dawned on him, Greyabck realized he would have to tell the others of her absence if she was going right away. How many days would she be gone? Greyback had only returned, and while it was selfish for him to want to spend time with her he knew that this was far greater than him and respected that- but the small disappointment still remained in his chest.
"Alya Ostrega was the one who proposed the idea of merging, you should find her," he replied, remembering the tall, lithe black wolf with vivid blue eyes.
"Thank you for telling me, Greyback. I'm glad you are back safely. I will go myself and will bring as many refugees as I can,"
As Valette thanked him he gave her a smile. "I am glad to be back. I only hope that you return quickly so that I may talk to you."
As it dawned on him, Greyabck realized he would have to tell the others of her absence if she was going right away. How many days would she be gone? Greyback had only returned, and while it was selfish for him to want to spend time with her he knew that this was far greater than him and respected that- but the small disappointment still remained in his chest.
"Alya Ostrega was the one who proposed the idea of merging, you should find her," he replied, remembering the tall, lithe black wolf with vivid blue eyes.
"Thank you for telling me, Greyback. I'm glad you are back safely. I will go myself and will bring as many refugees as I can,"
As Valette thanked him he gave her a smile. "I am glad to be back. I only hope that you return quickly so that I may talk to you."
October 16, 2018, 10:43 AM
As would turn out later, Valette would not instantly go, as the next day she would find out that her mate vanished. However, now the female didn't know yet. Hence why she wanted to prepare for her travels to Morningside. However, something stopped her. "Alya? I know that name," she spoke out loud and then frowned. "Was there a Nikai as well, that met you?" Instantly she had to think of Nikai. She hadn't heard of him in awhile maybe they were together. But the fire? How? All those questions and Greyback couldn't answer them. She had to go there to find out.
Valette kept her eyes on Greyback for a bit longer. "I will not be away for too long," she spoke. "Something specific you want to talk to me about?" she questioned. She knew that after Aerasha's comments they hadn't really talked about that. Not even a 'haha she is so funny by making such jokes'. So what if she had been seeing right through? Then again, she didn't want to jump to conclusions.
Valette kept her eyes on Greyback for a bit longer. "I will not be away for too long," she spoke. "Something specific you want to talk to me about?" she questioned. She knew that after Aerasha's comments they hadn't really talked about that. Not even a 'haha she is so funny by making such jokes'. So what if she had been seeing right through? Then again, she didn't want to jump to conclusions.

October 17, 2018, 02:50 PM
(This post was last modified: October 17, 2018, 02:51 PM by Greyback.)
"Was there a Nikai as well, that met you?"
Greyback focused on Valette's frown, his own appearing soon after. Nikai? He stayed silent as the tried to remember the wolves that appeared on his journey. There was Desdemona, Alya, and a female that appeared to be Alya's sister. He didn't know of her name. "There was some wolf who appeared to be related to Alya, but other than that i'm afraid not." He confessed, his head dipping.
Why did Valette frown before asking of the wolf, did they have history? He wanted to comment on it but he was afraid it wasn't his place. Instead, he left it be. He was glad Valette wouldn't be gone for too long; like her, he found himself worried for her safety and wished for her to come back in one piece and quickly.
"Something specific you want to talk to me about?"
Oh. Now? Greyback swallowed, his throat dry. He hadn't expected to talk about it now. He only stated he wanted to talk after Valette's return because he needed time to think it through. "Well, um.... you see," The man looked away in shyness for a second before focusing back on her. "I wanted to ask if you would like to spend some time together. Maybe go for a...walk?" Greyback's voice pitched into a hesitated question at the last word. "-If you're comfortable, that is." He corrected.
Greyback focused on Valette's frown, his own appearing soon after. Nikai? He stayed silent as the tried to remember the wolves that appeared on his journey. There was Desdemona, Alya, and a female that appeared to be Alya's sister. He didn't know of her name. "There was some wolf who appeared to be related to Alya, but other than that i'm afraid not." He confessed, his head dipping.
Why did Valette frown before asking of the wolf, did they have history? He wanted to comment on it but he was afraid it wasn't his place. Instead, he left it be. He was glad Valette wouldn't be gone for too long; like her, he found himself worried for her safety and wished for her to come back in one piece and quickly.
"Something specific you want to talk to me about?"
Oh. Now? Greyback swallowed, his throat dry. He hadn't expected to talk about it now. He only stated he wanted to talk after Valette's return because he needed time to think it through. "Well, um.... you see," The man looked away in shyness for a second before focusing back on her. "I wanted to ask if you would like to spend some time together. Maybe go for a...walk?" Greyback's voice pitched into a hesitated question at the last word. "-If you're comfortable, that is." He corrected.
October 17, 2018, 05:00 PM
Valette looked thoughtful for a moment. Nikai and her weren't related, they had been lovers. Valette frowned. "Strange," she spoke. "Nikai left Easthollow to be with her." She felt a bit sick. The worry was rising. "Oh I told him not to travel with a bad leg," she spoke more to herself. Maybe something happened to her. Valette disliked that idea. Then two of her adoptive children would have died younger than her. She looked at Greyback and realized he probably had no clue who she was talking about. "Nikai was my adoptive son. He and his sister Keoni are the two pups Steady and I raised together. In fact, us raising them brought Steady and me closer." Another snippet of her history. "Keoni already passed," she spoke, looking rather miserable. This was not a good day. "It is a long story," she sighed.
Then Greyback answered, admitting that he wanted to walk with her. "Of course I would go for a walk with you," she instantly agreed and offered him a kind smile. "I like spending time with you, Greyback." Perhaps it was also because he had already seen her vulnerable several times. It helped that he had not judged her for it. She didn't need to keep a brave face with him. She kind of wanted to feel those large set of mane right now, this second. But her mind reminded her that Stark was still ill and by himself alone in a den. (Even though Val wouldn't know that soon in the future he wouldn't be there anymore) "After I am back from Morningside we can have a walk,' she promised.
Then Greyback answered, admitting that he wanted to walk with her. "Of course I would go for a walk with you," she instantly agreed and offered him a kind smile. "I like spending time with you, Greyback." Perhaps it was also because he had already seen her vulnerable several times. It helped that he had not judged her for it. She didn't need to keep a brave face with him. She kind of wanted to feel those large set of mane right now, this second. But her mind reminded her that Stark was still ill and by himself alone in a den. (Even though Val wouldn't know that soon in the future he wouldn't be there anymore) "After I am back from Morningside we can have a walk,' she promised.

October 21, 2018, 11:08 PM
Greyback was surprised that Valette opened up to him about Nikai; he didn't expect her to. He was unaware that the alpha had adoptive children and it dawned on him that perhaps didn't know much about her in the first place. It was slightly worrisome considering he had such strong feelings for her despite how little he knew. He would have to fix that.
He stood there silently, staring at her with interest as she spoke about Nikai, Keoni, pups, and Steady. The mention of the male tugged at Greyback's heart, knowing that he was close to Valette, as well as the loss of her child. Even if Greyback were to adopt he would still feel the same pain of losing children despite blood ties. "Oh Valette..." He cooed. "I'm sorry to hear that, it must be hard." He lowered his head to hers and watched as she looked saddened, wanting nothing more than to envelop her.
"Of course I would go for a walk with you."
He was surprised when she accepted his request to walk. Did she not pick up on his intentions? Greyback felt weary about it if she did. Valette had Stark, and if she knew what he meant then surely she wouldn't agree, right? He perked his ears and was about to ask if she was sure but was caught off guard by her next words.
"I like spending time with you, Greyback."
The man felt flushed once again, his body heating and the fur on his back rising with chills. She liked spending time with him! "I like spending time with you as well, Valette," He confessed, his tail wagging slightly behind him. He liked saying her name, it felt nice. "I'll be waiting diligently for you to return."
He stood there silently, staring at her with interest as she spoke about Nikai, Keoni, pups, and Steady. The mention of the male tugged at Greyback's heart, knowing that he was close to Valette, as well as the loss of her child. Even if Greyback were to adopt he would still feel the same pain of losing children despite blood ties. "Oh Valette..." He cooed. "I'm sorry to hear that, it must be hard." He lowered his head to hers and watched as she looked saddened, wanting nothing more than to envelop her.
"Of course I would go for a walk with you."
He was surprised when she accepted his request to walk. Did she not pick up on his intentions? Greyback felt weary about it if she did. Valette had Stark, and if she knew what he meant then surely she wouldn't agree, right? He perked his ears and was about to ask if she was sure but was caught off guard by her next words.
"I like spending time with you, Greyback."
The man felt flushed once again, his body heating and the fur on his back rising with chills. She liked spending time with him! "I like spending time with you as well, Valette," He confessed, his tail wagging slightly behind him. He liked saying her name, it felt nice. "I'll be waiting diligently for you to return."
October 22, 2018, 05:20 AM
(This post was last modified: October 22, 2018, 05:21 AM by RIP Valette.)
Valette offered a sad smile to the male when he spoke how hard it must have been. She dipped her head. Many were lost in her lifetime. But, she learned how to deal with it better and better. Though it would never be easy, she accepted it. She was quick to make friends and when having many friends she would experience more loss. She learned that by now.
The male looked a bit surprised when she seemed to accept the walk. Was there something more to it? She didn't think it meant in a romantic way, just Greyback opening up to her. She didn't think that he would be interested in her, especially since she was already taken. She already had a mate. However, that said mate wasn't giving her much attention due to his illness. Perhaps that was why she craved Greyback's attention. She would never suggest the walk herself since she didn't want to use him. But if he asked then she wouldn't be using him for any sort of attention, at least in her opinion.
She smiled at him, feeling a bit better hearing that he liked to spend time with her as well. Her tail wagged. Perhaps there was something more to it but she would never be able to act on it. Perhaps this was just her ego thinking that he would even like her in such way. She disliked thinking that. "I won't be gone for too long. Alright, I will prepare now," she spoke and then wished him goodbye. What she didn't know yet was that the next morning she wasn't going to leave at all.
- end -
The male looked a bit surprised when she seemed to accept the walk. Was there something more to it? She didn't think it meant in a romantic way, just Greyback opening up to her. She didn't think that he would be interested in her, especially since she was already taken. She already had a mate. However, that said mate wasn't giving her much attention due to his illness. Perhaps that was why she craved Greyback's attention. She would never suggest the walk herself since she didn't want to use him. But if he asked then she wouldn't be using him for any sort of attention, at least in her opinion.
She smiled at him, feeling a bit better hearing that he liked to spend time with her as well. Her tail wagged. Perhaps there was something more to it but she would never be able to act on it. Perhaps this was just her ego thinking that he would even like her in such way. She disliked thinking that. "I won't be gone for too long. Alright, I will prepare now," she spoke and then wished him goodbye. What she didn't know yet was that the next morning she wasn't going to leave at all.
- end -

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